everybody’s a critic.(c) BK
кое-что, из того что там тогда было
профили персонажей изменились до неузнаваемости почти)
главная страница выглядела вот так в ноябре 2001

видите ряд пустых прямоугольничков наверху - вот там были ссылки на те самые первые профили и дневники) но вот так сайт выглядел вообще очень недолго, насколько я понимаю.. более ранние версии совсем другие, поэтому я и не нашла в первый раз конкретно эту лицевую страничку... а ссылки на профили там, в ранних версиях были не с морды, а из FAQ ))
но к январю 2002 уже все было по другому
читать дальше
а вскоре появилось и вот, ссылки на обновленные профили

(поменялся текст, исчезли stuff, дневники, письма... появились краткие описания взаимоотнешений персонажей с другими... по мне так лучше б осталось как в начале))
но теперь прфили выглядели уже так

профили брайана и эммета уже с весны 2002 но вроде в тот момент ничего не менялось

ссылки на "взаимоотношения" дохлые, их можно попытаться выкапывать отдельно, и мне что-то попадалось, но оно прямо скажем не очень увлекательное)
так, с профилями пока все, поехали дальше
в 2002 году на сайте был отличный раздел the people, который примерно в 2003 уже вроде перестал существовать, но это надо уточнить... там выкладывались всякие интересные видюшки
вот самое начало янв 2002 (может конец 2001)

вот можно на скринах посмотреть, какие интервью-видюшки появлялись в течении года

(я на самом деле подозреваю, что мы почти все это знаем, ну многое во всяком случае, только как всегда точно соотнести что именно что, я не в состоянии)) и вот тут-то по всей видимости и появились впервые интервью redzone, (гейл в черной маечке и остальное, что сейчас есть на ютубе и из чего была сделана и вышла в 2004-ом та корейская передача) (во всяком случае капсик-аватарка теа и рэнди там сохранились, на одном из скринов теа есть)
а еще там были вот такие видюшки

а так же несколько интервью, вопросы-ответы, уже не видео, с людбми работающими в сериале, мож оно все где и есть, но там вот сохранилось одно, выложу до кучи)
Key Hairstylist
1. How did you come to be the Key Hairstylist on Queer As Folk?
Before they actually started the second season, Stephen Lynch, who's the Key Make-up Artist had given my name to the producers. They called me in for an interview and I spoke with Sheila (Hockin, Producer) and Dan (Lipman, Executive Producer) at great length. We talked about re-introducing the cast to the second season with sort of similar looks as last season so the audience gets to know them all over again and what we could do to slowly change their looks somewhat throughout the second season. So I got the job and I was thrilled and overjoyed!
2. What does a typical day of work entail for you?
Well, on a typical day, we'll come in at 7 o'clock and usually have our hour-and-a-half pre-calls where the main cast comes in and gets processed and goes through hair and make-up. Usually for every episode I kind of check them and see if they need little trims and keep up their look. Then we go to set and we sort of maintain their hair throughout the shoot. Our average day usually runs from 12 to 14 hours and most of the time it's pretty enjoyable on set because they are all really fabulous actors. You can watch them shooting scenes over and over again and it still makes you laugh. The show is definitely a lot of fun. Even though the hours are long, you never feel like you're here that long. We're still laughing at the end of the night…it's pretty cool.
3. How big is your staff?
I have an assistant and a daily hair person who helps us quite a bit. Our episodes consist of a seven-day shooting schedule and my daily's usually here five out of those seven days because the amount of background players is usually pretty intense so we need another person. Helen's my assistant and she's awesome. She does Sharon and Jack for me and I pretty much deal with the rest of the cast. She deals with the wigs, she's kind of a wig specialist. We had two wigs specially made this year before the season started. We thought it would be the best way to go because there's always one that you can be working on while the other's always set and ready. It makes it a lot easier that way. They're beautiful wigs. We had a guy in Stratford, which is our big theatre here in Ontario, Jerry Altenberg, who made the wigs for us. He's an amazing wig master and the wigs are beautiful. We made the hair on the wigs a little longer this year so we could play with it and put it up a bit and have a little more fun with it and Sharon looks great! The wigs are working out fabulously, I must say.
4. Do you do the hair for all the extras? Any tricks for doing a large volume of hairstyles in a day?
No, that would be my key daily guy, James O'Reilly. He does all our background. He's an amazing hairdresser as well, I'm really lucky to have him. He loves doing the show and because of the content of our show our background is usually very similar. We have some of the same guys come in especially when there are nude scenes because they're comfortable doing it and he's just a great hairstylist. He makes our background players look really awesome and up to date. It has to look current because you know we have a pretty picky audience as far as that goes, so we have to make sure everybody looks as they should be looking.
5. How often do you work on a cast member's hair in a day?
Depending on what scenes we shoot and the days that we shoot. If you're shooting day one and then you're shooting day five in a sсript, all in the same day, you may want to change the hair a little bit. So you might change the look within that one day, two sometimes three times. Generally most of the guys don't change their hair often enough…they pretty much stay looking the same. Sometimes if they have a scene in Babylon we like to do a little funkier look, especially for Michael and Brian. Justin's going to get a little funkier this year as well because he's getting to know himself a little more. We're going to maybe just funk him up a little and I think that's about it. I think once their hair is set in the morning, for me, I sort of maintain them through the day and that's it. They're a really easy cast to take care of, they're not very fussy and are a great bunch of people to work with.
6. What kind of changes are you doing to the QAF gang's hairstyles?
They're all going to go through little transformations. We're already starting to shift a little and their hairstyles are changing a little bit and their wardrobes changing a little bit. There will be a lot of different things happening with their characters in the scripts as the scripts go on. So with that we have to incorporate a little bit of change that incorporates their lifestyle. So I think that the fans can look forward to seeing some different looks this season.
7. Can you talk a little more about Melanie and Lindsay's look this season?
We're having a lot of fun with the girls this year. Thea's already changed a little bit. Her child's a little older now and she can start looking less traditional and more like a hip kind of mom. We're going to try and funk her up a little bit. Mel's just Mel…Mel's her own cool self. She kind of knows what she wants to do. They're heading into a whole other phase of their relationship as well so along with that we're going to try and take them down that road with their appearance.
8. What's it like to work with this particular cast?
The cast are all really fantastic. They're just so amazing and you know I just can't say enough about it. I've done a lot of TV series and I've worked with a lot of interesting people let's just say and this gang is pretty awesome.
на самом деле это конечно совсем не все, что было тогда на сайте, но... вот пока такой...экскурс))
профили персонажей изменились до неузнаваемости почти)
главная страница выглядела вот так в ноябре 2001

