оооо) Скотт, Питер и Ренди!!) (и Мишель, которую некоторые просто умудрились не узнать))
ну какие молодцы! я не перестаю восхищаться ими всеми
*оглядывается по сторонам* а где Хэл? где Хэл? ))
by verybookish 3 hours ago (Fri Jun 3 2011 22:39:33)
Scott Lowell did attend tonight's production of the Young Playwrights Festival. My friend and I were in the lobby talking when we saw him at the desk getting his ticket. With him was
Peter Paige. I waved at Peter and he gave a small wave back and smiled. A few minutes later the theater door was opened, and people started going in. My friend and I sat in the second row, and my friend noticed that they were joined by a couple other people. We recognized one of them. It was
Randy Harrison.
We didn't try to talk to them. We thought if we saw Scott that we might try to talk to him, if he seemed receptive. Since they were all together, we didn't try to talk to them at all. But it was still neat to see them there supporting Gale. It's great that they are still friends.
отчет ryosato
(еще не успела прочитать даже)
читать дальшеIf people want more details on the content of the play, or intelligent thoughts on Gale's acting, I'll totally provide it. Right now, however, I am having way too much of a fangirl attack to even attempt it. So instead, here's some squee!
Thursday went to see the Young Playwright Festival, which Gale is in. It's a series of plays written by people under the age of 19. They do 3 each weekend, and Gale's was one of the ones that ran this week. Two plays came before it, then a break, then the play with Gale, which felt longer than the other two, but I couldn't say for sure.
On the way in to the play the first time, we were standing in the lobby embarrassingly early. We didn't wanna be LATE, and we wanted good seats and we thought maybe other fans might show. But we were really the only ones there. So I was like "Uh we should go, we're gonna seem like such creeps if Gale gets here and sees us." And just as we're considering this, I look down the stairs and THERE HE IS. So I turn around as FAST as I can, give my buddies an OSHIT look, and start to walk away slowly. Basically, wanted to give him as much space as possible, instead of making him deal with us. HOWEVER, he got to the top of the steps, saw us (because uh, he's not blind), and smiled (GUH that amazing wide toothy Gale smile that kills me) and said "Hello" (GUH) and then walked up into the stage area. And we were like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then we left and walked around a bit before coming back, because just STANDING there seemed like... something a creeper would do. And although I am a creeper, I'm trying not to let Gale know. 
That was it for that night, the play was awesome, he came out to bow with everyone on stage after. But then the actors all talked on stage and he left, and it didn't feel like an appropriate time to approach him.
BUT THEN. TONIGHT. We considered not even going since we're going to go for the last day on Sunday, too. Three times in one weekend, uhhhh... stalker much? >_> But we had nothing else planned so we were like EH LET'S GO. Plus it's like... super close to the hotel. So we head over, get some food, and go to the theater. We're standing in the lobby - FAR more reasonably on time this time, like 10 minutes before the doors open. We're there in the lobby just looking around at people and waiting, and then THERE'S SCOTT.
Scott got to the top of the stairs and stood at the ticket booth thingie, talking to some people. We just stared like O___O OSHIT IT'S SCOTT WHUUUUT. ..Just like that. We didn't approach him because it seemed rude to bother him when he was there to see Gale's play. I figured if he was still around after and not busy looking I might just say hi.
So then I see someone that LOOKS like Peter, and I'm like "is that...? NAHHH." ...BUT IT IS. Peter came up to Scott and they were talking all happy and stuff. Peter looked up and saw us both gaping at him like O.O and kinda LOOKED at us. So my buddy raised her hand and did a tiny wave, and I did my pathetic nervous smile. He grinned and did a little wave back, then turned back to Scott. PETER WAVED AT US DURRR I FEEL COOL.
SO. We go inside, find some seats (I totally wanted to sit near them but it would have been too obvious since we were some of the first people in to the theater and I REALLY didn't wanna make them uncomfortable. So we sat a few rows in front of them. We're sitting there waiting, and glancing back now and then at them to giggle while the theater fills up. AND THEN...
RANDY HARRISON WALKS IN THE ROOM. I'm not even joking. I was like "IS THAT???? NOOOOOOOO. NAHHHH. NO WAY." But it was. He was there. I've never met him or seen him in person before. HE'S SO TINY. What does he weigh, like 90 pounds?! Adorable. Except his weird beard thing, but that's just me, I don't like blond beards. XD ANYWAY... he came in and sat down with Scott and Peter, and a few women that were with them that appeared to be close friends. (Didn't see Yara, Gale's girlfriend last I heard - are they still together? Dunno.) He was wearing super tight jeans that I wonder how he got them on, and a lilac cardigan open over a t-shirt or something. I don't usually notice people's clothing much, but LILAC SWEATERS on men stick out. XD He's adorable. ...But he totally caught my eye and I WHIPPED my head around, because the look on his face was "Are there any fans here? STAY AWAY." Which I TOTALLY respect and understand, they were not there to get hassled.
