everybody’s a critic.(c) BK
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Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Dan Lipman & Ron Cowen from Talkcity Chat December 10th, 2000
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Russell T. Davies December 17th, 2000
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Tony Jonas and Russell Mulcahy January 7th, 2001
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Gale Harold January 28st, 2001 (на русском queerasfolk-rus.livejournal.com/47605.html)
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Randy Harrison February 4th, 2001 (на русском queerasfolk-rus.livejournal.com/97684.html)
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Hal Sparks Chat February 11th, 2001
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Thea Gill February 18th, 2001
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Peter Paige February 25th, 2001
Transcript from Showtime LiveChat with Scott Lowell March 4th, 2001
Transcript from Showtime LiveChat with Michelle Clunie March 11th, 2001
Transcript from Showtime LiveChat with Chris Potter March 18th, 2001 (на русском qafcollection.diary.ru/p176981764.htm)
Transcript from Showtime LiveChat with Sharon Gless and Jack Wetherall April 1st, 2001
Transcript from Showtime LiveChat with Makyla Smith April 8th, 2001 (на русском qafcollection.diary.ru/p176150318.htm)
Transcript from Showtime LiveChat with Sherry Miller chat April 15th, 2001 (на русском qafcollection.diary.ru/p176709924.htm)
Transcript from Showtime LiveChat with Thea Gill April 22nd, 2001
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with S.Lowell & P.Paige June 17th, 2001 (на русском queerasfolk-rus.livejournal.com/108962.html)
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with R.Cowen & D.Lipman June 24th, 2001 (на русском queerasfolk-rus.livejournal.com/109253.html_
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Randy Harrison June 03rd, 2001 (на русском queerasfolk-rus.livejournal.com/109561.html)
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чат с Рэнди должен был 16 марта, но отменился по техническим причинам, потом был перенесен на 6 апреля, но так и не состоялся, с остальными, насколько я помню даже и анонсов про проведение не было (не знаю почему Шоутайм, или кто там, забросили это дело, но забросили, увы)

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Chat with Executive Producers Ron Cowen & Daniel Lipman
January 06, 2002
From Showtime's Queer as Folk Site
читать дальшеModerator1 Thanks for signing on for our chat with Ron Cowen and Dan Lipman, Executive Producers of Queer As Folk. Ron and Dan are the creators, writers and executive producers of the Emmy( Award winning drama series ""Sisters,"" which ran for six seasons and also received a Golden Globe nomination. Prior to that, they received an Emmy( Award for outstanding writing for their teleplay ""An Early Frost,"" which they also associate produced. This television drama also won the coveted Peabody Award and was nominated for a Golden Globe. Please welcome Ron & Dan!
Ron_Cowen We're thrilled to be back our second season! Thank you to all of the fans of Queer as Folk for returning and supporting us through the endore and reruns of the show. We hope you enjoy the second season! We have a lot of terrific stories and episodes coming up. So stay tuned.
Mark I can't tell you how much I enjoyed the show. I would like to know what issues you will be dealing with this season. Keep up the fantastic work and keep the episodes coming.
Ron_Cowen Mark, thank you for your kind words and support. It's great to have fans and supporters of the show like you. We'll be dealing with several pertinent issues that affect gay people. Issues that we have not yet addressed. We are hesitant to be specific about what they are because we don't want to spoil the storytelling. Be assured that we will continue to be concerned about all issues that affect gay people.
Dan_Lipman And also,Mark, know that along with the issues, there will be lots of humor and lots of sex, as is the Queer as Folk way.
viewer In the British version of ""QAF"", the Ted character dies from an o/d the Blake character gave him. Why'd you change that part when you brought it stateside?
Dan_Lipman Actually,the character Ted was supposed to suffer the same fate as his British counterpart. We wanted to kill him very much but we fell in love with the character and we met Scott Lowell and the combination of the two was irresistible. We gave him a reprieve and we can't imagine the show without Ted and Scott.
prkc What is the feedback of the American Series in England? Any idea?
Dan_Lipman We hear that the BBC bought the American version of Queer as Folk and will show it this coming year.
Cathyb question...Are you surprised by the HUGE amount of people who have embraced QUEER AS FOLK?
Ron_Cowen We had no idea that the show would be as popular as it is. We are also delighted that the straight audience likes the show as much as the gay audience. We are particularly pleased that women love the show.
Dan_Lipman The show has proven the success with a vast audience and we're thrilled about that.
KhuBeyah How do you feel about your strong ""Straight"" viewing audience that you have? And how did you manage to hook so many of us?
Dan_Lipman I think the audience hopefully is responding to characters that they feel invested in. Also, good stories and a great cast.
Ron_Cowen Sexual orientation of the characters comes secondary to those elements.
Major_Catch Ron, how on earth will you keep up the momentum on this ground breaking series? Are you going to bring in new writers and directors like last season?
Ron_Cowen We have some wonderful new writers helping us with the scripts. We have truly brilliant directors whose backgrounds are primarily independent film, keeping the show looking as exciting and imaginative as it looks. And we are always challenging ourselves to come up with stories that we feel are pertinent and controversial. We are also trying to deepen the emotional relationships of the characters in the second season. As they become more mature and complex, as they grow from boys to men, which we have always said is what QAF is really about. And I think that is why gay and straight people relate to the show. It doesn't matter if you're gay or straight. We are all experiencing that same journey.
CitizenKane Hello guys. I really like the celebrity promos. Would you ever permit any big-name celebrities to do any actual guest apperences on the show?
Dan_Lipman First of all, to Citizen Kane, I love your movie! We thought you were dead! We have a great Citizen Kane joke coming up, so watch out for it. It's especially for you. We have not had any name celebrities on the show because we do not want to break the reality of the show. That is not to say it couldn't happen in the future, but we haven't explored that yet. If any big name celebrities are out there and wish to be on the show, let us know! Barbra, Cher, and Bette, this means you. And Elton, too.
smitty Have you incorporated any feedback from the media and us fans into the 2nd season of QAF?
Ron_Cowen We are very interested in our fans' reactions to the show. We read the website. We are not interested particularly in what the press has to say. We feel in many cases that peoples' personal issues of being gay pass as criticism.
Dan_Lipman A lot of people want to see Queer as Folk pushed in a politically correct direction. The show is not and never will be politically correct. That does not mean that we are out to offend people but politically correctness is the death of all creativity and we are out to tell the truth, even if it's uncomfortable.
MIRA Have you had to back down per say from any certain story lines?
Dan_Lipman No, we have never been challenged on a storyline by our network, Showtime. They have always supported us in any outrageous storyline that we have come up with. And that's part of the beauty of doing the doing on Showtime. They support us in our vision and what we put on the screen is not diluted in any way.
jason_Ne If you could change one thing about the show (knowing what you know now) what would that be?
Dan_Lipman That the characters not be gay. (That's a joke!) The show exploded from the first day that we were shooting the pilot. The world existed and I don't think we would change anything about it. We are thrilled with the cast, the production, and all the wonderful people who work on the show.
Ron_Cowen The wonderful thing about doing this series as opposed to a movie or play is that every week you constantly get to explore new aspects of the characters, the story. So that anything you may have overlooked or not thought about can be addressed later on and you can develop it further.
BigPowerLifter PLEASE screener give them my message,tell them I will work for FREE.I am a PowerLifter 6'2"" 290 60""Chest,36""w 20""Arms,30""Legs,20""Calves.Thanks.
Ron_Cowen You sound gorgeous! Thank you!
Dan_Lipman You just lifted our spirits!
HeyHeyHey134 Ron and Dan, I just want to know how you handle your jobs in relation to the material of QAF. I'm studying film and know that the position of producer is such a hefty undertaking.
Dan_Lipman The way to handle the job is to work 24 hours a day. It's very grueling, very demanding, and the only thing that really helps us get through is a deep conviction and passion for the project and also knowing how much the show means to our audience.
Loveyouboth Can you comment on what each of the main actors brings to the show?
Ron_Cowen It would be a very long answer, and would take up the rest of the hour. As a group, I will say they bring intelligence, charm, humor, courage, and an unbelievable commitment to how important this show is. Gay people and also straight people have come to understand and respect this world. They are very politically committed to the work. It is more than just a job for them. They are very passionate about what we are all trying to do. The fact that we have an equally passionate audience keeps that commitment going.
Jim_G Any chance for a feature film based on the series?
Ron_Cowen As a film, QAF would probably get an NC-17 rating, which means we probably couldn't do as a film what we can do as a TV series on Showtime.
Dan_Lipman If anyone out there is listening and wants to make it in a movie, we won't toss it out of bed.
Ron_Cowen I want to see it as an IMAX movie.
Dan_Lipman What if it were animated?
mikew75 is there gonna be a music section on the new website
Dan_Lipman There is a section on the new site that says what the music is for each episode.
grace Okay, tell me, do you have a blast on the set or what? Is there one cast member in particular who is more or less the comedian?
Dan_Lipman Hi, Grace, and thank you for the question. We all have a blast on the set. We have a wonderful crew. We have a great time, a lot of fun. We are very naughty. There is a lot of camaderie, and love, and we hope that translates to the screen. Everyone in the cast has a wonderful sense of humor, especially Hal Sparks, Peter Paige, and Scott Lowell. They keep everybody amused.
Ron_Cowen My dear partner Dan, our wonderful makeup artist Steven do ""I Love Lucy"" trivia all the time and makes us laugh with their impersonations of Lucy and Ethel. A big one is ""I wanted a toaster!""
gretchandanna Are you guys going to show more of Lindsey and Melanie in series two?
Ron_Cowen Yes. Lindsay and Melanie have a much more expanded role this season. A very major story line.
cole are the really kissing?
Dan_Lipman It is done with computer generated effects. We erased their mouths and we put in computer mouths and computer tongues. And if you believe that one Yes, Cole, of course they're kissing. What do you think?
doublea I think there is a double standard in the inustry that QAF has been criticized for i' portrayal of gays as an all-sex lifestyle, yet Sex and the City wins emmys, comments?
Ron_Cowen I absolutely think there's a double standard. I think many people are very uncomfortable seeing gay people sexualized. They prefer to see them as we have said in other interviews, as clowns or eunichs or comedic figures or people who have no sex lives. Even though our characters have full, rich, complex sexual lives, that's only a part of who they are, only a part of the story. People always seem to focus entirely on that alone, which in my mind reveals how very uncomfortable they are with that aspect of gay life.
lyla3 Can you explain the departure of Dr David? I think he added a diff flavor to the show. I will miss him
Ron_Cowen Dr. David had some very interesting aspects of gay life for the show through his relationship with Michael. But Michael is going to have a very interesting relationship with someone else this season which will always show some very interesting aspects of gay life which haven't been seen before. And some very interesting issues we have not dealt with that we feel are very important.
firestarter Do you have a lot of people telling you that the show has made an impact in their lives?
Dan_Lipman Firestarter, you just ignited us! One of the great rewards of doing the show for us is having people say how much the show affects them. There are many people who have never seen their lives on TV from week to week. A good example of this is last season, there was a letter on the website. Someone wrote in, "Until QAF, I always felt like a sideshow. Now I feel like a main attraction." I remember this everyday at work and it means a great deal to Ron and to me. We appreciate our audience very much.
Syk Do any of the actors/actresses get a chance to ad lib or help develope the storylines with the writers?
Ron_Cowen Sometimes the actors will make suggestions for line changes, which we certainly consider. Sometimes they have ideas for storylines. For the most part, I would say that the actors are not that involved in the writing side of the show. We don't let our writers act!
babsthunder First off, absolutely smashing job!! Second, I was wondering if you were going to address Brian's relationship with his family in light of what happened.
Ron_Cowen Thank you Babsthunder. We are doing a very interesting storyline with Brian's family later on in the season. It's personally one of my favorite episodes and I look forward to seeing it. I look forward to you seeing it.
mark6 Any chance of the British cast making cameo appearances?
