когда-то попались мне ссылки в фандоме на два объявления, о поиске актеров для QAF, Дрю и Сэма Ауэрбаха
фандом они интересовали в плане спойлеров, и само по себе появление новых персонажей и плюс, что к этим объявлениям прилагались страницы из сценария, хоть и немного, но чето оттуда можно было почерпнуть и не только про этих персонажей)
www.showfax.com/role_selection.cfm?l=1&t=1&p=71... - Дрю Бойд
www.showfax.com/role_selection.cfm?l=1&t=1&p=71... - Сэм Ауэрбах
вот например, если интересно, какие страницы прилагались к роли Сэма (то что шло к роли Дрю походу в фандоме не сохранилось)
читать дальше
а об автографах на сценарии забавную историю рассказала Danny, как в Далласе, на автограф-сессии ДВД 3-го сезона (это февраль 2004), на которой были Рэнди, Питер и Скотт, она дала Рэнди подписать несколько страничек из сценария)
Совсем вкратце, глаза у него сделались размером с блюдца, он спросил "ОМГ, откуда у тебя это?"
она ответила - Рэнди, ты же знаешь, я не могу тебе сказать.
Он снова сказал ОМГ, спросил у Скотта, не будет ли у него каких-нибудь неприятностей, если он подпишет, к разговору подключился Питер, тоже удивился, поинтересовался у Рэнди, откуда у нее сценарий, Рэнди
девочка пообещала Рэнди, что это только для нее, и она не будет это продавать
просто забавный случай, но к тому же имхо и любопытный, судя по удивлению питера и буквально потрясению рэнди, до этого момента сценариев на подпись им фанаты не давали еще, хотя конечно уверенности в этом у меня нет, просто впечатление от их реакции))
вот собственно отрывок из ее отчета, та его часть, что непосредственно касается беседы с Рэнди, на английском, естественно) очень стоит почитать)
читать дальшеRandy had kind of been half listening and watching me and Peter with my card. I
grab the second one and handed it to him. I told him the same thing about why I
made it and about the quote inside and told him where it came from and all that.
He said, "Wow, that is so thoughtful, I really appreciate that, is it okay if I
open it later when it's not so..." and his voice trailed off and he gestured
with his hand around in a circle.
I said "oh yes absolutely".
And he kind of leaned up in his chair and stuck it in his back pocket. He said,
"thank you again".
He reached for my DVD and then said, "Oh," (like he just remembered) and stuck
out his hand.
I kind of chuckled and took his hand and said, "Hi Randy," and told him my name.
He signed the S3 DVD set. Then I remembered the S2 set in my hand and put it
down on the table and asked if he could sign that one too.
Peter heard that and looked over and said "Uh." Like in a 'pouty, no fair' way.
(distraction number 2, also courtesy of Peter)
I said to him "oh no, you signed it last year."
He said "oh, okay, just checking."
Randy laughed.
So I blame Peter for the rest of this going downhill, he distracted me twice and
I was doing so well keeping it together in front of Randy. I forgot what I was
doing, thanked Randy again and moved on to Scott.
This is where I get upset at myself... I'm totally off kilter now and not
thinking clearly....
Scott stood up and took my hand. He said "hi."
I said "hi Scott" and I proceeded to tell him about the card.
He opened it and read it and said "oh wow, this is great."
I said, "yeah, that's what I thought when he emailed that to me during our
He put the card on the table and stood it up against his water bottle.
I told him my name and he started to sign my DVD set... then I remembered... the
sсriрt. I panic... forget all about Scott and move back to Randy.
I said (interrupting him with the person behind me in line, which, luckily for
me happened to be someone I knewЕ LOL) "Randy, Randy, I almost forgot the most
important thing."
He said, "what's that?"
I laid the sсript down in front of him and leaned over the table just a little
bit so I could talk quieter. (I didn't crowd his space, though, for some reason
I was very conscious of not doing that, I don't know why) I told him, "this is
a great scene and I would love if you would sign it for me."