So I had absolutely no intention of talking to them since they were all there together to see Gale. Gale was beautiful and amazing and even better than he was yesterday. He's not the main character in the play and it is short - the equivalent of one act, I guess? I dunno, I'm tired, I stared at Gale so hard I have no idea how much time passed. XD But the parts he was in were amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing. <3 <3 <3 Also you get to hear him say a few Russian names and words, and the accent was totally hot. <3
We hung out a few minutes after the play ended and all the bowing and stuff was over. Gale stayed on stage for a bit talking to people, then went over and hugged Scott. D'AWWWUH BEST FWIENDS. <3 Then he headed back stage to change and stuff. Scott, Peter, and Randy disappeared, so we got up to leave. That's when we got to the top of the steps and I saw them standing a few yards away and I FELL ON MY FACE. Okay, just my knees. But there was a step, and I didn't see it. WOOOOWWWWW. Luckily, their backs were ALL TURNED. Phew. XD ...But some guy working there was like ARE YOU OKAY?!?! D= ...Yes. Thanks. >_>;; I'm fine.
So we headed down to the street and decided to just hang out a bit and see them leave because we wanted a good look at Randy's butt to see if it's really heart shaped because we might get to wave at them once more. >_> First Peter left by himself, and we were like HEHE THERE GOES PETER but he was walking fast and we let him go without hassling him. XD Then Randy came out, with one of the girls they were with, some close friend of his - WEARING HIS LILAC SWEATER. (Sorry. I can't get over it. LILAC. <3 ) They headed down the street and we leered at his butt and they left. Also, he has nice hair.
THEN, pretty soon after that Gale came out with his bodyguards, Scott and some women that were his friends I guess. Except they all walked around him, so he was in the middle of the group. This is the same way he walked when I saw him in NY (a year ago?) leaving the theater. He didn't even see us, because we were standing a respectful distance away, not like IN FRONT of the door or anything. He had on one of his cute hats, and a man bag over one shoulder. XD Oh, and his jeans. Guh. Those legs. They went ahead of us and were stopped at a crosswalk, so we didn't follow them - didn't wanna seem like stalkers. (I guess I am. :\ But not really?) As they crossed the street, Gale pulled out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. But he didn't light it yet, they just walked ahead with his cigarette sticking out of his mouth. I am the kinda person who's never smoked and wouldn't date someone who does (because health risks, also I'm allergic) - but jesus fuckin' christ that man is hot no matter what he does. He makes smoking look hot. FFFFFFFFFFFF.
So that was it. <3 <3 <3 GAAAAAAAAAAAALE. We're going Sunday. He's seen us there twice and we didn't even walk towards him or anything. The only time we SPOKE was when he said hello first, and we gave him lots of room. So we're hoping on Sunday we get a chance just to say "Gale, awesome play. =D" or something. Nothing offensive, but... I can't resist at least saying hi... maybe he'll smile at me again. x.x Ded. <3
THAT IS MY REPORT OF MAGICAL MAGIC TIME WITH GALE AND FRIENDS. I can't believe I saw all those guys together, it was amazing. I totally had NO IDEA they would be there, we seriously considered NOT going to the play tonight since we're seeing it again on Sunday, but at the last minute we were like eh, let's go. SO WORTH IT. BEST TIME EVER. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH.
:3 I know people like to share sightings, so if you wanna link other people to this post it's fine, but I'd appreciate if you'd let me know. It's fun to know who's reading my posts. ^_^
Also, tell me if you want more details on anything or the play or whatever. I'm just incoherent and exhausted and full of squee right now.
за ссылку на отчет ryosato спасибо Найс и Оле!)
попрятали, наверное)) обычное дело... но еще че-нить да будет...
и тут я опять вспомнила, че ресато сотворила с орфейской фоткой... (она ее выложила густо заляпанную копирайтами, прям такими, через все лицо гейла надписи)
да кто их разберет... какие -нибудь свои шутки, как у всех на фб... как у всех нас....
впрочем я даже видео не смотрела и в данный момент не смогу посмотреть.
yennifaire а эта фотка уже была?
я ее видела, но не запостила, так что пасиб) хорошо, что тут будет
о, отчет, спасибо-почитаю!)