Dan_Lipman This is something we wanted very much to do, and so did Russell T Davies, the creator of the British QAF. And we were going to write this episode together, Ron and Dan and Russell, because we are great friends and great fans of each other's work. We wanted the boys from Britain to meet the boys from Pittsburgh. Unfortunately, we could not work it out with the British cast, so this will forever be a fantasy episode, so think about it, imagine it, and enjoy it.
HomerWells Was anything special done for the dvd set? i would love to see the interactions between the actors
Dan_Lipman Thank you, Homer, for the question. The DVD is wonderful, beautifully packaged by Showtime, with a lot of goodies. The shows themselves look sensational in wide screen. The special edition episodes are on it, with special interviews of the producers and the cast. Hal Sparks presents deleted scenes, never cut, and bloopers, also known as a gag reel. That's what on this last season's DVD. Perhaps next season's DVD, we'll try to have more actor interaction.
mrbb Will episodes in the new season be aired in Widescreen at all? It was so nice to see reruns of the 1st season in widescreen!
Dan_Lipman Yes. The show looks spectacular in wide screen. And we believe that the encore presentation the second season will be in wide screen on Tuesday nights at 11PM on Showtime.
hipchickla What does Russell Davies think about the directions you have been taking the series? It's quite different from the British QAF
Ron_Cowen Russell is our number one fan. He writes us these very long love letters. He keeps us going. There is no way to tell you how important his support is to us because he certainly did not have to give it. The fact that he thinks our American QAF is wonderful is one of the greatest joys of doing this show. To honor his work.
Dan_Lipman You must remember that starting with the bris in episode 3 last season, we departed almost immediately from the British show, so most of the American show has been completely different from the British version.
DiaKinney I think QAF is the best television show ever made. I hope this hasn't been asked already, but do you recieve a lot of negative responses from those who don't understand the show?
Ron_Cowen What a wonderful thing to say Dia! Are you related to Brian? He's also a Kinney. Yes, we receive a lot of criticism. We expected to because of the nature of the show, and because it can be pretty extreme. It is controversial by nature. A lot of the criticism we receive seems to reflect a certain discomfort that some people have with the subject matter. But even moreso with themselves. A lot of gay people seem to take issue with the show because it's telling things and showing things that they are uncomfortable with. Things they may be afraid for other people to see or that they are not comfortable with in themselves.
Joel617 When will you guys say...OK, we've done enough shows. Exit with GLORY!?
Ron_Cowen I think we will know when we have reached that point. We don't feel it yet because we feel there are more stories to be told and more aspects of the characters to discover. But I agree with you that a series should know when to end gracefully and not go beyond its time.
Dan_Lipman More importantly, Joel, are 617 your measurements?
Ron_Cowen And on that typical QAF remark, thank you. We would like to thank everyone for sharing this conversation. It has been very rewarding for us and we hope for you guys too.
Dan_Lipman Keep us posted as to what you think of the second season. We hope you enjoy it. A lot of work, thought, blood and passion have gone into it. But you guys are worth it! We love you. Thank you.
Moderator1 Thank you for chatting with Ron Cowen and Dan Lipman. We hope you've enjoyed the chat and the season premiere of QAF. Tune in to SHOWTIME next Sunday, January 13 at 10pm ET/PT for an all-new episode. Keep visiting the all-new queer.SHO.com for more insight into QAF, and come back next Sunday to chat with Thea Gill who plays ""Lindsay."" The chat room will open at 10pm ET (7pm PT) so that you can chat with other QAF fans during the episode! If you missed tonight's season premiere, tune in to SHOWTIME on Tuesday at 11pm ET/PT to catch the encore play. Keep visiting the all-new queer.SHO.com for more insight into QAF, and come back next Sunday to chat with Thea Gill who plays ""Lindsay."" The chat room will open at 10pm ET (7pm PT) so that you can chat with other QAF fans during the episode! See you next time! Copyright (c)2001, Showtime Networks, Inc. All rights reserved
Chat with Robert Gant, "Ben"
March 10, 2002
From Showtime's Queer as Folk Site
читать дальшеModerator1 Welcome everyone! Thanks for signing on for our chat with Robert Gant. Robert plays "Ben" on Queer As Folk. Robert began acting in television commercials at the age of ten and at eleven was a part of Bob Hope's USO tour. Following high school, Robert pursued law at Georgetown Law School but continued to perform in numerous theatrical productions. After graduating he moved to Los Angeles to work for a law firm, but soon after their Los Angeles office closed. Taking that as a sign, he decided to focus all of his time on his acting and has been working ever since. Robert was most recently seen on the WB's "Popular" as the eccentric vice principal. His other television work includes guest-starring roles on "Friends," "Caroline in the City," "Veronica's Closet," "Becker," "Melrose Place" and "Ellen." He also appeared in the independent film "The Contract." Welcome to our QAF chats for a first time, Robert. Let's get started and talk about the ninth episode of season two!
Robert_Gant I'm really excited to be doing this chat tonight. And looking forward to talking to everyone. So hi everybody! Let's get started.
Marion You're handsome Robert, what made you join the qaf cast?
Robert_Gant I was really excited about the opportunity to take part in a show that ... is not only entertaining but that is groundbreaking. And that will mean and has meant so much for so many people. I became aware that a great deal of change was occurring as a result of the show ... and I was excited to be a part of it.
Lance31inSWWash Rob - your character and work is great on QAF - what response have you received since you are the only functioning/sexually active HIV+ character on TV?
Robert_Gant Lance, the response has been pretty extraordinary. I have gotten many emails and phone calls and had people come up to me in the gym ... and elsewhere to share their appreciation for the storyline and for Ben and Michael's relationship. And also their concerns. Their fears. The reaction has been extremely broad. But almost invariably good. It's made me really more and more grateful to be a part of this as I get to talk to people. And as they show me how much what Ben's walking through means to them.
CAstroboy What has been the most demanding aspect of portraying Ben thus far for your as an actor?
Robert_Gant You as an audience have yet to see some of the journey that Ben will experience. And it's at times quite a wild ride. It's been emotionally challenging. I've had to really dig to do justice to some of the painful experiences that Ben is walking through. I've had to do a lot of meditating afterwards to come back out of it. The hardest thing has been coming back from it. As an actor, my job is to have the experience. To actually walk through the things that Ben is walking through in that moment or in that scene. And so if I'm doing my job, I'm going through some really painful stuff on occasion. And sometimes I'm not as good as I'd like to be at getting back to a peaceful place. Getting back to Bobby. Sometimes it takes me a couple of days. And I've really had an emotional spill-over from just digging through the morass of emotions I've had to dig through.
steve Robert: Being on a show that is so "raw" is there anything that you would not consider doing?
Robert_Gant I guess the litmus test for me in my life and thus in my work, is, "does it cause me to feel respect for myself?" And "does it show respect for others?" I guess if something failed that litmus test, I probably wouldn't do it. Or at least I'd put up a hell of a fight. Sometimes there is some full-on frontal nudity on the show. And I'm not sure what I think about that! We'll just have to wait and see.
indygary did you (robert) know you were going to be topless in every episode?
Robert_Gant No, I didn't know. And it hasn't been every episode. I have to give the writers credit. Being without clothes and topless is certainly a part of the show. It's actually not been gratuitous. And I wasn't sure whether that would be the case or not before I signed on. But the reality is that the producers and writers are incredibly respectful. And constantly aware of that balance. I think they push the envelope, which is a wonderful thing. But I don't think they really cross the line in an inappropriate way. They really care about the show. And before I got the part, I started doing tons of spin classes. I became an aerobic fanatic when I realized that I was probably going to have to bare so much to all of America.
kristal Robert I noticed you had a six pack, how in the world do you achieve such beauty?
Robert_Gant Well Kristal, obviously you received that $20 in the mail. Thank you for making sure to get that question through. I will definitely pass along your comment to my mom. I know she will be extremely appreciative since she's the source. But the truth is, I was a really fat kid. And at some point along the way, it became really important to me to care for my body. In the early stages it probably had more to do with feeling "less than." And it has moved fortunately into a place in which it is fueled by my desire to nurture myself. I can't stress the cardio enough.
GeorgeFromNJ who is your favorite singer? / favorite type of music?
Robert_Gant George, the truth is that I don't think that I have a favorite. I hate to take that "out", but I'm one of those guys who loves so many different types of music. My dad used to listen to everything when I was a kid. From 50's music to Bob Marley to country. I used to sing classically as a kid, so I love so many different kinds of music. Music is definitely an important part of my life. In fact, had I not decided to become an actor, I probably would have pursued some sort of musical career.
ericmsguy Robert, have you done any broadway work?
Robert_Gant You know, you really struck a chord there! I've done a lot of musical theatre growing up. In fact right before I got QAF, I was cast as the lead in the national touring company of "Music Man." As Professor Harold Hill. I had to fly to New York to meet Susan Strohman, who is the big producer on Broadway responsible for Contact and The Music Man revival. And The Producers. And it was this amazing experience. She had very kind things to say and said, "You're going to be great on the tour." And not a week later, they announced that the tour was going to be made non-Equity. Which is a new trend in touring companies and there was a huge outrage. Picketing. And Equity spoke with me and asked me not to do the show. I have to tell you that playing Harold Hill has been my greatest dream since I was a little boy. And it was such a painful thing letting go of that dream. That was one of those moments when I looked within and kind of listened and realized that passing on the show ... was the right thing to do. And lo and behold, within a month, I got the role of Ben. After a pretty arduous audition process. And as amazing as I'm sure that would have been ... this has been the most extraordinary experience of my acting career. And one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life. So it only reinforces my belief in trusting one's intuition. Trusting the universe. Trusting God. You can say it however you want to say it. They're really the same thing.
Jonathan63 Robert, Do you feel that hollywood places a stigma on actors that play a gay role?
Robert_Gant I think to the extent that Hollywood has placed a stigma on actors playing gay roles in the past ... fear was at the root. Producers, at the end of the day, want to make money. They want to know that they'll sell tickets. And that they will get viewers. And what has proven true in recent years and particularly within the last year or so ... is that stories about gay people and shows with some amount or even a great amount of gay content ... have been enormously successful. So I think the stigma is fast disappearing. It's a natural part of the process. I think we're all evolving as a culture. I applaud Hollywood in that it's very often at the forefront of furthering that evolution. I guess again, at the end of the day, I know I'll be taken care of. And I'll get just the roles I'm supposed to get. What I know about taking this role personally is that I am proud to be playing Ben. And proud to be a part of the show.
redisetgo Robert, what town were you born? Grew up? schooled for acting?
Robert_Gant I was born and raised in Tampa, FL. Lived there until I was 18 years old. Went to Jesuit High and then Chamberlin High School. Did lots of performing along the way. Then I went to Philadelphia to go to undergrad at the Univ. of Pennsylvania. Did a lot of singing and performing there as well. Then spent 3 years in D.C. in law school at Georgetown. Snuck in a little more singing and performing there too. Then headed to L.A. to work for a Chicago-based firm. It's the largest firm in the world, but their L.A. office had all sorts of in-fighting and attrition. A number of problems. And very shortly after I arrived they announced they were folding. Which was a dream come true for me. Because they gave me a big old severance package. And I immediately started sneaking out on auditions. Booked my first national commercials. I did a lot of commercials with kids. I think that was the one thing that caused me to be bitten by the bug. Maybe. Actually, probably not. But it was in the mix. And I started working with Howard Fine. Who is a phemonenal instructor. Studied with him for a number of years. He's pretty much solely responsible for my growth as an actor since I arrived in L.A.
nycguy Robert you're a very good basketball player. Who's your favorite team?
