everybody’s a critic.(c) BK
Поскольку оказалось, что видео это никто особо и не видел
то вынесу его в отдельную тему... с поянениями предположениями и иллюстрациями)
что это за видео такое и откуда оно ваще взялось)
все знают, что на сайте Шоутайм в разделе QAF есть много всякого интересного, дополнительного, фотки и видео
и есть там такой раздел, который называется Day in the life
и сейчас там трое - Роберт, Теа и Шерон и можно все это посмотреть (Роберта условно можно, видео там сдохшее, и видимо давно)
Видео дня Шерон есть и на ютубе, мож и другие есть, не знаю...
но вот раньше... "человеко-дней" было больше.. в 2002 году)
читать, смотреть дальшенасколько я поняла, первым там появился "день Рона и Дэна", хотя в последовательности я могу и путаться, а найти там где проверить... ладно
превьюшки не сохранились, но по подписям к пустым картинкам можно преполагать, че там было - дек 2001

и из него одно видео сохранилось и все его знают - cast reading
потом, я так думаю, появился... правильно, день Питера, и выглядел он так
превьюшки тоже не сохранились, но... все подписано)

и это самое видео, которое как-то слегка оказалось малоизвестным - оно часть этого дня
так же как и всем известная видюшка, в которой Гейл что-то там делает с рукой Рэнди)
пусть тут тоже будет, до кучи
а еще там были день Мишель
тут часть превьюшек сохранилась, и понятно местами, где было видео (треугольный значок), а где фотки

и лучше всего сохранился (на вид, естественно, только) день Скотта
12 февраля 2002

там аж 6 видюшек... было
upd 23.12.2011 фотки из дня Скотта

почему теперь это все не выложено на сайте, например, вместо какой-нить Рози оДоннел, или как ее там, фиг их знает...
upd: 19.11.2011 Добавлен пересказ "Дня из жизни Питера" by xof
"On November 23, 2001 we shadowed Peter Paige on the set of Queer As Folk in Toronto. Come watch as he navigates his day through hair and makeup, meeting with a reporter, giving a tour of Babylon, trying on costumes, shooting scenes for an episode and . . . everything else in between."
читать дальше9am - "Peter shows up for work on the QAF set and begins his day."
Picture 1 - Peter with Key Makeup Artist Stephen Lynch.
Video 1 - Peter walking through the parking lot greeting crew members on the way to his trailer. We see his trailer briefly - rather spartan...lol. He shares it with Scott Lowell and "a third actor." (((Making me wonder why he didn't just name the 3rd guy...hmmm.))) His wardrobe for the day is in the closet and he makes the camera crew leaves as he changes. In costume (basically a pullover and jeans), Peter goes a few feet over to the makeup trailer after he's ordered breakfast with the assistant director. Very cute moment, Peter's introducing all the hair and makeup people when we see that Scott's already being made up. Peter goes over and covers his head with a clipboard saying that Scott's asked not to appear on camera out of character because he feels it would destroy the illusion...lol. Scott's laughing all the while. The interview asks who tends to be in the makeup chair longer...hehehe. Peter and Scott give each other a look and then Peter admits that amongst the men, he's probably the one that in there the longest. "But that's because Emmett's such a big girl." ROFLMAO. For some reason he starts tap dancing..lol. Then he shows us "sides" which is a mini sсript. He reads his line, "What do you mean you still have an erection?" ((There by telling us it's episode 9.))) Scott's done with makeup, so Peter hides the man's hair because it's not done yet, as Scott says hello. Peter's in the chair now, being asked what he wants done today. He shows us Polaroid's of cast members that are taken for continuity in case scenes need to be reshot. Lynch kissing up to Peter as he applies the makeup...lol. Saying he wants to be kept on for a third season. Peter says that he's got all the pull, that he actually runs the show...lol. He shows us the call sheet. He's actor number five, btw. Discusses the 11 hours turn around on actors in Canada - they must have 11 hours between wrapping and being called again. In the US, it's 12 hours. Michelle Clunie comes in, looking frumpy...lol. Headband on, with shades and a huge sweater. She's happpppy, due to eating oatmeal. Peter is shown eating breakfast as he gets his hair blown...lol. Peter and Michelle walking. She's calling him P.P. They go into the studio to block the first scene of the day. Thea Gill comes by quickly with a kiss for Peter. They go into the Lesbian house to sit around the table and have the scene set up. Then Peter's shown going to the office through a maze of fake walls. He does an interview with TV Guide. Closes the door - end of clip.