видите ряд пустых прямоугольничков наверху - вот там были ссылки на те самые первые профили и дневники) но вот так сайт выглядел вообще очень недолго, насколько я понимаю.. более ранние версии совсем другие, поэтому я и не нашла в первый раз конкретно эту лицевую страничку... а ссылки на профили там, в ранних версиях были не с морды, а из FAQ ))
но к январю 2002 уже все было по другому
читать дальше

а вскоре появилось и вот, ссылки на обновленные профили

(поменялся текст, исчезли stuff, дневники, письма... появились краткие описания взаимоотнешений персонажей с другими... по мне так лучше б осталось как в начале))
но теперь прфили выглядели уже так

профили брайана и эммета уже с весны 2002 но вроде в тот момент ничего не менялось

ссылки на "взаимоотношения" дохлые, их можно попытаться выкапывать отдельно, и мне что-то попадалось, но оно прямо скажем не очень увлекательное)
так, с профилями пока все, поехали дальше
в 2002 году на сайте был отличный раздел the people, который примерно в 2003 уже вроде перестал существовать, но это надо уточнить... там выкладывались всякие интересные видюшки
вот самое начало янв 2002 (может конец 2001)

вот можно на скринах посмотреть, какие интервью-видюшки появлялись в течении года

(я на самом деле подозреваю, что мы почти все это знаем, ну многое во всяком случае, только как всегда точно соотнести что именно что, я не в состоянии)) и вот тут-то по всей видимости и появились впервые интервью redzone, (гейл в черной маечке и остальное, что сейчас есть на ютубе и из чего была сделана и вышла в 2004-ом та корейская передача) (во всяком случае капсик-аватарка теа и рэнди там сохранились, на одном из скринов теа есть)
а еще там были вот такие видюшки