Robert_Gant The Magic of Hollywood! Truth be told, I'm a horrible basketball player. It's the one sport that I had pretty much never played before I got the sсript ... which said that I was to be an ace basketball player on the court. So, I can't say that I actually have a favorite team. The Tampa Bay Bucks are definitely my favorite football team. There's a great guy at the YMCA. He's actually the guy who heads up the program at the local Y. And he was a former basketball pro, Sean Parker. And in a few days he was able to transform me. Fortunately, I have played other sports so I was able to sneak out a few moves.
Aradia How did you get the part on the show?
Robert_Gant As I mentioned before, it was a really grueling process. Grueling only because it took so long. It took about a month. From the time that I got the breakdown for the character ... which is the casting description that is sent across town ... until the day that I was actually awarded the role ... it was about a month-long period. And they were casting in L.A., New York, Canada. But it's one of those roles that I just had a gut feeling about. From the time I read the description, I sort of had a feeling that this was going to happen. It's strange, really. It's that intuition and universe thing again. Just continually beating me over the head to just trust. And look what happened!@ I had a lot of callbacks and had to fly to Toronto to meet the producers. And then even after all that, had to meet with Hal to make sure we had chemistry.
bostonheart Do you enjoy doing the group scenes, or the one on one with Hal Sparks
Robert_Gant I'm assuming you mean group scenes and one-on-one in the platonic sense. In which case, I don't really have a preference. The group scenes tend to be more fun. And the one-on-one scenes are more intimate. Although, I am dealing with one hell of a standup comic, so the one-on-ones tend to be pretty darned hilarious.
tmooney Is Hal Sparks the "class clown" of the cast members? If not who is?
Robert_Gant Hal definitely gets the award! The guy has got a natural gift for comedy. It just pops out of him. Continuing to amaze me and I think most of the other crew members. He's a really good guy. I'm very lucky to be working with him.
noraht318 what is it like working with such a great cast?
Robert_Gant I've worked on a lot of different sets and with a lot of great individuals and groups of people, performers and otherwise. But the cast and crew at QAF definitely stand apart. I think because of the nature of the show, there is more to being a part of this than taking a paycheck. The show obviously means a lot to a lot of people and I think that the producers have sort of set a tone that ... trickles down through the crew and cast, which is one of kindness and diligence. People work hard. The cast works really hard. And we all have a really good time doing it.
phoebes99 How fun was it to guest on an episode of "Friends"?
Robert_Gant Guesting on Friends was a turning point of sorts in my career. Because it was such a big show and I was a little intimidated. But the cast could not have been nicer to me. It was sort of like walking through a dorm hallway. Each person's door was open and you got such a clear sense of who the person was by what you glimpsed as you walked by. Jennifer's room was very neat and beautiful with flowers. And Lisa's room was a little more disheveled but the table was completely cleared except for a lit candle right in the center. I had a great time on the show. Everybody worked hard there. It was fun.
BostonJava Did you do anything special for your professorial role?
Robert_Gant Honestly, I didn't have to do a lot. I was an English major in undergrad. I've always been something of a bibliophile. So being a professor of gay studies or comparative literature seemed a fairly natural segueway.
catwoman Do you prefer drama or comedy? Have you done comedy?
Robert_Gant I've done mostly comedy. Lots of sitcoms. And even one-hour comedy on Popular. And I have to say that I'm really enjoying the drama a lot more. That probably has to do with the fact that I've been so inundated with the comedy side of things./ Truth be told, I've had a great time doing comedy. It's just a breath of fresh air to get to do stuff that is so grounded and feels like it really means something. I love playing that.
anutternate Well Mr. Gant I hope you are in this show for the long haul... it is good to have a strong character relationship portrayed for a change... what if anything would you like seen added to the series?
Robert_Gant I think the show does a really wonderful job of covering a lot of bases, insofar as it juggles comedy and drama and does it really well -- which is really difficult. I think that things have emerged in the show through a natural evolutionary process. And I'm sure that more things will continue to emerge. I think I'd just like to see those things happen organically. But I think the show is right on track.
Queerbaby If you can give someone any advice to be an actor or actress, what would it be?
Robert_Gant As with anything, you just have to proceed with complete passion. And be honest with yourself as to the reason that you're pursuing what you're pursuing. And be honest with yourself when it ceases to really be your passion. I've given everything I have to making this dream really come alive and at the same time ... it's really important to maintain a sense of balance. You need to take care of yourself along the way, because ultimately you are your product. So self-nurture is really important. Therapy is a really, really great thing. As my acting instructor always says, "Your problems in life are invariably your problems on the stage." So to the extent that you can work out those things that block you in your life, you will be working those things out ... in your work as an actor. Just give it everything you've got if it's really what you want.
LolaHaze You mentioned being a bibliophile. Who are some of your favorite authors?
Robert_Gant As much as I am a bibliophile, this is still a tough question. Because like music, I have very eclectic tastes. I just finished reading The Hobbit, which I hadn't read since 9th grade. And it was a real treat. I loved his use of the language and I guess that's what I look for. I also read a lot of spiritual literature. I'm a huge fan of Conversations with God. But I love a good thriller. I've read lots of Grisham's books. I like the fun stuff and I like the intellectual stuff. Not that intellectual can't be fun.
dwayne what is the one tv show you would like to make a guest appenence on?
Robert_Gant Right now, I probably would most like to do a guest spot on Six Feet Under or Will & Grace.
snogit what do you do when you're not on the set or preparing for acting?
Robert_Gant I'm a writer. I have a writing partner. We write screenplays. We're just finishing our third feature. Which is a romantic comedy. I'm really excited about it. And as soon as I can tell you more, I will. I work out a lot. Obviously, I love to read. I'm really getting into the computer thing ... finally. After resisting it for a long time. After vowing never to get a PDA. And I'm really having fun learning how to do it all ... getting into the whole computer thing.
PhantomMagic You seem to be a lot like your character on QAF... I guess the whole "universe" concept really worked out. Do you feel you've reached a high goal?
Robert_Gant I'm not sure if you mean as an actor or as an individual. So I'll quickly respond to both. It's really important to me as a person to grow and evolve as fully as I can. I'm very invested in that. It's actually fun for me, believe it or not. And life just gets much more enjoyable as a result of it. As I am less and less haunted by the voices of the past. So in that sense, I'm definitely achieving a higher goal, if you will. And yes, the same is true with my acting. The more I'm able to dig inside of myself and reveal that on the screen ... the more I am achieving that higher goal and certainly with my character ... I'm getting to play a part that resonates so deeply with people. And a character who says so many things that I believe in. I guess that's about as close as I can come right now to achieving that higher goal. I just want to say that this has really been fun! I really had a good time. And I really look forward to getting to know you guys even more through Ben and hope we get to do this again soon.
Moderator1 Thank you for chatting with Robert Gant. We hope you've enjoyed the chat and the ninth episode of season two of QAF. Tune in to SHOWTIME next Sunday, March 17 at 10pm ET/PT for an all-new episode. Keep visiting the all-new queer.SHO.com for more insight into QAF, and come back next Sunday to chat with Sharon Gless who plays "Debbie." The chat room will open at 10pm ET (7pm PT) so that you can chat with other QAF fans during the episode! If you missed tonight's episode, tune in to SHOWTIME on Monday at 10pm ET/PT or Tuesday at 11pm ET/PT to catch the encore play. See you next time! The chat room will be closing in two minutes, but you can head on over to the message boards and share your thoughts about this weeks episode.
Chat with Michelle Clunie, "Melanie"
February 17, 2002
From Showtime's Queer as Folk Site
читать дальшеModerator1 Welcome everyone! Thanks for signing on for our chat with Michelle Clunie. Michelle plays "Melanie" on QAF. Michelle has several TV credits to her name, including "The Jeff Foxworthy Show" and "ER." Her film debut was in the popular and critically acclaimed "The Usual Suspects." Michelle recently completed the SHOWTIME original movie "Damaged Care," playing Laura Dern's nemesis, Gemma Combs. She also spent last summer's hiatus touring with the critically acclaimed "The Vagina Monologues." She is not only a trained actor, but has also trained for seven years as a ballet dancer with the Academy of Professional Ballet. Welcome back to our QAF chats for a second time, Michelle. Let's get started and talk about the seventh episode of season two!
Michelle_Clunie Hi everybody! Thanks for joining us. I hope you're enjoying the second season. And it's exciting to have the opportunity to answer some questions.
Hyacinthetic How did you go from Dancing to Acting? Do you liek one more than the other? I LOVE you on the show BTW!
Michelle_Clunie Hi! I danced from the time I was 5 years old. And acted as well. And I lean towards acting because I felt I could more fully express myself. And I still dance and enjoy it quite a bit.
NYC-Skye Hi Michelle. Do you miss dancing or do you get a chance to strust your stuff during the show's hiatus?
Michelle_Clunie Hi NYC Skye. I dance all the time, every chance I get. But now I do it for myself. And because I enjoy the movement. I especially love salsa dance. And I find that to be a big release for me.
sillygirl Michelle, now after the time you have spent on QAF, what have you learned from Melanie and what has Melanie learned from you?
Michelle_Clunie Hey Sillygirl! Melanie has brought up many questions in my life that deal with people having the freedom to love who they want to love. And being on this show has made me want to fight for other peoples' freedom to love. And has opened up my eyes as to what other people go through. It has brought deep compassion into my life. Which was always there, but now it's just stronger and more awake in me.
NeocronNV How do you feel your role as Melanie has affected your views and opinions of the gay/lesbian community?
Michelle_Clunie I feel as though playing Melanie has allowed me to express at times feelings that I find ... several of my friends in a similar position in their lives have gone through and/or felt. So in that way, it's an honor for me to play Melanie. And it's very personal to me.
mira306 first off i wanna say you are one of my fave characters, i was just wondering what your personal view is on same sex marriages?
Michelle_Clunie Hi Mira. My point of view is very simple: They should be legal and recognized in the eyes of the government as having the same rights ... as heterosexual marriages. Until we get to that point, I feel as though we are living in the stone age.
moonbutt Michelle, did you ever imagine that QAF would be as popular as it is proving to be?
Michelle_Clunie Hi ya Moonbutt! I never imagined the success of the show going into it. But I hope and I believe that we will find in the years to come that the show ... will have had an impact on the way people think and feel towards others that are different from themselves. And I also see that the letters I receive are in the second season, coming from ... people that were very conservative and hypocritical and are thanking the show for opening their eyes. I received letters just last week from people that some might label "bible thumpers" ... saying that they are now joining groups that support gay and lesbian and admitting that they can't believe ... how closed-minded they used to be. So I think it will continue, and I hope it will continue.
tiggertoo Do you think the show show's a positive or negative look at promiscuity, especially with Gale's character?
Michelle_Clunie I don't think in terms of "right" or "wrong", "bad" or "good." Only in that we create from a place of looking at truth and human nature. I think that you can have a show about cute straight girls having the same promiscuity ... and it's applauded and awarded. Yet when a gay man or a gay male character acts the same way, people place a negative connotation on it. Therefore, I ask, "does the judgment have homophobia in it?" I think it does.
SweetAlice Does it ever bother you that the show seems to promote the usage of recreational drugs?
Michelle_Clunie That's a tough question. I think that falls into political correctness, that question. I think it's very hard to create when you come from a place of focusing on being "PC". If you focus too strongly on that, I don't know how anyone wakes up in the morning and creates ... or goes to their job for that matter. I find very few things in the world completely and totally politically correct. And if we were to analyze everything based on that, there would be very few billboards ... or ads or TV or movies. So that's just a very tough question. I could take an honest look at this and say that at least people are being educated ... about a particular world and maybe certain people will be turned off to it. Or they will understand more what they are getting into.
Maveric_Denver What kind of ideas or feelings do you take from your own life and put into your characters?
Michelle_Clunie I try to take everything I know from my life and from my experiences and place it into my character. I try to look around me and take everything I see and put that in there as well. I think that's what an actor does and that's all they have. Is their own personal experiences and what they observe of life. And at the end of the day, that's my job. Is to take the story line I'm given and infuse it with a sensitivity and love and basic human pathologies as well.
