понедельник, 07 ноября 2011
Девушка (g2ny), совершенно помешана на Рэнди, к тому же планирует учиться в театральном, сама уже видимо участвует в каких-то спектаклях, собирается ехать в НЙ смотреть Wicked.
Едет она с мамой, так что сумму вероятно надо делить на два, едут из Детройта на три дня, но на спектакле они были только на одном, так что сумма все равно впечатляет...да и для них она явно не маленькая, судя по плакатику)... (на отель они правда наверное могли и меньше потратить, хотя я понятия не имею, сколько стоят номера в отелях нй))

ну и заодно ее рассказ (на спектакле-то на одном, но увидеть Рэнди она умудрилась все три дня подряд))
Boq Stalking
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Day 1
Okay so I got to NYC on Tuesday night. Decided to walk to Gershwin just so I knew where it was. I get to the theatre at around 5:30 p.m. and found out there was a 7 p.m. show, naturally I stayed. Waiting, waiting, waiting till 6:35 when my mom spotted Randy walking down the street with his headphones ::squeal:: I was flipping out. So I waited patiently until he reached the stage door and then snapped a pic while another girl got his attention. The first thing I said to the most beautiful, gorgeous, talented person I’ve ever seen? “Are you in a hurry?” lol. I swear. Then I went onto say “if so I don’t want to keep you.” And his reply? “Well I have to go check in, but ya know…” So the other girl (who was very rude) threw her camera at me and demanded a picture with him and she’s going on and on about how much she loves him and he seems so annoyed by her (But remains nice and gracious). So then my mom pushes me into Randy after I told her not to bother with a picture because he was late. He sorta smiled at me and looked straight at the camera when my mom snapped it. He asked me if I had seen the show and I told him I was going on Thursday. His reply? “Oh that’s so great. I hope you like it.” He flashed that trade mark smile. I turned into a puddle at that moment.
Day 2
Wednesday I went back to Gershwin to try to get an autograph. So I got there around 6:30 and the show wasn’t till 8. So we waited and waited till around 7:25 when he came walking down the street. This time I was standing about 15 ft away from the stage door and approached him. Here is exactly the “five” second conversation I had with him.
Side Note: M=Me, R=Randy, MM=My Mom
M: Excuse me, I’m sorry, but Randy could you please sign this? (holds up paper)
R: (Takes off head phones) umm, sure (looks confused. So cute! Grabs pen and signs)
M: (thinking omg, omg, omg he’s so close, he’s so close)
R: There ya go.
M: Thanks.
MM: We’re going to the show on Thursday.
R: Oh that’s great. Hope you like it. Thanks.
M: (thinking - I have no voice. I cannot speak.)
R: (Puts head phones back on and keeps walking)
M: (When he’s gone I squeal)
Day 3
Thursday night, the night of the play I walk down to Gershwin at around 6:30. At around 7:37 he shows up with headphones on
I learned it is best to wait a little away from the stage door because that way you are away from the rush of fans and you get the Randy all to yourself. I approach him and lightly touch his arm to get his attention (Insert Squeal). He jumps a little but then smiles that sunshine smile when he sees me.
R: Oh hey! How ya doin’? (He acts like he knows me)
M: Could I bother you for a quick picture?
R: Sure, no problem.
(Picture is taken)
M: Love the show.
R: Thanks.
MM: We‘ve been here alot.
R: Yeah, you guys were here the last two nights. (smiles)
MM: We’re going home tomorrow.
M: No more stalking. I promise.
R: (laughs) You guys are going to the show tonight, right?
M: Yeah
R: That‘s what I thought. Hope you enjoy it.
M: Good luck tonight!
R: Thanks. (Smiles again and his shoulders slump a little as he sees the group of fans standing by the door. He tries to get in but they keep blocking the entrance.)
Let me just say that’s the best night I’ve been in NYC. He is so friendly and so nice. He’s the kind of person that you just like to be around. And I was so excited that he remembered me from the last two days! And than he was all friendly like we were good friends.
I was so ecstatic. I mean Randy fucking Harrison remembers me! Lol. When he said that I think my jaw almost hit the ground. I just couldn’t stop smiling. I thought it was amusing that the fans at the stage door looked on and some even gave me dirty looks. Lol. One even asked me if I had known Randy personally. I wish! So I replied “Well I’ve been here everyday since Tuesday. I’ve chatted with him everyday and he does act like he knows me.”
Okay just a little more on Randy. He is so soft spoken and gracious that it’s hard to believe he plays Justin. He is really, REALLY humble. But I think he was quite amused by my efforts to meet him. All three days. Lol. Cuz every time he saw me he smiled. No Simon sightings
He’s so adorable. He’s a doll.
Other observations-
He seems to really shy away from the lime light. Like I stayed after the show to try and meet him again and he didn’t come out. He went out the other exit. But I did meet Joe and Idina just to throw that out there. There were a lot of girls waiting for him to come out, so I chatted with a few. Told them I had meet him three times (persistence is what I’ve been talking about doing for the best couple months). Watched as they got excited and then completely jealous. In a sick twisted way I was amused by that too.
I will post pictures of my meetings with him when I get them developed tomorrow. So look for them either late Saturday or early Sunday.
зы фоток ее не видела, ну или видела, но просто не знаю, что они ее..
ага) во все времена))
я думаю, такое и до и после актуально))
-ula-, и завалим весь интернет....
везунчик ты, везунчик!))
к счастью для себя и для нас)
и ваши молодцы, что такое организовали и его позвали...
He’s so adorable. He’s a doll
Уже жду с нетерпением отчетов с кона. Даже не могу представить как я буду на работу ходить и ждать вечера. Помню как ждала отчетов Ксюшки с Йенн, ночами смотрела видео с огромной улыбкой и счастьем. Это незабываемо.
ага, а потом мы так же твоих ждали и волновались, смотрели))
действительно незабываемо)
ага, точно.. я вспомнила, пока писала) и мы на жж скучковались)) приключение прям, блин, так не вовремя оно было))
Ну не могло все гладко пройти, слава Богу, что хоть малыми проблемами обошлись тогда. Но было весело. Вы даже не представляете насколько я была близка к тому, чтобы не ехать в Тель-Авив и не было бы рендички с шампанским в нашей жизни. Судьба.
я совсем не могла на дайри зайти)) точнее через несколько дней я поняла, что через pda могу, но... ыыы))) эти несколько дней!
надо как-нить перечитать все это будет... такое счастье было, что хоть я на дайри не могу зайти в такой момент, но со всеми все равно могу пообщаться и все обсудить))
а еще у меня тогда просто крыша ехала от сайтов в которых право с лево перепутано)), и оттого, что когда такие буковки в гугл забиваешь, он себя так... странно ведет, как поставить кавчки я так и не постигла ))
и еще я тоже все время боялась, что у тебя что-нить не сложится, не получится, не найдешь, не попадешь... ой, короче)
Миралинда, ты наша няша
Добро пожаловать в мой мир! Я до сих пор книги не с той стороны открываю)))
Sapfira23, и я тя