зы и это, я тут на дачном неполноценном интернете, так что... не знаю, что)) но просто сообщаю)
воспроизведение анимации вот щас отключу, например...
таак)) что-то у Рендольфа опять аллергия на фангерлов началась))
и удивительно, что рисато в своем отчете про Мишель даже не упомянула
на Гейла загляделась наверное)
ага, я вчера тож повеселилась) лапочка)
но, вероятно, по крайней мере одна из причин, что это был не его спектакль... как фангерлы чувствуют себя не очень удобно приставая к гостям на спектакле, так я думаю и ему... ну и наверняка в израиле он хлебнул предостаточно фанатского внимания))
Дженнифер только что отправила мне фото Гейла после игры,
но какая-то она расстроенная, написала у себя на фб :
Some people in this world DO NOT deserve my kindness.
Gale is a big ol' asshole. Nothing I didn't know though.
He was just rude. Until someone gave him a gift, what a douche! He is TOTALLY Brian Kinney.
будет еще совместная с Гейлом, но чуть позже
пасиб за ссыль на фотки
и за комментарий... как интересно... в чем конкретно заключалась грубость
а еще интереснее Until someone gave him a gift
tunka-s Большинство народа характеризует Гейла как белейшее и пушистейшее сушество
ну, большинство может да, но о хмм... нелюбезности что гейла, что ренди упоминаний тоже наберется
ну, я еще пораспрашивала её, потом она отписалась, что всё вроде нормально и не так уж она и расстроилась,
как интересно... в чем конкретно заключалась грубость
He wasn't very friendly to me or the girl I was with. Apparently you need to give him gifts or he doesn't treat you very nice :/
видимо не обнимал и не благодарил, как других, поди их разбери сейчас, что за обидки
а в общем ей игра понравилась
The plays were alright. Gale was cute in his glasses. He said LOTS Russian words and peoples names. He sounded really sexy.
а еще интереснее Until someone gave him a gift
про подарки точно писала verybookish
Two friends and I attended today's matinee. Afterward people went up to talk to Gale and the other performers. Gale didn't leave or go backstage, so we went up and waited and talked to him also. I gave him a silly thing I'd brought for him and he seemed very amused. I said I was really happy to see him and he said "I'm glad you came" to me, which was so incredibly sweet. He talked to me for a minute and remembered me from previously meeting me, I think he has an incredible memory. Then he hugged me, which shocked me and just completely blew my mind. He's only the most gorgeous man ever, and so incredibly sweet and nice, I still can't believe he hugged me.
её отзывы очень и очень позитивные
(...) Yeah, we didn't know if he'd stick around and talk to fans, if he'd leave or go backstage. We waited a minut to see what he'd do, and he stayed and was talking to fans and seemed to be receptive so we went up and waited and he was incredibly nice, taking the time to talk to all three of us. It's so great to talk to him--he listens to what you say and responds to you individually. You know you have his attention when you're talking to him, and it's a heady feeling to have this beautiful, incredibly talented man giving you his full attention.
читать дальше
не, не, про подарки меня заинтересовало не что подарили, а связь с любезностью... вот это заявление ( и то что в новом каменте ее) меня вводит в ступор и как-то не представляется реальным...
пасиб за отчет! почитаю чуть позже)
так же, я себе этого не могу представить, получается, с вами обнимашечки, улыбочки и внимание, если подарочек вручите, не вяжется чё то
просто мне кажется, что задрале его просто за три дня уже, вот и все
в первый день он со всеми болтал и обнимался
да тож сомнительно как-то - всего три дня.. мож правда кто там чего из фанатов учудил... перевозбудившись от... да тож вряд ли..
несколько каментиков ресато из первого отчета сохраню)
HE IS A TINY PERSON. Seriously, I got to hug Hal when I met him, and he's quite little. Not SUPER short, but shorter than me, and his waist is LITTLE. But he's a martial artist, so he's muscular. (Way more than Michael ever was on the show.) Randy is that short, but he doesn't have much visible muscle tone. HE'S A TINY. He looks like a little doll. I wanna pick him up like a little kid and spin him around. =D
и вот этот пусть будет)
Randy's had some bad experiences with fans, I think. Some of his fans are very... enthusiastic. (Just like some of Gale's.) And some of them take it too far, and make him uncomfortable. I have heard he doesn't mind letting people know very clearly when they've crossed a line, with a stern icy-cold glare. XD Basically, he was there to see Gale and his friends, the last thing he probably wanted was some fans bugging him.