Michael27 michelle, do you feel uncomfortable at times with the persona of your character? or is it fun to get to be that "b*tchy"?
Michelle_Clunie I never knew Melanie was that bitchy. I find it funny when people say that. I try to look at her as someone with a strong point of view. And someone who doesn't whitewash things. And that's all I can say to that, because I never, ever think bitchy when I'm playing the role.
sara932 hey michelle i just wanna say your my favorite character on the show...i wanna know if you are gay and if not do you find it hard to play a gay person on the show?
Michelle_Clunie No, I don't find it hard playing a gay person even though I'm not.
Starrchild Do you feel that media today focuses too much on sex or sexuality?
Michelle_Clunie I think people have always focused on sex, sexuality, love ... not just the media today. People have written poems about sex. Shakespeare had sex in all of his plays. I think sex and love are a huge part of what humans deal with on an everyday basis. I don't agree with the way the media handles sex. But it's just part of our lives as humans. And there's no getting around it. So, maybe it's good to just rip the cover off of it explore it in a very broad way.
Siren Melanie....me and my girlfriend love the show and especially your character. Its nice to see a realistic portrayal of lesbians and the way we really do live!
Michelle_Clunie Thank you. That's what I'm striving for and it makes me very happy if you feel as though I've achieved that in any way.
annaandgretchen Where did you study acting and what words of would you give to someone trying to make it in acting?
Michelle_Clunie I studied with Milton Katselas. My only advice would be to follow your heart and throw your passion and everything you have into it. And make a strong decision that it's really what you want to do. I would say 80% of the time is spent dealing with things that have nothing to do with the actual act ... of creating and acting. But for the 80% that you spend dealing with other things, you are rewarded with the 20% of golden time ... when you are actually to do your craft. "when you are actually able to do your craft."
hairfairy02 do you ever tire of the constant "are you gay?" question?
Michelle_Clunie Thank you for your question. I do tire of it. Only in so much that I'm looking toward the world where that question doesn't matter and doesn't exist. A world where people simply ask "who's your partner"? Not, "who's your girlfriend" or "boyfriend?" A world where we place more emphasis on the quality of love and peace ... and less emphasis on judgment and hate and prejudice. That to me is a dream.
Radical_Edward Why did you decide to work on the show?
Michelle_Clunie I decided to work on the show because I felt it was important. And I love the character. And I love the sсript. And I talked with Dan and Ron and I fell in love with them as producers and creators. And I had turned down other work that was not fulfilling to me anymore. I believe I made a space in my life where this job was able to come in.
Rowann Hi Michelle! We all love your character Melanie! Did you find touring with The Vagina Monologues difficult at all?
Michelle_Clunie Thank you Rowann. I didn't have any difficulty touring with The Vagina Monologues. It's another piece that has brought enlightenment to people. And it was wonderful to be on stage and be able to look out in the audience ... and see people getting in touch with their emotions and feelings right there in front of you. It was a wonderful experience.
jackie hi michelle i'm a big fan of the show and you. will you be doing any films?
Michelle_Clunie Thank you so much Jackie. I have no future plans that are set right now. But I am reading and I'm looking at a few things that may interest me.
JeanniezArt What is your all time favorite movie?
Michelle_Clunie I have so many favorite movies. I love The Last Tango in Paris. I love Chasing Amy. I love Julie and Donkey Boy. I also love L'Ventura. But the one movie that constantly inspires me whenever I get lost is 8-1/2.
Suzanne Michelle, what sparked your first role to lead into show businees?
Michelle_Clunie My first actual paying job was a Crest toothpaste commercial for MTV. And I played a 15-year old. I think I was 21 at the time.
flutter101 How do you think your role as "melanie" has changed your acting possibilities??
Michelle_Clunie I don't know how it's changed my acting possibilities. I don't really think of it like that. I've played several characters in the past and I see her as one of the characters I have created. I'll create more. But she has her own spot in my heart. And when I'm done playing her I will miss her.
digger michelle, how much input do you have on the story topic or viewpoint?
Michelle_Clunie After we read the sсript, we have an opportunity to talk with Dan and Ron, our producers/writers. To fine-tune certain things. And they are kind enough to allow us to do that. I suggest things and sometimes they use my suggestions and sometimes they don't. But they are by far the most open producers I have ever worked for. I enjoy the collaboration. But at the end of the day, I'm an actor for hire and it's my job ... to infuse the story line with the life force of Melanie and to make her real. And to have it make sense. And it's fun! It's a fun process.
chiboy Do you think "Hollywood" is homophobic. Specifically as it relates to the number of actors who auditioned for the show was limited because of the stigma?
Michelle_Clunie It's a sweeping generalization to say that Hollywood is homophobic. But I would say they, like the rest of the country, still are clinging to old ideas from the last millennium. And now as we push forward into the new millennium, I hope that people will start to wake up ... and take an honest look at themselves, individually and at the hypocritical feelings ... that are inside of them. I try constantly to look truthfully at myself. And it's not an easy thing to do.
girl4guinness how did your friends/family react to you telling them that you've accepted a role on queer as folk?
Michelle_Clunie I called up my mom the day that I booked the job. And told her about the show and what it was about. She was thrilled, she was laughing, and she was so happy for me. Because she felt as though it would be an important part of TV. But she's an amazing woman. I call her the Buddha of Portland, OR. Everyone around me acted extremely happy. But I also only surround myself with people who are working on a more enlightened plane.\ That has to do with love and enlightenment and pushing forward. I would say we are very close off-screen. As we get busier with more success, it can be more of a challenge getting us all in the same room. But we recently just got together this weekend and it's a joy to be with this group of people. And I still call them my Toronto family. As we move towards the end of our second season up here, there is still so much love and it makes me very proud of us as a group of people. Some people said to us, "Oh, in the 2nd season, you might not all like each other." I just laugh at those people because I only find that I love my cast members more. But then it's a very special group to me.
jam Melanie, do you find yourself being strongly affected by the seriousness of some of the issues?
Michelle_Clunie I am very affected by the seriousness of some of the issues. I find that it's a fine line that I walk playing Melanie. I've had letters from people that say I'm their role model. And yet, I'm not interested in putting my character on a pedestal. And I find a conflict in myself as far as what degree of responsibility do I have. I take these things into consideration and they affect me a great deal. I think it's a very precarious position to be in. But I think at the end of the day, that the more questions that we raise and the more ... human pathologies that we uncover and shine a light on and explore ... the better we will all be for it.
DonfromChicago Hi Michelle, How long were you an actress before you got this part?
Michelle_Clunie I have been on stage since I was 6, but I started getting paid to act about 10 years ago.
mike22chi have any family or friends came out of the closet to you do to you role and understanding on the show?
Michelle_Clunie None of my family or friends have come out of the closet to me. But a dear friend of mine recently came out of the closet to his parents. And I offered him strength throughout the process. And validated his courage. I find I have a lot of strangers coming up to me, coming out of the closet about their entire sex life. I find there are a lot of people out there that want to talk about sex and love and homosexuality and bisexuality ... and all sorts of topics and they feel safe coming up to me on the streets and talking about it. I find that very interesting. To say the least!
queerfansX8 what advice do you think of a young woman unsure about her sexuality should take from your show?
Michelle_Clunie First I want to say that I hope I don't steer you in the wrong direction ... because ultimately only you can answer that question. And with that preface and having let myself off the hook ... I would say that you should follow your heart. Not be afraid to explore your own sexuality as long as you are safe and you don't put yourself in a position to be harmed. But I do feel that a woman has a right to explore her sexuality just as much as a man. And to not be afraid of that. Sexuality is tied in with your creativity and very often government will try to control a nation's sexuality ... because it is tied in with several other things like creativity and point of view and independence. So live, but be safe.
dawner michelle, you sound so passionate about these issues you have spoke about, you are doing a great job portray melonie.. keep up the good work We are totally in love with her. And you...
Michelle_Clunie That is very sweet and nice to hear. I hope that that passion is contagious. I hope everyone in the world could be passionate about human rights and peace and love. And 1968 lives!
ninfem michelle, do you practice buddhism?
Michelle_Clunie I don't practice, but I've read books on it, and I have taken a few ideas from it. I have a hodgepodge of religion and I pull from all different sorts of religion and art to create my own point of view. I find it fascinating and have several books on it at home.
kim507 Have you read any of Deepak Chopra's works?
Michelle_Clunie Yes, I have read some of his books. The one I have next to my desk is the 7 Spiritual Laws for Success. I find his books very enlightening.
Jovita Michelle I just want to comment on how a wonderful performance you put into your character, I feel the passion, pain, and happiness, it's unlike any other show
Michelle_Clunie Thank you! That's really sweet. I love working on this show and I don't watch much TV, so I don't know what's really out there. But I know I love this show and working on it. I'm glad to hear that you love the show too.
silver Will your character and Lindsay have a little more air time this season?? It seems like last season you two were on about five minutes of every show!!
Michelle_Clunie I think it's apparent that we've had more airtime thus far and will have even more airtime throughout the season. Thank you for caring about our airtime!
r2 Do you think Lyndsi parents will ever come a round at least a little
Michelle_Clunie I don't know what the future holds for Lindsay's parents, but I think you can ... somewhat tell that they're pretty repressed people. They have so many walls up towards Melanie and Lindsay's life style that it will not be a simple process.
swflaboy What are your ambitions as an actor?
Michelle_Clunie Thank you for your question. My ambitions are to seek out and find projects to be a part of that explore and enlighten and educate people ... about human nature and about themselves. That also entertain. To really make people feel and to wake them up. And if I can accomplish this, I'm very happy. Especially if I can accomplish it on a large scale. I think that as an actor, I try to think about Thoreau says: "We must all connect." So I try to find material I connect with on a spiritual level. And I want to work with people I connect with. And if everything is working, hopefully the audience will be able to connect as well. It's all about connection.
Cathy What has been the hardest episode to do so far, for you? And do you have a favorite episode?
Michelle_Clunie The hardest episode is one I haven't shot yet. It will start shooting next week. And I already know it will be my hardest episode to do. As far as my favorite episode, that's very hard to say. I just watched the 3rd episode from the pilot from last season. And I laughed when I was watching the bris scene because I remember what we were all going through while shooting that ... and coming together for the first time. This season, my favorite episode I think will be #11. For reasons that are dear to my heart.
Tracy Michelle, where do you call home?
Michelle_Clunie I now call home Toronto. But when I go back to L.A. this summer, I'll call home L.A. But the older I get, the more I see Oregon as my real home. And I do see myself maybe some day going back there and having a ranch or something funky and natural ... with lots of animals and children.
moreismore If you could have person guest star on the show who would it be?
Michelle_Clunie I would have to say k.d. lang and Margaret Cho. Maybe they could be Siamese Twins or something and turn them into one person!
Jess Do you have any plans for this hiatus?
Michelle_Clunie The only plan I have right now is to get up tomorrow and shoot the next episode. This hiatus, I have no plans, as of yet. But just to get back to L.A., palm trees and some sunshine. It's too far in the future to think about that. Thanks to everyone for writing in. There were some very interesting questions. And I thank you all for your support for the show. Keep watching. And have a wonderful week!