His eyes got big as saucers and he looked down at it. He thumbed through the
pages, (there were 5), and said, "oh my god, how did you get this?"
I smiled, and said "Randy, you know I can't tell you that."
He said "oh my god" again.
So I added, "it's a secret, it won't leave my hands, I promise. Will you sign
it please? It's not the whole sсript, I only brought the one scene." (I was
He turned to Scott who was watching the whole thing since I had practically left
him in the dust. (I feel so bad about that now - I did the same damn thing last
year... errrgggg!!)
Randy asked Scott, "could I get in trouble for signing this?"
Scott said, "what am I, a lawyer?" He laughed, I laughed. He looked at me and
shrugged his shoulders and shook his head (like Ted!!).
Randy looked up at me and picked up his pen, "you can't tell me how you got it?"
I shook my head, of course I'm still smiling. I think I raised my eyebrows.
Randy said "I don't know if I should sign it."
Peter wondered what was going on because the line wasn't moving so he said "sign
Randy said, "she's got a sсript."
Peter said "What? How'd she get it?" He looked at me then to Randy.
I shrugged again with a grin.
Randy said "I don't know, she won't tell me."
Peter smiled at me and said "eh, sign it, no big deal".
Randy was certainly perplexed and in shock and looked up at me again, so I
finally say "it's just for me Randy, I won't sell it, it won't leave my hands, I
promise." As if he knows me well enough to trust meЕ LOL
He signs it and hands it back to me. I take it and thank him like 5 times.
He said "your very welcome."
I walk off and get all the way out of there and start stuffing all my stuff back
in my bag and realized that I left my S2 DVD set with Randy, I never picked it
back up after he signed it...so even though I had moved on to Scott, I had still
left it laying there. See? Peter's fault... I was totally distracted about
having to explain to him that he signed it last year and commenting on the guy
getting married. Those comments weren't part of my learned dialogue that I had
played in my mind for the day...LOL....
So I head back to the table telling security that I left my DVDs up there, they
let me go. When I approach the table, Randy is already on his feet, holding it
up and yelling out, "where'd she go?"
Then he sees me and says, "you forgot these."
I said "yeah, I know. The sсript thing kind of got me frazzled."
He said, "yeah, me too" and smiled.
So I said "Thanks again, Randy. Bye".
и еще про Danny и сценарии, я как-то писала о различиях в сценарии 203 и вышедшим эпизодом, но тогда вроде не выложила "оригинал", а это ее пересказ (в начале декабря 2003 у нее оказался сценарий)
вот он, пересказ, целиком, вместе с ее комментариями)
читать дальшеI got the sсript for 203 today and started reviewing it...there's some
interesting tidbits that I thought I'd share...just some small differences from
the sсript to the actual show. This particular sсript has the final draft
including 3 final revisions dated on the front of the sсript so I believe this
was THE sсript that the actors and director worked off of. Several pages
throughout the sсript had a different date on them that matched the dates listed
on the front for the revisions...
The first scene in Woody's and the talk about the Gay as Blazes show...
Change #1:
SHOW: After Lindsay says "Very mature, Brian" Brian flicks something to Ted, who
makes a face then Brian leaves.
sсriрt: Lindsay: Very mature, Brian!
Brian flips her the finger as he leaves, he doesn't look back.
MY COMMENT: Just thought it was interesting that he aggrevated Ted instead of
flipping off Lindsay...LOL...poor Ted
Change #2:
SHOW: Brian walks across the street outside Woody's. Mikey comes up to him and
tickles him under the arm, then Brian grabs his hand and twists it making Mikey
say "Ow, hurting, hurting.
sсriрt: Brian walks down the busy strip. Rushing to catch up, Michael grabs
Brian's ass to get his attention. Brian doesn't even break his stride to seize
the hand that goosed him and twists it.
Michael: Ow! Hurting, hurting.
MY COMMENT: Interesting that little Mikey didn't pinch his ass...suppose that
was Sparks not wanting to???
Lindsay and Melanie's house the next morning....