а так же несколько интервью, вопросы-ответы, уже не видео, с людбми работающими в сериале, мож оно все где и есть, но там вот сохранилось одно, выложу до кучи)
Key Hairstylist
1. How did you come to be the Key Hairstylist on Queer As Folk?
Before they actually started the second season, Stephen Lynch, who's the Key Make-up Artist had given my name to the producers. They called me in for an interview and I spoke with Sheila (Hockin, Producer) and Dan (Lipman, Executive Producer) at great length. We talked about re-introducing the cast to the second season with sort of similar looks as last season so the audience gets to know them all over again and what we could do to slowly change their looks somewhat throughout the second season. So I got the job and I was thrilled and overjoyed!
2. What does a typical day of work entail for you?
Well, on a typical day, we'll come in at 7 o'clock and usually have our hour-and-a-half pre-calls where the main cast comes in and gets processed and goes through hair and make-up. Usually for every episode I kind of check them and see if they need little trims and keep up their look. Then we go to set and we sort of maintain their hair throughout the shoot. Our average day usually runs from 12 to 14 hours and most of the time it's pretty enjoyable on set because they are all really fabulous actors. You can watch them shooting scenes over and over again and it still makes you laugh. The show is definitely a lot of fun. Even though the hours are long, you never feel like you're here that long. We're still laughing at the end of the night…it's pretty cool.
3. How big is your staff?
I have an assistant and a daily hair person who helps us quite a bit. Our episodes consist of a seven-day shooting schedule and my daily's usually here five out of those seven days because the amount of background players is usually pretty intense so we need another person. Helen's my assistant and she's awesome. She does Sharon and Jack for me and I pretty much deal with the rest of the cast. She deals with the wigs, she's kind of a wig specialist. We had two wigs specially made this year before the season started. We thought it would be the best way to go because there's always one that you can be working on while the other's always set and ready. It makes it a lot easier that way. They're beautiful wigs. We had a guy in Stratford, which is our big theatre here in Ontario, Jerry Altenberg, who made the wigs for us. He's an amazing wig master and the wigs are beautiful. We made the hair on the wigs a little longer this year so we could play with it and put it up a bit and have a little more fun with it and Sharon looks great! The wigs are working out fabulously, I must say.
4. Do you do the hair for all the extras? Any tricks for doing a large volume of hairstyles in a day?
No, that would be my key daily guy, James O'Reilly. He does all our background. He's an amazing hairdresser as well, I'm really lucky to have him. He loves doing the show and because of the content of our show our background is usually very similar. We have some of the same guys come in especially when there are nude scenes because they're comfortable doing it and he's just a great hairstylist. He makes our background players look really awesome and up to date. It has to look current because you know we have a pretty picky audience as far as that goes, so we have to make sure everybody looks as they should be looking.
5. How often do you work on a cast member's hair in a day?
Depending on what scenes we shoot and the days that we shoot. If you're shooting day one and then you're shooting day five in a sсript, all in the same day, you may want to change the hair a little bit. So you might change the look within that one day, two sometimes three times. Generally most of the guys don't change their hair often enough…they pretty much stay looking the same. Sometimes if they have a scene in Babylon we like to do a little funkier look, especially for Michael and Brian. Justin's going to get a little funkier this year as well because he's getting to know himself a little more. We're going to maybe just funk him up a little and I think that's about it. I think once their hair is set in the morning, for me, I sort of maintain them through the day and that's it. They're a really easy cast to take care of, they're not very fussy and are a great bunch of people to work with.
6. What kind of changes are you doing to the QAF gang's hairstyles?
They're all going to go through little transformations. We're already starting to shift a little and their hairstyles are changing a little bit and their wardrobes changing a little bit. There will be a lot of different things happening with their characters in the scripts as the scripts go on. So with that we have to incorporate a little bit of change that incorporates their lifestyle. So I think that the fans can look forward to seeing some different looks this season.
7. Can you talk a little more about Melanie and Lindsay's look this season?
We're having a lot of fun with the girls this year. Thea's already changed a little bit. Her child's a little older now and she can start looking less traditional and more like a hip kind of mom. We're going to try and funk her up a little bit. Mel's just Mel…Mel's her own cool self. She kind of knows what she wants to do. They're heading into a whole other phase of their relationship as well so along with that we're going to try and take them down that road with their appearance.
8. What's it like to work with this particular cast?
The cast are all really fantastic. They're just so amazing and you know I just can't say enough about it. I've done a lot of TV series and I've worked with a lot of interesting people let's just say and this gang is pretty awesome.
на самом деле это конечно совсем не все, что было тогда на сайте, но... вот пока такой...экскурс))
@темы: давным-давно на Sho.com, сайт sho.com 2002, интересности QAF
копатель ты наш
ну... а че оно... все куда-то пропадает.. жалко же))
и интересно.
и все поняли, что это превьюшки - их можно кликать и рассматривать читать)
reda_79 как любопытно)
очень любопытно... и я нифига не понимаю, почему например они не оставили на сайте все то видео, которое там было.. зачем и почему его убрали??
Дуэндэ Ух ты! Вот нифига,moveforever, какую работу ты проделала ! Спасибо!
ну да, времени оно жрет немало) но мне и самой интересно и очень радостно, что есть люди, которым можно показать и для которых это все тоже важно))
Спасибо за находку, здорово, что стилисты так хорошо отзываются об актерах. Мы их и так любим, а теперь еще сильнее. Хотя, если бы стилист сказал, что Ренди привередничал со своими прическами, я бы его все равно любила)) Как они вообще из этого хохолка в 4 сезоне сделали прическу для меня загадка. Может из-за него Джастина записали в розовую бригаду и побрили наголо?)))
and most of the time it's pretty enjoyable on set because they are all really fabulous actors. You can watch them shooting scenes over and over again and it still makes you laugh.
moveforever спасибо, дорогая за экскурс)) , очень жду продолжения)
и, да, очень интересно зачем и куда все видюшки попрятали! (