Moderator1 Thank you for chatting with Michelle Clunie. We hope you've enjoyed the chat and the seventh episode of season two of QAF. Keep visiting queer.SHO.com for more insight into QAF, and come back next Sunday, February 24 to chat with other Queer As Folk fans. The chat room will open at 10pm ET (7pm PT) so that you can chat with other QAF fans during the episode and afterward until 11:30pm ET (8:30pm PT)! If you missed tonight's episode, tune in to SHOWTIME on Tuesday at 11pm ET/PT to catch the encore play. See you next time! The chat room will be closing in two minutes, but you can head on over to the message boards and share your thoughts about this weeks episode. The chat room is now closed. Thanks for joining in on tonight's chat. Copyright (c)2002, Showtime Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Dan Lipman & Ron Cowen from Talkcity Chat December 10th, 2000
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Russell T. Davies December 17th, 2000
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Tony Jonas and Russell Mulcahy January 7th, 2001
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Gale Harold January 28st, 2001 (на русском queerasfolk-rus.livejournal.com/47605.html)
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Randy Harrison February 4th, 2001 (на русском queerasfolk-rus.livejournal.com/97684.html)
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Hal Sparks Chat February 11th, 2001
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Thea Gill February 18th, 2001
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Peter Paige February 25th, 2001
Transcript from Showtime LiveChat with Scott Lowell March 4th, 2001
Transcript from Showtime LiveChat with Michelle Clunie March 11th, 2001
Transcript from Showtime LiveChat with Chris Potter March 18th, 2001 (на русском qafcollection.diary.ru/p176981764.htm)
Transcript from Showtime LiveChat with Sharon Gless and Jack Wetherall April 1st, 2001
Transcript from Showtime LiveChat with Makyla Smith April 8th, 2001 (на русском qafcollection.diary.ru/p176150318.htm)
Transcript from Showtime LiveChat with Sherry Miller chat April 15th, 2001 (на русском qafcollection.diary.ru/p176709924.htm)
Transcript from Showtime LiveChat with Thea Gill April 22nd, 2001
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with S.Lowell & P.Paige June 17th, 2001 (на русском queerasfolk-rus.livejournal.com/108962.html)
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with R.Cowen & D.Lipman June 24th, 2001 (на русском queerasfolk-rus.livejournal.com/109253.html_
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Randy Harrison June 03rd, 2001 (на русском queerasfolk-rus.livejournal.com/109561.html)
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Chat with Executive Producers Ron Cowen & Daniel Lipman
January 06, 2002
From Showtime's Queer as Folk Site
читать дальшеModerator1 Thanks for signing on for our chat with Ron Cowen and Dan Lipman, Executive Producers of Queer As Folk. Ron and Dan are the creators, writers and executive producers of the Emmy( Award winning drama series ""Sisters,"" which ran for six seasons and also received a Golden Globe nomination. Prior to that, they received an Emmy( Award for outstanding writing for their teleplay ""An Early Frost,"" which they also associate produced. This television drama also won the coveted Peabody Award and was nominated for a Golden Globe. Please welcome Ron & Dan!
Ron_Cowen We're thrilled to be back our second season! Thank you to all of the fans of Queer as Folk for returning and supporting us through the endore and reruns of the show. We hope you enjoy the second season! We have a lot of terrific stories and episodes coming up. So stay tuned.
Mark I can't tell you how much I enjoyed the show. I would like to know what issues you will be dealing with this season. Keep up the fantastic work and keep the episodes coming.
Ron_Cowen Mark, thank you for your kind words and support. It's great to have fans and supporters of the show like you. We'll be dealing with several pertinent issues that affect gay people. Issues that we have not yet addressed. We are hesitant to be specific about what they are because we don't want to spoil the storytelling. Be assured that we will continue to be concerned about all issues that affect gay people.
Dan_Lipman And also,Mark, know that along with the issues, there will be lots of humor and lots of sex, as is the Queer as Folk way.
viewer In the British version of ""QAF"", the Ted character dies from an o/d the Blake character gave him. Why'd you change that part when you brought it stateside?
Dan_Lipman Actually,the character Ted was supposed to suffer the same fate as his British counterpart. We wanted to kill him very much but we fell in love with the character and we met Scott Lowell and the combination of the two was irresistible. We gave him a reprieve and we can't imagine the show without Ted and Scott.
prkc What is the feedback of the American Series in England? Any idea?
Dan_Lipman We hear that the BBC bought the American version of Queer as Folk and will show it this coming year.
Cathyb question...Are you surprised by the HUGE amount of people who have embraced QUEER AS FOLK?
Ron_Cowen We had no idea that the show would be as popular as it is. We are also delighted that the straight audience likes the show as much as the gay audience. We are particularly pleased that women love the show.
Dan_Lipman The show has proven the success with a vast audience and we're thrilled about that.
KhuBeyah How do you feel about your strong ""Straight"" viewing audience that you have? And how did you manage to hook so many of us?
Dan_Lipman I think the audience hopefully is responding to characters that they feel invested in. Also, good stories and a great cast.
Ron_Cowen Sexual orientation of the characters comes secondary to those elements.
Major_Catch Ron, how on earth will you keep up the momentum on this ground breaking series? Are you going to bring in new writers and directors like last season?
Ron_Cowen We have some wonderful new writers helping us with the scripts. We have truly brilliant directors whose backgrounds are primarily independent film, keeping the show looking as exciting and imaginative as it looks. And we are always challenging ourselves to come up with stories that we feel are pertinent and controversial. We are also trying to deepen the emotional relationships of the characters in the second season. As they become more mature and complex, as they grow from boys to men, which we have always said is what QAF is really about. And I think that is why gay and straight people relate to the show. It doesn't matter if you're gay or straight. We are all experiencing that same journey.
CitizenKane Hello guys. I really like the celebrity promos. Would you ever permit any big-name celebrities to do any actual guest apperences on the show?
Dan_Lipman First of all, to Citizen Kane, I love your movie! We thought you were dead! We have a great Citizen Kane joke coming up, so watch out for it. It's especially for you. We have not had any name celebrities on the show because we do not want to break the reality of the show. That is not to say it couldn't happen in the future, but we haven't explored that yet. If any big name celebrities are out there and wish to be on the show, let us know! Barbra, Cher, and Bette, this means you. And Elton, too.
smitty Have you incorporated any feedback from the media and us fans into the 2nd season of QAF?
Ron_Cowen We are very interested in our fans' reactions to the show. We read the website. We are not interested particularly in what the press has to say. We feel in many cases that peoples' personal issues of being gay pass as criticism.
Dan_Lipman A lot of people want to see Queer as Folk pushed in a politically correct direction. The show is not and never will be politically correct. That does not mean that we are out to offend people but politically correctness is the death of all creativity and we are out to tell the truth, even if it's uncomfortable.
MIRA Have you had to back down per say from any certain story lines?
Dan_Lipman No, we have never been challenged on a storyline by our network, Showtime. They have always supported us in any outrageous storyline that we have come up with. And that's part of the beauty of doing the doing on Showtime. They support us in our vision and what we put on the screen is not diluted in any way.
jason_Ne If you could change one thing about the show (knowing what you know now) what would that be?
Dan_Lipman That the characters not be gay. (That's a joke!) The show exploded from the first day that we were shooting the pilot. The world existed and I don't think we would change anything about it. We are thrilled with the cast, the production, and all the wonderful people who work on the show.
Ron_Cowen The wonderful thing about doing this series as opposed to a movie or play is that every week you constantly get to explore new aspects of the characters, the story. So that anything you may have overlooked or not thought about can be addressed later on and you can develop it further.
BigPowerLifter PLEASE screener give them my message,tell them I will work for FREE.I am a PowerLifter 6'2"" 290 60""Chest,36""w 20""Arms,30""Legs,20""Calves.Thanks.
Ron_Cowen You sound gorgeous! Thank you!
Dan_Lipman You just lifted our spirits!
HeyHeyHey134 Ron and Dan, I just want to know how you handle your jobs in relation to the material of QAF. I'm studying film and know that the position of producer is such a hefty undertaking.
Dan_Lipman The way to handle the job is to work 24 hours a day. It's very grueling, very demanding, and the only thing that really helps us get through is a deep conviction and passion for the project and also knowing how much the show means to our audience.
Loveyouboth Can you comment on what each of the main actors brings to the show?
Ron_Cowen It would be a very long answer, and would take up the rest of the hour. As a group, I will say they bring intelligence, charm, humor, courage, and an unbelievable commitment to how important this show is. Gay people and also straight people have come to understand and respect this world. They are very politically committed to the work. It is more than just a job for them. They are very passionate about what we are all trying to do. The fact that we have an equally passionate audience keeps that commitment going.
Jim_G Any chance for a feature film based on the series?
Ron_Cowen As a film, QAF would probably get an NC-17 rating, which means we probably couldn't do as a film what we can do as a TV series on Showtime.
Dan_Lipman If anyone out there is listening and wants to make it in a movie, we won't toss it out of bed.
Ron_Cowen I want to see it as an IMAX movie.
Dan_Lipman What if it were animated?
mikew75 is there gonna be a music section on the new website
Dan_Lipman There is a section on the new site that says what the music is for each episode.
grace Okay, tell me, do you have a blast on the set or what? Is there one cast member in particular who is more or less the comedian?
Dan_Lipman Hi, Grace, and thank you for the question. We all have a blast on the set. We have a wonderful crew. We have a great time, a lot of fun. We are very naughty. There is a lot of camaderie, and love, and we hope that translates to the screen. Everyone in the cast has a wonderful sense of humor, especially Hal Sparks, Peter Paige, and Scott Lowell. They keep everybody amused.
Ron_Cowen My dear partner Dan, our wonderful makeup artist Steven do ""I Love Lucy"" trivia all the time and makes us laugh with their impersonations of Lucy and Ethel. A big one is ""I wanted a toaster!""
gretchandanna Are you guys going to show more of Lindsey and Melanie in series two?
Ron_Cowen Yes. Lindsay and Melanie have a much more expanded role this season. A very major story line.
cole are the really kissing?
Dan_Lipman It is done with computer generated effects. We erased their mouths and we put in computer mouths and computer tongues. And if you believe that one Yes, Cole, of course they're kissing. What do you think?
doublea I think there is a double standard in the inustry that QAF has been criticized for i' portrayal of gays as an all-sex lifestyle, yet Sex and the City wins emmys, comments?
Ron_Cowen I absolutely think there's a double standard. I think many people are very uncomfortable seeing gay people sexualized. They prefer to see them as we have said in other interviews, as clowns or eunichs or comedic figures or people who have no sex lives. Even though our characters have full, rich, complex sexual lives, that's only a part of who they are, only a part of the story. People always seem to focus entirely on that alone, which in my mind reveals how very uncomfortable they are with that aspect of gay life.
lyla3 Can you explain the departure of Dr David? I think he added a diff flavor to the show. I will miss him
Ron_Cowen Dr. David had some very interesting aspects of gay life for the show through his relationship with Michael. But Michael is going to have a very interesting relationship with someone else this season which will always show some very interesting aspects of gay life which haven't been seen before. And some very interesting issues we have not dealt with that we feel are very important.
firestarter Do you have a lot of people telling you that the show has made an impact in their lives?
Dan_Lipman Firestarter, you just ignited us! One of the great rewards of doing the show for us is having people say how much the show affects them. There are many people who have never seen their lives on TV from week to week. A good example of this is last season, there was a letter on the website. Someone wrote in, "Until QAF, I always felt like a sideshow. Now I feel like a main attraction." I remember this everyday at work and it means a great deal to Ron and to me. We appreciate our audience very much.
Syk Do any of the actors/actresses get a chance to ad lib or help develope the storylines with the writers?
Ron_Cowen Sometimes the actors will make suggestions for line changes, which we certainly consider. Sometimes they have ideas for storylines. For the most part, I would say that the actors are not that involved in the writing side of the show. We don't let our writers act!
babsthunder First off, absolutely smashing job!! Second, I was wondering if you were going to address Brian's relationship with his family in light of what happened.
Ron_Cowen Thank you Babsthunder. We are doing a very interesting storyline with Brian's family later on in the season. It's personally one of my favorite episodes and I look forward to seeing it. I look forward to you seeing it.
mark6 Any chance of the British cast making cameo appearances?
Dan_Lipman This is something we wanted very much to do, and so did Russell T Davies, the creator of the British QAF. And we were going to write this episode together, Ron and Dan and Russell, because we are great friends and great fans of each other's work. We wanted the boys from Britain to meet the boys from Pittsburgh. Unfortunately, we could not work it out with the British cast, so this will forever be a fantasy episode, so think about it, imagine it, and enjoy it.