Change #1:
SHOW: Brian is in the chair holding Gus on his lap. He puts Gus down on the
ground on his touche with Gus facing away from him...he talks with Lindsay...he
pulls Gus up to his feet with Gus still facing away and says "Come to
Daddy...Come on Sonny Boy" (the sonny boy part is almost intangible)
sсriрt: Start on Lindsay, trying to stay calm, eating doughnuts that Brian
brought over.
Lindsay: You're going and that's final!
Now we see Brian, on the floor, before work, steadying Gus, helping him to walk
on his own two feet.
Brian: The fuck I am.
Lindsay: And don't think you can get me to change my mind.....
Brian: (pretending not to hear - says TO Gus) Come to Daddy, that-a-boy.
MY COMMENT: They changed the 'that a boy' to Sonny Boy, which I find endearing
and it makes sense later. Also the sсript called for more of a "Brian helping
Gus to learn to walk" scene, which also makes more sense later.
Change #2:
SHOW: Brian: (To Lindsay and Melanie) It's about the $300 a plate they're
sсriрt: Brian: (To Lindsay and Melanie) It's about the $300 a plate they're
charging. (To Gus) That's it, one foot in front of the other...
MY COMMENT: Again they cut out the "Brian helping Gus to learn to walk" thing. I
think that kind of sucks, I would have loved to see this kind of interaction and
it would have made the later scene all the more sweet. But that could just be
the Mom in me wanting to see Daddy interact...LOL
Change #3:
SHOW: Lindsay releases Brian's nuts, he falls to the ground. Melanie
exclaims...they all look at Gus who's walking. Brian says, in mock pain, "Come
to Daddy."
sсriрt: Lindsay releases Brian's nuts. He breathes a big sigh of relief.
Melanie: Oh, my God. Look...!
Lindsay: You found your keys?
They all turn to see Gus....walking!
Brian: Come to Daddy, Sonny-boy
Gus goes to Brian, who sweeps him up in his arms as Melanie and Lindsay cheer.
MY COMMENT: Cut the sonny-boy line this time...and I'm all bummed that Brian
didn't scoop him up in his arms...That would have been a very big "Aaaaahh"
At the diner discussing Bellweather's article:
Change #1:
SHOW: Justin says..."The guy practically called you a child molester. Brian
answers..."Who should know better than you?" while looking all cute...LOL They
cut to Mikey who rolls his eyes then gets up and reminds Brian about the
convention as he leaves. Brian looks pensive.
sсriрt: Justin: The guy practically called you a child molester.
Brian: Who should know better than you?
He gives Justin a kiss. Michael reacts uncomfortably, seeing all this
lovey-dovey shit.
Michael: I gotta go to the ATM...Don't forget. Comicon. Tonight. Six O'clock.
MY COMMENT: All I can say is that I would have loved to have seen the
kiss....Mikey rolling his eyes in the show was as if he rolled his eyes at
Brian's comment not at the uncomfortableness of the scene...The kiss would have
been soooo much better. And then Brian's look at the end of the scene would
have made so much more sense because he would have known that the kiss bothered
Michael, so they cut the kiss but kept Brian's pensive look...strange...because
to me, it made it seem that Brian may have really been bothered by Bellweather's
comment about Justin's age.
The cop in the van:
No changes really to this scene, but I loved the description of it so I thought
I'd share...this is word for word from the sсript...their words, not mine...I
sсriрt: Flocks of comic book nerds of all ages pour toward the hotel where a
sign outside reads "comicon". Find Michael, already there, waiting, excitedly
gripping his Uber-passes. He looks one way, then another. No sign of Brian.
Brian sits behind the wheel. He glances over at the car stopped next to him.
It's a police SUV, with a dee-lish uniformed cop at the wheel. Their eyes meet.
Michael paces, alone. He looks one way. Then another. Still no sign of Brian. He
whips out his phone, dials.