~Lali~ получается, с вами обнимашечки, улыбочки и внимание, если подарочек вручите, не вяжется чё то
угу... совсем не вяжется... мож она чего сказала, сделала, о чем умалчивает... ну или просто... не знаю, но вывод ее звучит бредово.
)) да, это наш Рендичка))
у неё в соавторстве с иннер_джастин была известная трилогия
фики нормальные у неё были, не из гениальных, но и не бэдфик совсем
на курсы писательского мастерства она ходила
но мне её отчеты с Гейлом не очень, у неё совсем любовь какая-то нездоровая
выбор аватарки оценила!!)
но мне её отчеты с Гейлом не очень, у неё совсем любовь какая-то нездоровая
ну не знаю) восторженная она, да... но... мне читать нравится)
и смотри, вот от автографа и фотки отказалась благородно))
tunka-s Подумала, может кто читал "из опубликованного", в смысле не QAF фики, их я думаю она не публиковала! )
ну, публикация фиков, слегка переделанных, не такая уж редкость) но она скорее всего этого не делала.. вообще я так сразу кажется четверых вспоминаю, у кого книжки какие-либо выходили...
а читали - ну у нас вряд ли кто-то их читал)
(и даже в зеркало смотрелась), там дамы нормальных габаритов, но чтобы прям такой крохой его описывают...не уверена.Что касается подарков, вот тут такая тема для меня скользкая, потому что я ренди обожаю, это не подвергается сомнениям, но я видела как ему протягивали подарки и мне на какую-то долю секунды показалось, что это ему не комфортно что ли, может я брежу, может я ошибаюсь, вот такая секундная мысль мне в тот момент пришла, я просто чуть-чуть опешила и потом долго этот момент вспоминала и пыталась для себя определить, что может чувствовать человек на его месте, когда в руки суют всякую муть (пардон, иногда, наверное дарят что-то стоящее, я видела только муть - карточки, открыточки, цацочки дешевые) и он не может отказаться - это было бы совсем некрасиво, но тот, кто дарит начинает давить на уши и пытаться завлечь полное внимание. Вот, понаписала, надеюсь, что мысль донесла.
видела только муть - карточки, открыточки, цацочки дешевые это интересно, он наверное потом выкидывает просто такие подарки, где ж их складировать-то в таком количестве. Но вот видео интервью было во Франции, ему там бутылку вина вручили, он ее с воодушевлением принял )))
мне тоже немного чудно, но вот про худенький, найти не могу, но yenn во время кона парижского точно писала об этом... (тока не помню, просто с виду, или после того как потанцевала с ним она это написала... ну мож сама придет подскажет))
а тетеньки - ну, разные бывают)))
про подарки - я думаю, что он давно привык к подаркам, но допускаю, что некоторую неловкость он может испытывать, но при этом может быть и рад... это может зависеть от настроения, да много от чего..
кстати про подарок - забавная история (насколько я поняла)
где-то по весне появилась фотка черно-белая, таймлайн - после кона парижского, ренди на ней в пальто и шарфе полосатом... так вот попалось мне одно обсуждение.
выложили там фотку, и фангерлы так возбудились-возбудились глядя на шарфик, намеки в понятную сторону делать стали, хотели уже в обморок падать, но тут пришла еще одна фангерла, и сказала, "сорри, дорогие фангерлы, этот шарфик Я связала и Ренди на коне парижском подарила." )
Я думаю после спектаклей, просто на улице или на встречах менее масштабных дарят более скромные сувениры. Понятно, что хочется, чтобы Рэнди что-то имел на память именно от тебя, но иногда просто нужно подумать, насколько велика вероятность, что ему это нужно и он будет это хранить. Я для примера скажу, одна дама сняла с себя веревку с каким-то кулоном и начала надевать его на шею Рэнди, он быстро выхватил эту веревку и ломанулся к выходу, явно чувствуя себя некомфортно. Ну, вот я бы тоже не надела вещь с чужой шеи, а ведь наверняка таких ситуаций было в его жизни немало.
я бы тоже не надела вещь с чужой шеи однозначна нет!
опять же разное наверное дарят, и видела я какие-то подарки с послеспектаклей - тоже явно заранее приготовленное, продуманное и с душой выбранное или сделанное, но...
Я для примера скажу, одна дама сняла с себя веревку с каким-то кулоном и начала надевать его на шею Рэнди, он быстро выхватил эту веревку и ломанулся к выходу, явно чувствуя себя некомфортно.
вот это конечно трындец!!! бедный рендичка))) да)
ну и наверное такого действительно могло быть немало в жизни)