HomerWells Was anything special done for the dvd set? i would love to see the interactions between the actors
Dan_Lipman Thank you, Homer, for the question. The DVD is wonderful, beautifully packaged by Showtime, with a lot of goodies. The shows themselves look sensational in wide screen. The special edition episodes are on it, with special interviews of the producers and the cast. Hal Sparks presents deleted scenes, never cut, and bloopers, also known as a gag reel. That's what on this last season's DVD. Perhaps next season's DVD, we'll try to have more actor interaction.
mrbb Will episodes in the new season be aired in Widescreen at all? It was so nice to see reruns of the 1st season in widescreen!
Dan_Lipman Yes. The show looks spectacular in wide screen. And we believe that the encore presentation the second season will be in wide screen on Tuesday nights at 11PM on Showtime.
hipchickla What does Russell Davies think about the directions you have been taking the series? It's quite different from the British QAF
Ron_Cowen Russell is our number one fan. He writes us these very long love letters. He keeps us going. There is no way to tell you how important his support is to us because he certainly did not have to give it. The fact that he thinks our American QAF is wonderful is one of the greatest joys of doing this show. To honor his work.
Dan_Lipman You must remember that starting with the bris in episode 3 last season, we departed almost immediately from the British show, so most of the American show has been completely different from the British version.
DiaKinney I think QAF is the best television show ever made. I hope this hasn't been asked already, but do you recieve a lot of negative responses from those who don't understand the show?
Ron_Cowen What a wonderful thing to say Dia! Are you related to Brian? He's also a Kinney. Yes, we receive a lot of criticism. We expected to because of the nature of the show, and because it can be pretty extreme. It is controversial by nature. A lot of the criticism we receive seems to reflect a certain discomfort that some people have with the subject matter. But even moreso with themselves. A lot of gay people seem to take issue with the show because it's telling things and showing things that they are uncomfortable with. Things they may be afraid for other people to see or that they are not comfortable with in themselves.
Joel617 When will you guys say...OK, we've done enough shows. Exit with GLORY!?
Ron_Cowen I think we will know when we have reached that point. We don't feel it yet because we feel there are more stories to be told and more aspects of the characters to discover. But I agree with you that a series should know when to end gracefully and not go beyond its time.
Dan_Lipman More importantly, Joel, are 617 your measurements?
Ron_Cowen And on that typical QAF remark, thank you. We would like to thank everyone for sharing this conversation. It has been very rewarding for us and we hope for you guys too.
Dan_Lipman Keep us posted as to what you think of the second season. We hope you enjoy it. A lot of work, thought, blood and passion have gone into it. But you guys are worth it! We love you. Thank you.
Moderator1 Thank you for chatting with Ron Cowen and Dan Lipman. We hope you've enjoyed the chat and the season premiere of QAF. Tune in to SHOWTIME next Sunday, January 13 at 10pm ET/PT for an all-new episode. Keep visiting the all-new queer.SHO.com for more insight into QAF, and come back next Sunday to chat with Thea Gill who plays ""Lindsay."" The chat room will open at 10pm ET (7pm PT) so that you can chat with other QAF fans during the episode! If you missed tonight's season premiere, tune in to SHOWTIME on Tuesday at 11pm ET/PT to catch the encore play. Keep visiting the all-new queer.SHO.com for more insight into QAF, and come back next Sunday to chat with Thea Gill who plays ""Lindsay."" The chat room will open at 10pm ET (7pm PT) so that you can chat with other QAF fans during the episode! See you next time! Copyright (c)2001, Showtime Networks, Inc. All rights reserved
Chat with Robert Gant, "Ben"
March 10, 2002
From Showtime's Queer as Folk Site
читать дальшеModerator1 Welcome everyone! Thanks for signing on for our chat with Robert Gant. Robert plays "Ben" on Queer As Folk. Robert began acting in television commercials at the age of ten and at eleven was a part of Bob Hope's USO tour. Following high school, Robert pursued law at Georgetown Law School but continued to perform in numerous theatrical productions. After graduating he moved to Los Angeles to work for a law firm, but soon after their Los Angeles office closed. Taking that as a sign, he decided to focus all of his time on his acting and has been working ever since. Robert was most recently seen on the WB's "Popular" as the eccentric vice principal. His other television work includes guest-starring roles on "Friends," "Caroline in the City," "Veronica's Closet," "Becker," "Melrose Place" and "Ellen." He also appeared in the independent film "The Contract." Welcome to our QAF chats for a first time, Robert. Let's get started and talk about the ninth episode of season two!
Robert_Gant I'm really excited to be doing this chat tonight. And looking forward to talking to everyone. So hi everybody! Let's get started.
Marion You're handsome Robert, what made you join the qaf cast?
Robert_Gant I was really excited about the opportunity to take part in a show that ... is not only entertaining but that is groundbreaking. And that will mean and has meant so much for so many people. I became aware that a great deal of change was occurring as a result of the show ... and I was excited to be a part of it.
Lance31inSWWash Rob - your character and work is great on QAF - what response have you received since you are the only functioning/sexually active HIV+ character on TV?
Robert_Gant Lance, the response has been pretty extraordinary. I have gotten many emails and phone calls and had people come up to me in the gym ... and elsewhere to share their appreciation for the storyline and for Ben and Michael's relationship. And also their concerns. Their fears. The reaction has been extremely broad. But almost invariably good. It's made me really more and more grateful to be a part of this as I get to talk to people. And as they show me how much what Ben's walking through means to them.
CAstroboy What has been the most demanding aspect of portraying Ben thus far for your as an actor?
Robert_Gant You as an audience have yet to see some of the journey that Ben will experience. And it's at times quite a wild ride. It's been emotionally challenging. I've had to really dig to do justice to some of the painful experiences that Ben is walking through. I've had to do a lot of meditating afterwards to come back out of it. The hardest thing has been coming back from it. As an actor, my job is to have the experience. To actually walk through the things that Ben is walking through in that moment or in that scene. And so if I'm doing my job, I'm going through some really painful stuff on occasion. And sometimes I'm not as good as I'd like to be at getting back to a peaceful place. Getting back to Bobby. Sometimes it takes me a couple of days. And I've really had an emotional spill-over from just digging through the morass of emotions I've had to dig through.
steve Robert: Being on a show that is so "raw" is there anything that you would not consider doing?
Robert_Gant I guess the litmus test for me in my life and thus in my work, is, "does it cause me to feel respect for myself?" And "does it show respect for others?" I guess if something failed that litmus test, I probably wouldn't do it. Or at least I'd put up a hell of a fight. Sometimes there is some full-on frontal nudity on the show. And I'm not sure what I think about that! We'll just have to wait and see.
indygary did you (robert) know you were going to be topless in every episode?
Robert_Gant No, I didn't know. And it hasn't been every episode. I have to give the writers credit. Being without clothes and topless is certainly a part of the show. It's actually not been gratuitous. And I wasn't sure whether that would be the case or not before I signed on. But the reality is that the producers and writers are incredibly respectful. And constantly aware of that balance. I think they push the envelope, which is a wonderful thing. But I don't think they really cross the line in an inappropriate way. They really care about the show. And before I got the part, I started doing tons of spin classes. I became an aerobic fanatic when I realized that I was probably going to have to bare so much to all of America.
kristal Robert I noticed you had a six pack, how in the world do you achieve such beauty?
Robert_Gant Well Kristal, obviously you received that $20 in the mail. Thank you for making sure to get that question through. I will definitely pass along your comment to my mom. I know she will be extremely appreciative since she's the source. But the truth is, I was a really fat kid. And at some point along the way, it became really important to me to care for my body. In the early stages it probably had more to do with feeling "less than." And it has moved fortunately into a place in which it is fueled by my desire to nurture myself. I can't stress the cardio enough.
GeorgeFromNJ who is your favorite singer? / favorite type of music?
Robert_Gant George, the truth is that I don't think that I have a favorite. I hate to take that "out", but I'm one of those guys who loves so many different types of music. My dad used to listen to everything when I was a kid. From 50's music to Bob Marley to country. I used to sing classically as a kid, so I love so many different kinds of music. Music is definitely an important part of my life. In fact, had I not decided to become an actor, I probably would have pursued some sort of musical career.
ericmsguy Robert, have you done any broadway work?
Robert_Gant You know, you really struck a chord there! I've done a lot of musical theatre growing up. In fact right before I got QAF, I was cast as the lead in the national touring company of "Music Man." As Professor Harold Hill. I had to fly to New York to meet Susan Strohman, who is the big producer on Broadway responsible for Contact and The Music Man revival. And The Producers. And it was this amazing experience. She had very kind things to say and said, "You're going to be great on the tour." And not a week later, they announced that the tour was going to be made non-Equity. Which is a new trend in touring companies and there was a huge outrage. Picketing. And Equity spoke with me and asked me not to do the show. I have to tell you that playing Harold Hill has been my greatest dream since I was a little boy. And it was such a painful thing letting go of that dream. That was one of those moments when I looked within and kind of listened and realized that passing on the show ... was the right thing to do. And lo and behold, within a month, I got the role of Ben. After a pretty arduous audition process. And as amazing as I'm sure that would have been ... this has been the most extraordinary experience of my acting career. And one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life. So it only reinforces my belief in trusting one's intuition. Trusting the universe. Trusting God. You can say it however you want to say it. They're really the same thing.
Jonathan63 Robert, Do you feel that hollywood places a stigma on actors that play a gay role?
Robert_Gant I think to the extent that Hollywood has placed a stigma on actors playing gay roles in the past ... fear was at the root. Producers, at the end of the day, want to make money. They want to know that they'll sell tickets. And that they will get viewers. And what has proven true in recent years and particularly within the last year or so ... is that stories about gay people and shows with some amount or even a great amount of gay content ... have been enormously successful. So I think the stigma is fast disappearing. It's a natural part of the process. I think we're all evolving as a culture. I applaud Hollywood in that it's very often at the forefront of furthering that evolution. I guess again, at the end of the day, I know I'll be taken care of. And I'll get just the roles I'm supposed to get. What I know about taking this role personally is that I am proud to be playing Ben. And proud to be a part of the show.
redisetgo Robert, what town were you born? Grew up? schooled for acting?
Robert_Gant I was born and raised in Tampa, FL. Lived there until I was 18 years old. Went to Jesuit High and then Chamberlin High School. Did lots of performing along the way. Then I went to Philadelphia to go to undergrad at the Univ. of Pennsylvania. Did a lot of singing and performing there as well. Then spent 3 years in D.C. in law school at Georgetown. Snuck in a little more singing and performing there too. Then headed to L.A. to work for a Chicago-based firm. It's the largest firm in the world, but their L.A. office had all sorts of in-fighting and attrition. A number of problems. And very shortly after I arrived they announced they were folding. Which was a dream come true for me. Because they gave me a big old severance package. And I immediately started sneaking out on auditions. Booked my first national commercials. I did a lot of commercials with kids. I think that was the one thing that caused me to be bitten by the bug. Maybe. Actually, probably not. But it was in the mix. And I started working with Howard Fine. Who is a phemonenal instructor. Studied with him for a number of years. He's pretty much solely responsible for my growth as an actor since I arrived in L.A.
nycguy Robert you're a very good basketball player. Who's your favorite team?
Robert_Gant The Magic of Hollywood! Truth be told, I'm a horrible basketball player. It's the one sport that I had pretty much never played before I got the sсript ... which said that I was to be an ace basketball player on the court. So, I can't say that I actually have a favorite team. The Tampa Bay Bucks are definitely my favorite football team. There's a great guy at the YMCA. He's actually the guy who heads up the program at the local Y. And he was a former basketball pro, Sean Parker. And in a few days he was able to transform me. Fortunately, I have played other sports so I was able to sneak out a few moves.