Babylon - "Peter gives us a guided tour of Babylon."
Picture 2 - On the set of Babylon with Peter.
Video 2 - Entering in through what is the backroom door. "What is a backroom exactly?" lol... He starts pointing out the catwalks, stage, bars and more bars, etc. He says they shoot there pretty much every week. He says the room's really not very big, compared to how it looks on film. Peter tells us about having to act like your talking above the music, how the extras are dancing to silence when the music gets cut off for the scene to be shot. He says it can be pretty difficult doing emotional scenes on that set. They shoot really fast and move on, so "you know if you don't get it, you're not going to get it." Says Emmett adores Babylon, that he gets to be his most outrageous self there, wearing his wildest clothes. That he's very much a home there.
11am - Shooting starts for Episode 209. Peter explains the process.
Picture 3 - Peter hangs out with Randy Harrison and Thea Gill between scenes.
Video 3 - Okay - this is a fucking BLAST to watch. It's the cast and crew filming Ted's embarrassment at Emmett telling everyone in Lindz' house that he's got an erection from the Viagra still. The angles are great to see, and it's wonderful to watch the mechanics of the shoot. Starts out with us seeing Ted on the porch talking into his cell. Cut. Then we see the cast members listening to Scott doing the dialogue from the other side of the set doorway. Michelle's bouncing the baby, Gale's got his hand over his mouth like he's gonna crack up, etc. They all walk to the door on cue. Cut. Then we see the close up of the door being opened by Emmett with everyone behind him. Cut. Several different angles of the cast as they pour on the Erection jokes, including Gale's flag day line. Cut. Em and Ted walking off from the house...just as Peter and Scott start doing the midget walk where they fold their bodies into themselves as if going down a flight of stairs...cute. Peter goes over what they've all done in the last hour and a half. He's saying they have to do it all again from different sides, getting close ups of cast members. He takes a break to grab some candy. Gives us a look at the Kraft truck that feeds everyone. He says he's got to go call one of the producers who's in LA about an upcoming episode. They usually are working on one and up to two or three future episodes scriptwise while shooting the current one. Peter goes into the HORROR of looping, which is when they go into a dark room and have to do voice tracks to correct scenes and dialogue for different takes. It's just "living hell."
12:30pm - Peter continues shooting scenes on the set of Lindsay and Melanie's house.
Picture 4 - An overhead shot of a scene being filmed on the set of Lindsay and Melanie's house.
Video 4 - More of the scene right before Ted calls from the porch where the cast are all around the dining room table. There's alot of shushing, and waiting going on as things get set up and lit. We see him doing the whole scene (with the crew all about) and it cuts as he gets up to see Ted on the porch. There are alot of overhead shots here of the cast being madeup and talking as they wait. Then another take from a different angle. Very funny, cause Scott's like right off camera sitting in an arm chair in his rain coat...doing the dialogue for Peter to act off of...lol. Scott's talking to a stuffed toy, moving it all around like they are having a real conversation...hehe. Everyone starts laughing after "cut" is called. Then, Peter's headed back to his trailer to change for a scene they are doing on the Woody's set. He goes into the trailer...pause, comes back out and laughs at his own mistake saying he doesn't have a costume change...lol. Same clothing applies.
2pm - Peter hangs out with Scott Lowell, eats lunch and tries on Emmett's outfits.
Picture 5 - Peter clowns around with Scott Lowell.
Picture 6 - Peter in costume as Costume Designer Patrick Antosh explains Emmett's look.