Among a heap of hastily discarded clothes, Brian's cell phone lights up,
indicating an in-coming call. It's ringing is drowned out by the blaring fuck-me
tunes. Pan to the rear of the police SUV where we find: Brian and the cop. The
cop is naked...face first and ass up. His hands are cuffed behind his back. He
is straddled by Brian...who wears nothing but the cop's hat. As he lubes up a
nightstick...CUT TO:
MY COMMENT: Okay....'comic book nerds'....'dee-lish' cop...'fuck-me
tunes'....just too freaking funny...sorry.
Lindsay and Melanie's living room:
SHOW: Lindsay says something about the sex after they get married and Melanie
responds with they have to do it more now. That's all...no more talking...the
rest is all moans and groans until the doorbell rings.
sсriрt: In the living room, Melanie lubes up a glinting stainless steel
vibrator....with her tongue. She straddles naked Lindsay. Lindsays hands are
working away beneath Melanies rocking pelvis. They kiss...wet and sloppy.
Melanie: As the Center's legal council, I must advise you that use of this
blatantly penile substitute may seriously compromise your image as an
outstanding dyke.
Lindsay: Fuck my image. And while you're at it...fuck me.
Melanie flicks the vibrator on. It's loud. She teases it over Lindsay's nipples,
alternating with flicks of her tongue.
Lindsay: Think sex'll be this good after we're married?
Melanie: No. That's why we have to have as much as we can now.
Lindsay arches, well on her way to climax, just as the doorbell rings. They
Melanie: I really don't think we're home.
Lindsay: They're going to wake Gus.
MY COMMENT: Thank goodness, they chopped this up and dropped the dialogue...I
just don't think that women talk that much during sex...LOL...maybe Thea and
Michelle told them that... But on the other hand, I wanted to say...damn!
Girls, girls, girls...getting some nasty talk going on there...LOL
Another funny thing in the sсript is the description of whose at the door:
Melanie opens the door to reveal a big, humorless bull dyke (Tannis) and a
slight, lispy prissy-boy (Phillip). My comment....crack me up for one, and
two...who the hell has a name like Tannis?....LOL
Liberty Avenue...Justin and Brian walk:
No changes to this scene either, but I loved the description of how it is to
play out so I thought I'd share...and I'm not so sure that the writer's intent
was carried out with the noises in the background representing Justin's
nervousness....but since the hearing part was cut out of the last scene due to
the song that was inserted...it doesn't really matter here so it's okay that it
sсriрt: Near the bookstore, where hypervigilant Justin moves nervously down the
street with Brian. The usual Saturday afternoon crowd swarms around them, but in
Justin's present fearful state of mind, it feels like ten times that. Even the
traffic and the street noise seems ten times louder. Looking overwhelmed, Justin
grips Brian's arm. Brian notes the clench.
MY COMMENT: Brian says "ow" to Justin clenching his arm on the show...that's not
in the sсript and makes me want to say "aaahhh". I just love this
The buttering-up of Brian at the muncher's house:
SHOW: Melanie hands Brian a cigar and he says..."oh yeah"
sсriрt: Melanie hands Brian a cuban cigar.
Brian: Oh yeah. Come to papa.
MY COMMENT: Hmmm....I don't know, they cut the papa. Oh well.
At Babylon:
SHOW: Mikey, Ted, & Emmett are talking. Brian shows up and says to Mikey..."Just
the man I've been looking for. Let's dance." Mikey says "I don't feel like it."
sсriрt: Just then Brian joins them, throws his arm around Michael.
Brian: Just the man I've been looking for.
Michaels welcome is chilly.
Michael: How come you're not with Justin?
Brian: Sometimes I need some "me" time.
Ted: When isn't it "you" time?
Brian: (to Michael) Let's dance.
Michael: I don't feel like it.