Aradia How did you get the part on the show?
Robert_Gant As I mentioned before, it was a really grueling process. Grueling only because it took so long. It took about a month. From the time that I got the breakdown for the character ... which is the casting description that is sent across town ... until the day that I was actually awarded the role ... it was about a month-long period. And they were casting in L.A., New York, Canada. But it's one of those roles that I just had a gut feeling about. From the time I read the description, I sort of had a feeling that this was going to happen. It's strange, really. It's that intuition and universe thing again. Just continually beating me over the head to just trust. And look what happened!@ I had a lot of callbacks and had to fly to Toronto to meet the producers. And then even after all that, had to meet with Hal to make sure we had chemistry.
bostonheart Do you enjoy doing the group scenes, or the one on one with Hal Sparks
Robert_Gant I'm assuming you mean group scenes and one-on-one in the platonic sense. In which case, I don't really have a preference. The group scenes tend to be more fun. And the one-on-one scenes are more intimate. Although, I am dealing with one hell of a standup comic, so the one-on-ones tend to be pretty darned hilarious.
tmooney Is Hal Sparks the "class clown" of the cast members? If not who is?
Robert_Gant Hal definitely gets the award! The guy has got a natural gift for comedy. It just pops out of him. Continuing to amaze me and I think most of the other crew members. He's a really good guy. I'm very lucky to be working with him.
noraht318 what is it like working with such a great cast?
Robert_Gant I've worked on a lot of different sets and with a lot of great individuals and groups of people, performers and otherwise. But the cast and crew at QAF definitely stand apart. I think because of the nature of the show, there is more to being a part of this than taking a paycheck. The show obviously means a lot to a lot of people and I think that the producers have sort of set a tone that ... trickles down through the crew and cast, which is one of kindness and diligence. People work hard. The cast works really hard. And we all have a really good time doing it.
phoebes99 How fun was it to guest on an episode of "Friends"?
Robert_Gant Guesting on Friends was a turning point of sorts in my career. Because it was such a big show and I was a little intimidated. But the cast could not have been nicer to me. It was sort of like walking through a dorm hallway. Each person's door was open and you got such a clear sense of who the person was by what you glimpsed as you walked by. Jennifer's room was very neat and beautiful with flowers. And Lisa's room was a little more disheveled but the table was completely cleared except for a lit candle right in the center. I had a great time on the show. Everybody worked hard there. It was fun.
BostonJava Did you do anything special for your professorial role?
Robert_Gant Honestly, I didn't have to do a lot. I was an English major in undergrad. I've always been something of a bibliophile. So being a professor of gay studies or comparative literature seemed a fairly natural segueway.
catwoman Do you prefer drama or comedy? Have you done comedy?
Robert_Gant I've done mostly comedy. Lots of sitcoms. And even one-hour comedy on Popular. And I have to say that I'm really enjoying the drama a lot more. That probably has to do with the fact that I've been so inundated with the comedy side of things./ Truth be told, I've had a great time doing comedy. It's just a breath of fresh air to get to do stuff that is so grounded and feels like it really means something. I love playing that.
anutternate Well Mr. Gant I hope you are in this show for the long haul... it is good to have a strong character relationship portrayed for a change... what if anything would you like seen added to the series?
Robert_Gant I think the show does a really wonderful job of covering a lot of bases, insofar as it juggles comedy and drama and does it really well -- which is really difficult. I think that things have emerged in the show through a natural evolutionary process. And I'm sure that more things will continue to emerge. I think I'd just like to see those things happen organically. But I think the show is right on track.
Queerbaby If you can give someone any advice to be an actor or actress, what would it be?
Robert_Gant As with anything, you just have to proceed with complete passion. And be honest with yourself as to the reason that you're pursuing what you're pursuing. And be honest with yourself when it ceases to really be your passion. I've given everything I have to making this dream really come alive and at the same time ... it's really important to maintain a sense of balance. You need to take care of yourself along the way, because ultimately you are your product. So self-nurture is really important. Therapy is a really, really great thing. As my acting instructor always says, "Your problems in life are invariably your problems on the stage." So to the extent that you can work out those things that block you in your life, you will be working those things out ... in your work as an actor. Just give it everything you've got if it's really what you want.
LolaHaze You mentioned being a bibliophile. Who are some of your favorite authors?
Robert_Gant As much as I am a bibliophile, this is still a tough question. Because like music, I have very eclectic tastes. I just finished reading The Hobbit, which I hadn't read since 9th grade. And it was a real treat. I loved his use of the language and I guess that's what I look for. I also read a lot of spiritual literature. I'm a huge fan of Conversations with God. But I love a good thriller. I've read lots of Grisham's books. I like the fun stuff and I like the intellectual stuff. Not that intellectual can't be fun.
dwayne what is the one tv show you would like to make a guest appenence on?
Robert_Gant Right now, I probably would most like to do a guest spot on Six Feet Under or Will & Grace.
snogit what do you do when you're not on the set or preparing for acting?
Robert_Gant I'm a writer. I have a writing partner. We write screenplays. We're just finishing our third feature. Which is a romantic comedy. I'm really excited about it. And as soon as I can tell you more, I will. I work out a lot. Obviously, I love to read. I'm really getting into the computer thing ... finally. After resisting it for a long time. After vowing never to get a PDA. And I'm really having fun learning how to do it all ... getting into the whole computer thing.
PhantomMagic You seem to be a lot like your character on QAF... I guess the whole "universe" concept really worked out. Do you feel you've reached a high goal?
Robert_Gant I'm not sure if you mean as an actor or as an individual. So I'll quickly respond to both. It's really important to me as a person to grow and evolve as fully as I can. I'm very invested in that. It's actually fun for me, believe it or not. And life just gets much more enjoyable as a result of it. As I am less and less haunted by the voices of the past. So in that sense, I'm definitely achieving a higher goal, if you will. And yes, the same is true with my acting. The more I'm able to dig inside of myself and reveal that on the screen ... the more I am achieving that higher goal and certainly with my character ... I'm getting to play a part that resonates so deeply with people. And a character who says so many things that I believe in. I guess that's about as close as I can come right now to achieving that higher goal. I just want to say that this has really been fun! I really had a good time. And I really look forward to getting to know you guys even more through Ben and hope we get to do this again soon.
Moderator1 Thank you for chatting with Robert Gant. We hope you've enjoyed the chat and the ninth episode of season two of QAF. Tune in to SHOWTIME next Sunday, March 17 at 10pm ET/PT for an all-new episode. Keep visiting the all-new queer.SHO.com for more insight into QAF, and come back next Sunday to chat with Sharon Gless who plays "Debbie." The chat room will open at 10pm ET (7pm PT) so that you can chat with other QAF fans during the episode! If you missed tonight's episode, tune in to SHOWTIME on Monday at 10pm ET/PT or Tuesday at 11pm ET/PT to catch the encore play. See you next time! The chat room will be closing in two minutes, but you can head on over to the message boards and share your thoughts about this weeks episode.
Chat with Michelle Clunie, "Melanie"
February 17, 2002
From Showtime's Queer as Folk Site
читать дальшеModerator1 Welcome everyone! Thanks for signing on for our chat with Michelle Clunie. Michelle plays "Melanie" on QAF. Michelle has several TV credits to her name, including "The Jeff Foxworthy Show" and "ER." Her film debut was in the popular and critically acclaimed "The Usual Suspects." Michelle recently completed the SHOWTIME original movie "Damaged Care," playing Laura Dern's nemesis, Gemma Combs. She also spent last summer's hiatus touring with the critically acclaimed "The Vagina Monologues." She is not only a trained actor, but has also trained for seven years as a ballet dancer with the Academy of Professional Ballet. Welcome back to our QAF chats for a second time, Michelle. Let's get started and talk about the seventh episode of season two!
Michelle_Clunie Hi everybody! Thanks for joining us. I hope you're enjoying the second season. And it's exciting to have the opportunity to answer some questions.
Hyacinthetic How did you go from Dancing to Acting? Do you liek one more than the other? I LOVE you on the show BTW!
Michelle_Clunie Hi! I danced from the time I was 5 years old. And acted as well. And I lean towards acting because I felt I could more fully express myself. And I still dance and enjoy it quite a bit.
NYC-Skye Hi Michelle. Do you miss dancing or do you get a chance to strust your stuff during the show's hiatus?
Michelle_Clunie Hi NYC Skye. I dance all the time, every chance I get. But now I do it for myself. And because I enjoy the movement. I especially love salsa dance. And I find that to be a big release for me.
sillygirl Michelle, now after the time you have spent on QAF, what have you learned from Melanie and what has Melanie learned from you?
Michelle_Clunie Hey Sillygirl! Melanie has brought up many questions in my life that deal with people having the freedom to love who they want to love. And being on this show has made me want to fight for other peoples' freedom to love. And has opened up my eyes as to what other people go through. It has brought deep compassion into my life. Which was always there, but now it's just stronger and more awake in me.
NeocronNV How do you feel your role as Melanie has affected your views and opinions of the gay/lesbian community?
Michelle_Clunie I feel as though playing Melanie has allowed me to express at times feelings that I find ... several of my friends in a similar position in their lives have gone through and/or felt. So in that way, it's an honor for me to play Melanie. And it's very personal to me.
mira306 first off i wanna say you are one of my fave characters, i was just wondering what your personal view is on same sex marriages?
Michelle_Clunie Hi Mira. My point of view is very simple: They should be legal and recognized in the eyes of the government as having the same rights ... as heterosexual marriages. Until we get to that point, I feel as though we are living in the stone age.
moonbutt Michelle, did you ever imagine that QAF would be as popular as it is proving to be?
Michelle_Clunie Hi ya Moonbutt! I never imagined the success of the show going into it. But I hope and I believe that we will find in the years to come that the show ... will have had an impact on the way people think and feel towards others that are different from themselves. And I also see that the letters I receive are in the second season, coming from ... people that were very conservative and hypocritical and are thanking the show for opening their eyes. I received letters just last week from people that some might label "bible thumpers" ... saying that they are now joining groups that support gay and lesbian and admitting that they can't believe ... how closed-minded they used to be. So I think it will continue, and I hope it will continue.
tiggertoo Do you think the show show's a positive or negative look at promiscuity, especially with Gale's character?
Michelle_Clunie I don't think in terms of "right" or "wrong", "bad" or "good." Only in that we create from a place of looking at truth and human nature. I think that you can have a show about cute straight girls having the same promiscuity ... and it's applauded and awarded. Yet when a gay man or a gay male character acts the same way, people place a negative connotation on it. Therefore, I ask, "does the judgment have homophobia in it?" I think it does.
SweetAlice Does it ever bother you that the show seems to promote the usage of recreational drugs?
Michelle_Clunie That's a tough question. I think that falls into political correctness, that question. I think it's very hard to create when you come from a place of focusing on being "PC". If you focus too strongly on that, I don't know how anyone wakes up in the morning and creates ... or goes to their job for that matter. I find very few things in the world completely and totally politically correct. And if we were to analyze everything based on that, there would be very few billboards ... or ads or TV or movies. So that's just a very tough question. I could take an honest look at this and say that at least people are being educated ... about a particular world and maybe certain people will be turned off to it. Or they will understand more what they are getting into.
Maveric_Denver What kind of ideas or feelings do you take from your own life and put into your characters?
Michelle_Clunie I try to take everything I know from my life and from my experiences and place it into my character. I try to look around me and take everything I see and put that in there as well. I think that's what an actor does and that's all they have. Is their own personal experiences and what they observe of life. And at the end of the day, that's my job. Is to take the story line I'm given and infuse it with a sensitivity and love and basic human pathologies as well.
Michael27 michelle, do you feel uncomfortable at times with the persona of your character? or is it fun to get to be that "b*tchy"?