Video 5 - ROFLMAO!!! Peter's hugging on Scott from behind. Scott says very seriously, "Peter Paige is actually very butch." Pause...and Peter asks a woman behind the camera, "Why are you laughing?" hehehe... This is a fucking riot. They are debating Emmett's butch moments on film. Scott says he gave full butchhood to Blake. Peter says well, there's only so much butchness he could give off while wearing gold lame...THUD. Or silver lame, he can't remember. Scott while Peter laughs, "Well even Superheros have their little disguises to hide their inner self." They are shown walking around with arms over each other's shoulders, and the music is sooooooooooooo Pulp Fiction-esque. Lunch, cast and crew being served up together from a buffet line. Then, Peter walking to wardrobe to try on clothing for the next episode. Folks, this is when he tries on the pink vinyl pants and polkadot pink/fusia shirt for George's first trip to Babylon. DAMN, I LUV that outfit...hehe. Peter says he'll use the modesty screen so the camera can stay. Antosh, says that usually Peter runs around showing all his goodies...lol. They discuss the outfits in order to the sсript. We see the clothes Emmett wears when he tells George he should to to the opera and say fuck'em to the wife standing guard. Peter starts doing an ape impression. He tries on fabulous shades. Then he comes out in the pink outfit, saying the pants were especially made for him. Pink faux-ostrich pants. We see how much the shirt is pinned up in the back as they discuss making it higher over the butt and tighter on the torso. They discuss Emmett's varying style of household reality and flamboyant style. As the designer talks, we see Peter busting a move in front of the mirror to see how the pink outfit will look while dancing. Then we get a look at Peter in full tux for the opera scenes. Antosh says Peter is night and day to his character. Peter comes out in tie-dyed cords and a horizontal striped turtle neck, saying he feels Emmett when he puts on the cloths. That during the summer he couldn't find the character's voice to do a quote for some friend, so out of context from the show. We see him in the tux again, getting more Polaroid's done. Saying actors get documented repeatedly during the course of their days.
4pm - On the set at Woody's, Peter acts in an emotional scene before filming wraps for the day.
Picture 7 - Shooting a scene at Woody's with Peter, Scott and Randy.
Video 6 - Peter back in his current costume walking to the set. We see him being primped by makeup and hair. Then they rehearse - with Hal, Scott, Randy, and Gale. This is the scene where the guys are listening to bad karaoke. Brian's mom has found out his gay, he's found out her priest's a trick of his. Etc...etc. This is where Emmett's all emotional saying the bad singing is so moving. It's 9:30pm now, over 12 hours later...and Peter's saying it'll go another 45 mins or more. And that this is one of the shortest days he's had on set...lol. Shooting the scene...it's HILARIOUS to watch. You see alot more of Emmett crying, sobbing in his hand as Randy almost cracks up. Cut...and the crew cracks up. They all hug the director when the scene's over. Peter says goodnight to people. He says a cute farewell to us, and that's it folks....lol.
то вынесу его в отдельную тему... с поянениями предположениями и иллюстрациями)
что это за видео такое и откуда оно ваще взялось)
все знают, что на сайте Шоутайм в разделе QAF есть много всякого интересного, дополнительного, фотки и видео
и есть там такой раздел, который называется Day in the life
и сейчас там трое - Роберт, Теа и Шерон и можно все это посмотреть (Роберта условно можно, видео там сдохшее, и видимо давно)
Видео дня Шерон есть и на ютубе, мож и другие есть, не знаю...
но вот раньше... "человеко-дней" было больше.. в 2002 году)
читать, смотреть дальшенасколько я поняла, первым там появился "день Рона и Дэна", хотя в последовательности я могу и путаться, а найти там где проверить... ладно
превьюшки не сохранились, но по подписям к пустым картинкам можно преполагать, че там было - дек 2001

и из него одно видео сохранилось и все его знают - cast reading
потом, я так думаю, появился... правильно, день Питера, и выглядел он так
превьюшки тоже не сохранились, но... все подписано)

и это самое видео, которое как-то слегка оказалось малоизвестным - оно часть этого дня
так же как и всем известная видюшка, в которой Гейл что-то там делает с рукой Рэнди)
пусть тут тоже будет, до кучи
а еще там были день Мишель
тут часть превьюшек сохранилась, и понятно местами, где было видео (треугольный значок), а где фотки

и лучше всего сохранился (на вид, естественно, только) день Скотта
12 февраля 2002

там аж 6 видюшек... было
upd 23.12.2011 фотки из дня Скотта

почему теперь это все не выложено на сайте, например, вместо какой-нить Рози оДоннел, или как ее там, фиг их знает...
