Читала недавно один старый гей-форум опять, другой правда, QAF они смотрели, собственно следили за всем еще до выхода его в эфир. Любопытно мне там многое, и в том числе, конечно, кто их привлекал из персонажей и актеров – много неожиданного встречается, надо сказать))) Совсем непривычных для фандома мнений.. А в марте 2001, когда уже показано было типа 10 серий, была тема «кого предпочитаете)
Почти все подряд процитирую, выбрасывая только то, что не относится к сабжу или касается британской версии, а сабж таков:
If you could choose whomever you wanted as a boyfriend/partner/fuck buddy, which QAF star would it be?
кого бы выбрали из QAF, как бойфренда, партнера, или для потрахаться), внимательно следим за именами))
читать дальшеGrasshopper: From the American version: Ted.
Vabballfan: It's a toss up between a 3 way with David and Michael and a one-on-one with Ted.
Justin is too twinky for me, Emmit is too queeny and Brian too into himself.
Kelly: For a one time trick, Brian, Mr. Hotlanta T-shirt or Emmett's cyberimage.
For a relationship, Michael.
HandJob: Justin - any time, any place, any way, ANY THING HE WANTS.
That beautiful blonde twink turns me inside out.
Just so pretty for one man, he drives my nuts nuts!
Seekermike: My choice would be DAVID, no question! He's a professional man, he's sexy and he's HANDSOME AS HELL!
If a 17-year-old like Justin came on to me I'd PUKE!
HandJob:Likewise for DAVID (that is, I'd puke if David came on to ME) ...
Especially since that role is played by Chris Potter, one of the two str8s who made anti-gay comments before the show premiered.
At least JUSTIN/Randy is gay in real life!
alec_scudder: Well, if we're talking about characters: then Michael Novotny would be my guy. Second place would go to Emmett Honeycutt—"queeny," yes, but a very attractive (and sweet) man.
If we're talking about actors, then Randy Harrison (who is 24, Seekermike, and gay...and hardly puke-inducing).
I'm also glad to see some here singing Ted's praises. He'd be my third choice.
Chuckem2: Give me Justin in a heartbeat! That man makes me flutter big-time. Say what you all want, but since when can't some that beautiful have a heart and a mind to go with the gorgeous good looks!
Don: The next time Michael smiles, check out his teeth. I have seen pit bulls with tamer looking canines. I would have to be REALLY horny to stick my dick in his mouth.
Derek K: For characters, it's easy. I'm with Seekermike on the David thing. And though I wouldn't necessarily puke if Justin came on to me, I'd be befuddled and disappointed (a little, "Why this scrawny kid, and not the MAN I really want?"). I'd also give Ted a chance. And if we're talking wicked fantasies, that guy in the shiny shirt that Brian was dancing with in episode 2, the one who Justin stole away. PERFECT!
For actors, not much difference. Chris Potter is the hottest guy on the series as far as I'm concerned.
Seekermike: I watched with bated breath when David and Michael made love early on the 3/4 episode. I have never witnessed out-and-out porn as hot as these two showing their love for each other. Just shows what a little imagination can do!
Vabballfan: I have to definitely agree with Seekermike on this one! For two straight men, they sure did play the part.
I sure wouldn't have minded being in the middle of the two of them!
I agree, Chris Potter (whether he made "homophobic" remarks or not) is handsome (read "not twinky"), the best looking man in the cast and I would invite any man that looked like him into my bed anytime. Michael ain't bad either and Ted has a lot of potential!
EriC1979: Since many of my friends have said that
I remind them of Justin, this "question"
is loaded! 
I think as a friend and lover I would prefer Emmett or Ted. I'm not sure
in which order that would be, but I really think they are the most real and honest
guys in the show.
As for Chris Potter — I don't know what it is (and it's not his remarks) — I would
turn him down flat, even if he had the largest and most beautiful dick in the world. I can't stand him as an actor or the character he portrays.
Kinda' the same with Hal Sparks, although somewhat less so ...
Brian — forget it!
Which brings us back to Justin, and I wouldn't kick him out of bed, either. I'd
just hope that he'd grow up a little before too long.
Luvitdeep: It's interesting to see all the diverse opinions here. I am glad we don't all like the same type... there's more to go around :-)
I agree with Seekermike, David is the hottest thing around. Too bad he is str8 - that does takes away from the fantasy..
Vabballfan: Dr. David is definitely my type and I thought that Michael was crazy when he originally turned down "the good doctor's" offer to live together. Who wouldn't want to wake up next to Dr. David every morning? Or be in bed next to him the night before...
Matt the Bruins fan: I'd have to vote for Ted. We'd get along very well personality-wise, he's cute as a button, and as long-time posters know, I go wild for men with hairy chests.
If we're talking ACTORS though, let me interject that Gale Harold looks about ten times cuter in interviews than he ever has while dressed up and sneering as Brian.
Zman: David in the American version
Don Normann: As for favorites, why pick just one, when you can fit each into a perfect occasion?
Gym partner, financial advisor and confidant:
Brunch buddy, Broadway maven and camp fashion consultant: EMMETT
Sci-fi fan convention co-conspirator, fellow movie/TV/comic book geek: MICHAEL
Naked houseboy and "club kid" music consultant: JUSTIN
Spectacular one-weekend fuck and the guy most likely to know what Dolce and Gabbana are doing for next Spring: BRIAN
Spectacular seven-days-a-week fuck, the ultimate masseur and the Guy Most Likely To Be My Life Partner (if I were single): DAVID, hands down
Oh, and in the category of Guy I'd Most Want to Force Deluxe Head On Until He Screamed For More: JUSTIN'S DADкак будто в другую вселенную попадаешь (хотя наверное так и есть)
это все лишь навсего конечно один форум, и поучаствовали в этом опросе не очень много человек, но кажется достаточно для того, чтобы поизумляться результатам… я не подсчитывала, но… Дэвид и/или Крис Поттер, практически самый популярный выбор? Тэд? Эммет? Майкл? Ладно, Джастин-Рэнди я понимаю, но... Брайана только двое упомянули, и то как для одноразвого перепиха, про Гейла только один сказал, и только то, что тот в интервью в 10 раз симпатичнее, чем когда в роли Брайана...
да мы вроде не забываем))
Мне тоже по-началу Джастин не нравился, а потом умирать стала от него
тока не говори мне, что ты сначала балдела от дока!!)
не скажу))
А мне в первый просмотр сцена с Майки и Дейвом очень даже ничего зашла)) когда Майки еще воспринимался хорошо))