давно хотела выложить, хотя ничего особо захватывающего или нового вроде, но пусть будет... небольшое видео интервью, Коулипы и Хэл, записано через четыре дня после выхода пилота в эфир
читать дальшеCharlie Rose with Ed Rollins; Mark Ruffalo, Laura Linney & Kenneth Lonergan; Matt Blank, Ron Cowen, Daniel Lipman & Hal Sparks (December 7, 2000)
Political strategist and former Ronald Reagan campaign manager Ed Rollins discusses the continuing legal battles over the disputed ballots in the Gore vs. Bush presidential election. Then, a conversation with director Kenneth Lonergan and actors Laura Linney and Mark Ruffalo about their new film, You Can Count On Me, which follows the relationship of a grown brother and sister who were orphaned as children and is generating Oscar buzz. Finally, some members of the team behind Showtime's new series Queer As Folk, which focuses on the lives of a group of gay men and women living in Pittsburgh, talk about the controversy the show has sparked. They are Matt Blank, CEO of Showtime, executive producers Ron Cowen and Daniel Lipman and actor Hal Sparks.
автор и ведущий шоу Чарли Роуз ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A0%D0%BE%D1%83%D0%B7,... Showtime CEO Matt Blank, executive producers Ron Cowen and Daniel Lipman, and actor Hal Sparks discuss Showtime's controversial series "Queer As Folk", which focuses on the lives of a group of gay men and women living in Pittsburgh.
www.charlierose.com/view/interview/3357передача длинная, часовая, вся нам ни к чему, вырезала из нее собственно кусочек про QAF