upd: 19.11.2011 Добавлен пересказ "Дня из жизни Питера" by xof
"On November 23, 2001 we shadowed Peter Paige on the set of Queer As Folk in Toronto. Come watch as he navigates his day through hair and makeup, meeting with a reporter, giving a tour of Babylon, trying on costumes, shooting scenes for an episode and . . . everything else in between."
читать дальше9am - "Peter shows up for work on the QAF set and begins his day."
Picture 1 - Peter with Key Makeup Artist Stephen Lynch.
Video 1 - Peter walking through the parking lot greeting crew members on the way to his trailer. We see his trailer briefly - rather spartan...lol. He shares it with Scott Lowell and "a third actor." (((Making me wonder why he didn't just name the 3rd guy...hmmm.))) His wardrobe for the day is in the closet and he makes the camera crew leaves as he changes. In costume (basically a pullover and jeans), Peter goes a few feet over to the makeup trailer after he's ordered breakfast with the assistant director. Very cute moment, Peter's introducing all the hair and makeup people when we see that Scott's already being made up. Peter goes over and covers his head with a clipboard saying that Scott's asked not to appear on camera out of character because he feels it would destroy the illusion...lol. Scott's laughing all the while. The interview asks who tends to be in the makeup chair longer...hehehe. Peter and Scott give each other a look and then Peter admits that amongst the men, he's probably the one that in there the longest. "But that's because Emmett's such a big girl." ROFLMAO. For some reason he starts tap dancing..lol. Then he shows us "sides" which is a mini sсript. He reads his line, "What do you mean you still have an erection?" ((There by telling us it's episode 9.))) Scott's done with makeup, so Peter hides the man's hair because it's not done yet, as Scott says hello. Peter's in the chair now, being asked what he wants done today. He shows us Polaroid's of cast members that are taken for continuity in case scenes need to be reshot. Lynch kissing up to Peter as he applies the makeup...lol. Saying he wants to be kept on for a third season. Peter says that he's got all the pull, that he actually runs the show...lol. He shows us the call sheet. He's actor number five, btw. Discusses the 11 hours turn around on actors in Canada - they must have 11 hours between wrapping and being called again. In the US, it's 12 hours. Michelle Clunie comes in, looking frumpy...lol. Headband on, with shades and a huge sweater. She's happpppy, due to eating oatmeal. Peter is shown eating breakfast as he gets his hair blown...lol. Peter and Michelle walking. She's calling him P.P. They go into the studio to block the first scene of the day. Thea Gill comes by quickly with a kiss for Peter. They go into the Lesbian house to sit around the table and have the scene set up. Then Peter's shown going to the office through a maze of fake walls. He does an interview with TV Guide. Closes the door - end of clip.
Babylon - "Peter gives us a guided tour of Babylon."
Picture 2 - On the set of Babylon with Peter.
Video 2 - Entering in through what is the backroom door. "What is a backroom exactly?" lol... He starts pointing out the catwalks, stage, bars and more bars, etc. He says they shoot there pretty much every week. He says the room's really not very big, compared to how it looks on film. Peter tells us about having to act like your talking above the music, how the extras are dancing to silence when the music gets cut off for the scene to be shot. He says it can be pretty difficult doing emotional scenes on that set. They shoot really fast and move on, so "you know if you don't get it, you're not going to get it." Says Emmett adores Babylon, that he gets to be his most outrageous self there, wearing his wildest clothes. That he's very much a home there.
11am - Shooting starts for Episode 209. Peter explains the process.
Picture 3 - Peter hangs out with Randy Harrison and Thea Gill between scenes.