Michelle_Clunie I never knew Melanie was that bitchy. I find it funny when people say that. I try to look at her as someone with a strong point of view. And someone who doesn't whitewash things. And that's all I can say to that, because I never, ever think bitchy when I'm playing the role.
sara932 hey michelle i just wanna say your my favorite character on the show...i wanna know if you are gay and if not do you find it hard to play a gay person on the show?
Michelle_Clunie No, I don't find it hard playing a gay person even though I'm not.
Starrchild Do you feel that media today focuses too much on sex or sexuality?
Michelle_Clunie I think people have always focused on sex, sexuality, love ... not just the media today. People have written poems about sex. Shakespeare had sex in all of his plays. I think sex and love are a huge part of what humans deal with on an everyday basis. I don't agree with the way the media handles sex. But it's just part of our lives as humans. And there's no getting around it. So, maybe it's good to just rip the cover off of it explore it in a very broad way.
Siren Melanie....me and my girlfriend love the show and especially your character. Its nice to see a realistic portrayal of lesbians and the way we really do live!
Michelle_Clunie Thank you. That's what I'm striving for and it makes me very happy if you feel as though I've achieved that in any way.
annaandgretchen Where did you study acting and what words of would you give to someone trying to make it in acting?
Michelle_Clunie I studied with Milton Katselas. My only advice would be to follow your heart and throw your passion and everything you have into it. And make a strong decision that it's really what you want to do. I would say 80% of the time is spent dealing with things that have nothing to do with the actual act ... of creating and acting. But for the 80% that you spend dealing with other things, you are rewarded with the 20% of golden time ... when you are actually to do your craft. "when you are actually able to do your craft."
hairfairy02 do you ever tire of the constant "are you gay?" question?
Michelle_Clunie Thank you for your question. I do tire of it. Only in so much that I'm looking toward the world where that question doesn't matter and doesn't exist. A world where people simply ask "who's your partner"? Not, "who's your girlfriend" or "boyfriend?" A world where we place more emphasis on the quality of love and peace ... and less emphasis on judgment and hate and prejudice. That to me is a dream.
Radical_Edward Why did you decide to work on the show?
Michelle_Clunie I decided to work on the show because I felt it was important. And I love the character. And I love the sсript. And I talked with Dan and Ron and I fell in love with them as producers and creators. And I had turned down other work that was not fulfilling to me anymore. I believe I made a space in my life where this job was able to come in.
Rowann Hi Michelle! We all love your character Melanie! Did you find touring with The Vagina Monologues difficult at all?
Michelle_Clunie Thank you Rowann. I didn't have any difficulty touring with The Vagina Monologues. It's another piece that has brought enlightenment to people. And it was wonderful to be on stage and be able to look out in the audience ... and see people getting in touch with their emotions and feelings right there in front of you. It was a wonderful experience.
jackie hi michelle i'm a big fan of the show and you. will you be doing any films?
Michelle_Clunie Thank you so much Jackie. I have no future plans that are set right now. But I am reading and I'm looking at a few things that may interest me.
JeanniezArt What is your all time favorite movie?
Michelle_Clunie I have so many favorite movies. I love The Last Tango in Paris. I love Chasing Amy. I love Julie and Donkey Boy. I also love L'Ventura. But the one movie that constantly inspires me whenever I get lost is 8-1/2.
Suzanne Michelle, what sparked your first role to lead into show businees?
Michelle_Clunie My first actual paying job was a Crest toothpaste commercial for MTV. And I played a 15-year old. I think I was 21 at the time.
flutter101 How do you think your role as "melanie" has changed your acting possibilities??
Michelle_Clunie I don't know how it's changed my acting possibilities. I don't really think of it like that. I've played several characters in the past and I see her as one of the characters I have created. I'll create more. But she has her own spot in my heart. And when I'm done playing her I will miss her.
digger michelle, how much input do you have on the story topic or viewpoint?
Michelle_Clunie After we read the sсript, we have an opportunity to talk with Dan and Ron, our producers/writers. To fine-tune certain things. And they are kind enough to allow us to do that. I suggest things and sometimes they use my suggestions and sometimes they don't. But they are by far the most open producers I have ever worked for. I enjoy the collaboration. But at the end of the day, I'm an actor for hire and it's my job ... to infuse the story line with the life force of Melanie and to make her real. And to have it make sense. And it's fun! It's a fun process.
chiboy Do you think "Hollywood" is homophobic. Specifically as it relates to the number of actors who auditioned for the show was limited because of the stigma?
Michelle_Clunie It's a sweeping generalization to say that Hollywood is homophobic. But I would say they, like the rest of the country, still are clinging to old ideas from the last millennium. And now as we push forward into the new millennium, I hope that people will start to wake up ... and take an honest look at themselves, individually and at the hypocritical feelings ... that are inside of them. I try constantly to look truthfully at myself. And it's not an easy thing to do.
girl4guinness how did your friends/family react to you telling them that you've accepted a role on queer as folk?
Michelle_Clunie I called up my mom the day that I booked the job. And told her about the show and what it was about. She was thrilled, she was laughing, and she was so happy for me. Because she felt as though it would be an important part of TV. But she's an amazing woman. I call her the Buddha of Portland, OR. Everyone around me acted extremely happy. But I also only surround myself with people who are working on a more enlightened plane.\ That has to do with love and enlightenment and pushing forward. I would say we are very close off-screen. As we get busier with more success, it can be more of a challenge getting us all in the same room. But we recently just got together this weekend and it's a joy to be with this group of people. And I still call them my Toronto family. As we move towards the end of our second season up here, there is still so much love and it makes me very proud of us as a group of people. Some people said to us, "Oh, in the 2nd season, you might not all like each other." I just laugh at those people because I only find that I love my cast members more. But then it's a very special group to me.
jam Melanie, do you find yourself being strongly affected by the seriousness of some of the issues?
Michelle_Clunie I am very affected by the seriousness of some of the issues. I find that it's a fine line that I walk playing Melanie. I've had letters from people that say I'm their role model. And yet, I'm not interested in putting my character on a pedestal. And I find a conflict in myself as far as what degree of responsibility do I have. I take these things into consideration and they affect me a great deal. I think it's a very precarious position to be in. But I think at the end of the day, that the more questions that we raise and the more ... human pathologies that we uncover and shine a light on and explore ... the better we will all be for it.
DonfromChicago Hi Michelle, How long were you an actress before you got this part?
Michelle_Clunie I have been on stage since I was 6, but I started getting paid to act about 10 years ago.
mike22chi have any family or friends came out of the closet to you do to you role and understanding on the show?
Michelle_Clunie None of my family or friends have come out of the closet to me. But a dear friend of mine recently came out of the closet to his parents. And I offered him strength throughout the process. And validated his courage. I find I have a lot of strangers coming up to me, coming out of the closet about their entire sex life. I find there are a lot of people out there that want to talk about sex and love and homosexuality and bisexuality ... and all sorts of topics and they feel safe coming up to me on the streets and talking about it. I find that very interesting. To say the least!
queerfansX8 what advice do you think of a young woman unsure about her sexuality should take from your show?
Michelle_Clunie First I want to say that I hope I don't steer you in the wrong direction ... because ultimately only you can answer that question. And with that preface and having let myself off the hook ... I would say that you should follow your heart. Not be afraid to explore your own sexuality as long as you are safe and you don't put yourself in a position to be harmed. But I do feel that a woman has a right to explore her sexuality just as much as a man. And to not be afraid of that. Sexuality is tied in with your creativity and very often government will try to control a nation's sexuality ... because it is tied in with several other things like creativity and point of view and independence. So live, but be safe.
dawner michelle, you sound so passionate about these issues you have spoke about, you are doing a great job portray melonie.. keep up the good work We are totally in love with her. And you...
Michelle_Clunie That is very sweet and nice to hear. I hope that that passion is contagious. I hope everyone in the world could be passionate about human rights and peace and love. And 1968 lives!
ninfem michelle, do you practice buddhism?
Michelle_Clunie I don't practice, but I've read books on it, and I have taken a few ideas from it. I have a hodgepodge of religion and I pull from all different sorts of religion and art to create my own point of view. I find it fascinating and have several books on it at home.
kim507 Have you read any of Deepak Chopra's works?
Michelle_Clunie Yes, I have read some of his books. The one I have next to my desk is the 7 Spiritual Laws for Success. I find his books very enlightening.
Jovita Michelle I just want to comment on how a wonderful performance you put into your character, I feel the passion, pain, and happiness, it's unlike any other show
Michelle_Clunie Thank you! That's really sweet. I love working on this show and I don't watch much TV, so I don't know what's really out there. But I know I love this show and working on it. I'm glad to hear that you love the show too.
silver Will your character and Lindsay have a little more air time this season?? It seems like last season you two were on about five minutes of every show!!
Michelle_Clunie I think it's apparent that we've had more airtime thus far and will have even more airtime throughout the season. Thank you for caring about our airtime!
r2 Do you think Lyndsi parents will ever come a round at least a little
Michelle_Clunie I don't know what the future holds for Lindsay's parents, but I think you can ... somewhat tell that they're pretty repressed people. They have so many walls up towards Melanie and Lindsay's life style that it will not be a simple process.
swflaboy What are your ambitions as an actor?
Michelle_Clunie Thank you for your question. My ambitions are to seek out and find projects to be a part of that explore and enlighten and educate people ... about human nature and about themselves. That also entertain. To really make people feel and to wake them up. And if I can accomplish this, I'm very happy. Especially if I can accomplish it on a large scale. I think that as an actor, I try to think about Thoreau says: "We must all connect." So I try to find material I connect with on a spiritual level. And I want to work with people I connect with. And if everything is working, hopefully the audience will be able to connect as well. It's all about connection.
Cathy What has been the hardest episode to do so far, for you? And do you have a favorite episode?
Michelle_Clunie The hardest episode is one I haven't shot yet. It will start shooting next week. And I already know it will be my hardest episode to do. As far as my favorite episode, that's very hard to say. I just watched the 3rd episode from the pilot from last season. And I laughed when I was watching the bris scene because I remember what we were all going through while shooting that ... and coming together for the first time. This season, my favorite episode I think will be #11. For reasons that are dear to my heart.
Tracy Michelle, where do you call home?
Michelle_Clunie I now call home Toronto. But when I go back to L.A. this summer, I'll call home L.A. But the older I get, the more I see Oregon as my real home. And I do see myself maybe some day going back there and having a ranch or something funky and natural ... with lots of animals and children.
moreismore If you could have person guest star on the show who would it be?
Michelle_Clunie I would have to say k.d. lang and Margaret Cho. Maybe they could be Siamese Twins or something and turn them into one person!
Jess Do you have any plans for this hiatus?
Michelle_Clunie The only plan I have right now is to get up tomorrow and shoot the next episode. This hiatus, I have no plans, as of yet. But just to get back to L.A., palm trees and some sunshine. It's too far in the future to think about that. Thanks to everyone for writing in. There were some very interesting questions. And I thank you all for your support for the show. Keep watching. And have a wonderful week!
Moderator1 Thank you for chatting with Michelle Clunie. We hope you've enjoyed the chat and the seventh episode of season two of QAF. Keep visiting queer.SHO.com for more insight into QAF, and come back next Sunday, February 24 to chat with other Queer As Folk fans. The chat room will open at 10pm ET (7pm PT) so that you can chat with other QAF fans during the episode and afterward until 11:30pm ET (8:30pm PT)! If you missed tonight's episode, tune in to SHOWTIME on Tuesday at 11pm ET/PT to catch the encore play. See you next time! The chat room will be closing in two minutes, but you can head on over to the message boards and share your thoughts about this weeks episode. The chat room is now closed. Thanks for joining in on tonight's chat. Copyright (c)2002, Showtime Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Tony Jonas and Russell Mulcahy January 7th, 2001
Transcript from Showtime Livechat with Hal Sparks Chat February 11th, 2001
Transcript from Showtime LiveChat with Sharon Gless and Jack Wetherall April 1st, 2001