MY COMMENT: Verrry interesting....they cut out Michael's jealousy over Justin
just like they cut the kiss out from the earlier scene in the diner. Suppose
they were trying to really make Michaels attitude just about loosing his friend
and not so much about loosing him to Justin? The writer's clearly wanted Michael
to be jealous but without these scenes, it did change things...just thought that
was interesting especially since Justin so graciously gives up a blow job from
Brian later in order to send Brian to go play with Michael....who's the bigger
man here?? LOL Maybe that's why...they couldn't have 30 year old Mikey showed up
by an 18 year old...okay, that's probably stretching, but still....hmmm
Liberty Avenue...Justin walks to Brian:
Only 1 slight change so I'll just highlight that part in the sсript. This is the
word for word account of the scene as written in the sсript.
sсriрt: The street's crowded with weekend warriors. Deep in the throng, Brian
stands, ignoring the usual hungry looks, his eyes something up ahead. RAMP TO:
Justin, at the other end of the block, making his way toward Brian. His gaze is
likewise fixed on Brian...the passing bodies are merely blurs. Traffic,
conversations, music...all seem to fade away. His heart beats loudly, over it
all. Suddenly, Justin is jostled by a passerby. For a moment, Brian disappears
from view. But Justin shakes his head, takes a breath, and once more Brian is
there, smiling, arms outstretched now, encouraging him, welcoming him as he did
with Gus. He calls:
Brian: Come on, Sonny boy.
And Justin arrives, in his arms, safe and sound just like Gus.
Justin: I wasn't sure I could do it.
Brian: I was.
Suddenly, unexpectedly, Brian kisses him. Justin smiles.
Justin: What's that for?
Brian: You know how much I love sex in public places.
Justin: Then suck me off, right here, right now, in broad daylight.
Brian: My, you are recovering nicely.
Justin: (flirty) Bad as new.
Brian: One step at a time. First we walk back to my place...then I suck you off.
Justin: I can do it myself
Brian: You can give yourself head?
Justin: Get home without a chaperone! (shoving him) Now, go on!
Brian: Trying to get rid of me?
Justin: I'm sick of you always following me around. Don't you have friends your
own age?
Brian: They don't adore me nearly as much as you do.
Justin: I can think of one who does. (then) Anyway, you have a big, important
fundraiser to attend.
Brian: You mean some boring, insignigicant time-waster to endure.
Justin: You're a hero, no matter what anyone says
Justin rewards him with a kiss...and a FEEL.
Brian: thanks for the standing ovation
Justin: (mustering courage) Well, here goes. Later.
Brian: Later
Justin takes off down the street...tentatively, but on his own. Brian stands
there watching him until he's safely out of sight.
MY COMMENT: Damn, I love this scene...interesting that the intent was to tie
this scene with him helping Gus learn to walk in the opening scene. The only
thing that I can think of as to why they didn't leave this image in the final
show was the Bellweather comment...it seems odd because they had Brian comment
on the big age difference in the diner as if it didn't bother him...it obviously
didn't bother Justin because he attacked Bellweather for saying it. But I guess,
they were worried about us making that connection...No need...we all know how he
feels about Justin...it's not pedophilia...he just feels like his
protector...not his daddy like with Gus...but the connection between Justin and
Gus will always be there just because of how they both entered his life on the
same night and he calls them both, Sonny boy....Anyhoo...the small change is the
FEEL that went along with Justin's kiss. It definitely changes the meaning of
Brian's "standing ovation" line and I was cracking up. Maybe
it was just me, but without seeing that he gave him a 'feel'..I took the
standing ovation line as a comeback for Justin calling him a hero, giving him
praise...I certainly didn't take it as a slick way of referring to a hard-on.
There seemed to be two themes for this episode...the upstanding citizen theme as
represented by Bellweather, the Gay as Blazes show, and Emmett's job at Blaine
and Blair's house...then the other was "Brian the daddy, the teacher, the
motivator" to Justin and Gus which in a way made him an upstanding citizen in my
eyes...who cares that he boinked a cop with a nightstick...LOL. Oh, a third
one...Mikey's jealousy...ur...I mean his feelings about their friendship.
Anyway, no big revelations in this sсript like the last one but it was still
interesting to read and to think about...hope no one minded reading my
drivel...I just get into this kind of stuff and always seem to think that others
do too....maybe not...LOL