Video 3 - Okay - this is a fucking BLAST to watch. It's the cast and crew filming Ted's embarrassment at Emmett telling everyone in Lindz' house that he's got an erection from the Viagra still. The angles are great to see, and it's wonderful to watch the mechanics of the shoot. Starts out with us seeing Ted on the porch talking into his cell. Cut. Then we see the cast members listening to Scott doing the dialogue from the other side of the set doorway. Michelle's bouncing the baby, Gale's got his hand over his mouth like he's gonna crack up, etc. They all walk to the door on cue. Cut. Then we see the close up of the door being opened by Emmett with everyone behind him. Cut. Several different angles of the cast as they pour on the Erection jokes, including Gale's flag day line. Cut. Em and Ted walking off from the house...just as Peter and Scott start doing the midget walk where they fold their bodies into themselves as if going down a flight of stairs...cute. Peter goes over what they've all done in the last hour and a half. He's saying they have to do it all again from different sides, getting close ups of cast members. He takes a break to grab some candy. Gives us a look at the Kraft truck that feeds everyone. He says he's got to go call one of the producers who's in LA about an upcoming episode. They usually are working on one and up to two or three future episodes scriptwise while shooting the current one. Peter goes into the HORROR of looping, which is when they go into a dark room and have to do voice tracks to correct scenes and dialogue for different takes. It's just "living hell."
12:30pm - Peter continues shooting scenes on the set of Lindsay and Melanie's house.
Picture 4 - An overhead shot of a scene being filmed on the set of Lindsay and Melanie's house.
Video 4 - More of the scene right before Ted calls from the porch where the cast are all around the dining room table. There's alot of shushing, and waiting going on as things get set up and lit. We see him doing the whole scene (with the crew all about) and it cuts as he gets up to see Ted on the porch. There are alot of overhead shots here of the cast being madeup and talking as they wait. Then another take from a different angle. Very funny, cause Scott's like right off camera sitting in an arm chair in his rain coat...doing the dialogue for Peter to act off of...lol. Scott's talking to a stuffed toy, moving it all around like they are having a real conversation...hehe. Everyone starts laughing after "cut" is called. Then, Peter's headed back to his trailer to change for a scene they are doing on the Woody's set. He goes into the trailer...pause, comes back out and laughs at his own mistake saying he doesn't have a costume change...lol. Same clothing applies.
2pm - Peter hangs out with Scott Lowell, eats lunch and tries on Emmett's outfits.
Picture 5 - Peter clowns around with Scott Lowell.
Picture 6 - Peter in costume as Costume Designer Patrick Antosh explains Emmett's look.
Video 5 - ROFLMAO!!! Peter's hugging on Scott from behind. Scott says very seriously, "Peter Paige is actually very butch." Pause...and Peter asks a woman behind the camera, "Why are you laughing?" hehehe... This is a fucking riot. They are debating Emmett's butch moments on film. Scott says he gave full butchhood to Blake. Peter says well, there's only so much butchness he could give off while wearing gold lame...THUD. Or silver lame, he can't remember. Scott while Peter laughs, "Well even Superheros have their little disguises to hide their inner self." They are shown walking around with arms over each other's shoulders, and the music is sooooooooooooo Pulp Fiction-esque. Lunch, cast and crew being served up together from a buffet line. Then, Peter walking to wardrobe to try on clothing for the next episode. Folks, this is when he tries on the pink vinyl pants and polkadot pink/fusia shirt for George's first trip to Babylon. DAMN, I LUV that outfit...hehe. Peter says he'll use the modesty screen so the camera can stay. Antosh, says that usually Peter runs around showing all his goodies...lol. They discuss the outfits in order to the sсript. We see the clothes Emmett wears when he tells George he should to to the opera and say fuck'em to the wife standing guard. Peter starts doing an ape impression. He tries on fabulous shades. Then he comes out in the pink outfit, saying the pants were especially made for him. Pink faux-ostrich pants. We see how much the shirt is pinned up in the back as they discuss making it higher over the butt and tighter on the torso. They discuss Emmett's varying style of household reality and flamboyant style. As the designer talks, we see Peter busting a move in front of the mirror to see how the pink outfit will look while dancing. Then we get a look at Peter in full tux for the opera scenes. Antosh says Peter is night and day to his character. Peter comes out in tie-dyed cords and a horizontal striped turtle neck, saying he feels Emmett when he puts on the cloths. That during the summer he couldn't find the character's voice to do a quote for some friend, so out of context from the show. We see him in the tux again, getting more Polaroid's done. Saying actors get documented repeatedly during the course of their days.
4pm - On the set at Woody's, Peter acts in an emotional scene before filming wraps for the day.
Picture 7 - Shooting a scene at Woody's with Peter, Scott and Randy.
Video 6 - Peter back in his current costume walking to the set. We see him being primped by makeup and hair. Then they rehearse - with Hal, Scott, Randy, and Gale. This is the scene where the guys are listening to bad karaoke. Brian's mom has found out his gay, he's found out her priest's a trick of his. Etc...etc. This is where Emmett's all emotional saying the bad singing is so moving. It's 9:30pm now, over 12 hours later...and Peter's saying it'll go another 45 mins or more. And that this is one of the shortest days he's had on set...lol. Shooting the scene...it's HILARIOUS to watch. You see alot more of Emmett crying, sobbing in his hand as Randy almost cracks up. Cut...and the crew cracks up. They all hug the director when the scene's over. Peter says goodnight to people. He says a cute farewell to us, and that's it folks....lol.
@темы: видео, Day in the life with Piter Page video, давным-давно на Sho.com
теперь так любопыцтво разъедает, а что он там ему делает))
спасибо, Саш!
эх, так жаль, что нам достаюцца только жааалкие крохи...
а я наоборот, что в последние недели все на нее натыкалась, и посмотрела раза три))
теперь так любопыцтво разъедает, а что он там ему делает))
это да... очень интересно) когда то попадалось определение "играет") но оно какое-то неубедительное)
Рэнди так заинтересованно наблюдает.. хотя потом отвлекается, как будто ваще ниче интересного)
ну это определенно приходит в голову) хотя вряд ли
и чего еще Гейл своей рукой встряхивает)
а когда Рэнди убирает руку, все продолжает доставать, в задумчивомти) у меня-то ваще ощущение, что он и не с рукой делает вовсе... но это не интересно)) заноза мне нравится гораздо больше!)
или сразу пишем рпс?)
ну дык ты сама приучила) ждать)
Sapfira23 о, у меня мысль, может он точно занозу достает из своей руки, а Рэнди подставил свою, чтобы поддержать морально
а чего он тогда на свою руку потом посмотрел? ) может они со свечкой, или что там у них на столе что-то делают? но тоже странно - руки слишком близко..
ну... интересная мысль)) интересно, кто проспорил)
yurkina ура! ты опять что-то раскопала! очень интересно все это
да... раскопала еще когда профили-дневники искала, и тут вдруг оно в единую картинку сложилось, когда я про это видео вспомнила)
непонятно, зачем удалили профили и эти видюшки
ну, профили могу еще понять... хотя тоже с трудом, но вот эти дни... при том что три оставлены на сайте до сих пор! загадочно...
Sapfira23 ну почему у меня мысли только о том, чтоб ее подержать
с вашего позволения перепощу )
жаль, у меня сегодня видюшки не работают
жаль, да)
с вашего позволения перепощу )
нуу.. ну перепости...
заработало видео! потрясно! а ведь сколько, наверное, таких малоизвестных видео на просторах инета зарыто
спасибо еще раз!
не думаю что много, увы) все-таки почти все, тем более значительное, на поверхности
хотя вот то, что в тех "днях" было... не очень понятно, может где что еще и есть, но...
ну, если нада, то перепости
ну может и так)
Гейл продолжает невозмутимо выглядеть))
нет ну ваще, сплошные загадки да) и операторы как всегда снимают не то, шо нада... надо было же крупный плаан!
вот да... и снимают не то... и в качестве не том ))
давай, да) перевод - это хорошо)