попались мне в пересказе by xof (пока искала инфу о нательных микрофонах на съемках, которые оказывается использовались))
про эти дни "A Day in the Life" квировского каста, которые когда-то были на шоутаймовском сайте, частично сохранились и до сих пор, но в большей своей части сгинули, я писала и рассказывала тут: Питер Пейдж. За кадром 209. Видео. moveforever.diary.ru/p141457868.htm и туда же я добавила пересказ дня Питера, поскольку там же и видео
а тут выложу пересказ того, что было в дне Мишель, и в дне Рона с Дэном (из которого одна видюшка дожила до наших дней и ее все знают - cast reading)
(все на английском)
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Showtime has added a "Day in the Life" section of their Behind the Scenes QAF Page.
Featured is a video / picture tour of one day in the life of the show's production. Each segment showcased has either a streaming video clip or a picture featured.
For those not able to view it, I'll give you a recap of what's featured:
"On Monday, February 11 we accompanied Michelle Clunie on location in Toronto. See as Michelle proceeds through her day on the set of Queer As Folk running the whole gamut from hair and make-up to the many aspects of shooting scenes to all the activities that go into the many hours spent on a set."
7:30am - "Michelle shows up for work and begins the process of becoming Melanie in Hair and Make-up."
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Vid One - Michelle is shown exiting her trailer in early morning. She's got a big coat on, is clutching a hot cup and her sides for the day - saying it's reallllly early and realllllllllllly cold. Maybe 25 degrees. Makes her understand why they actually sale coats like her own, in LA...lol. She walks with an assistant, a man who takes care of the actors - and says she often tells him what to do since she thinks men need to be told. They go into the set - they are shooting the scene where Lindz covers her eyes and takes her up to the attic. We see them "walking a scene" meaning they aren't even in character, but are finding out where to go, how to move, etc. before the shot is made. She then goes to makeup, where's she's being taken from "imperfect to better." lol... What's funny is the whole time she's talking, and he's doing her lipstick - you can see this Polaroid of Divina Devore stuck to the mirror...heheh. We're seeing how much work goes into the "no makeup work" and that's it's "really hard." Next is hair - and Michelle shows us her character's coloring - "red, chocolate, raspberry." And ... haha, we're treated to a convo on how Michelle's hair "sprouts" whenever it's cut. The hairdresser talks about the "marriage" they have over Michelle's looks and hair choices. Michelle tells us that mostly she and Thea shoot most of their scenes in a day or so, that's it's more concentrated - unless they have scenes with the other cast members.
Pic One - "Key Makeup Artist Stephen Lynch gives Michelle a touch up on the set."
Next - "Begins shooting attic scene with Thea Gill and Nancy Sakovich."
Vid Two - Lindz, Michelle and Nancy are talking through their lines - while sipping drinks...lol. A lot of behind the scenes footage of Michelle being directed as to positioning in the attic set. We see take two of Lindz escorting a blinded Melanie up the stairs - and you can tell by the words, how they are phrased that this isn't the take that's used on the episode. We see through the viewfinder as the scene continues. Then it segue-ways into Leda's giving them an estimate of the materials, but what we see is the continuity girl going over her sсript line by line as they talk. Michelle tells us about the director, as we see him giving her and Nancy instructions for the next take. She is then shown being touched up - makeup-wise - for "coverage" close up scenes - now that the masters have been completed. She introduces the boom guy. Then the cameraman. Michelle says these guys are so sweet. That they are the ones she and Thea do their love scenes in front of and once "cut" is yelled - the guys will literally cover their eyes...lol. She and Thea are asked how's it playing a couple. ROFLMAO. Michelle proceeds to cups Thea's breasts as they talk about being comfortable with each other. Being able to discuss things without pause.
Pic Two - "Michelle working on a scene with Nancy Sakovich who plays Leda."
Next - "Michelle talks about creating Melanie's look and mentality."
Vid Three - Wardrobe talk...lol. Michelle's pants are from Europe, and she tells us where the wire and microphone are hid. "Basically we want Melanie to look strong." And she says she hates clothes that cover her arms - ie, she likes sleeveless clothes - because it "annoys" her. She's asked what she thinks about Melanie. "Honest" and "she calls it like she sees it." She says the cast is incredibly close, that they are able to hear other's opinions and are open to them. We see several shots of her and Thea working. Michelle says the first year the producers were very much responsible for putting the cast together, and keeping them close. She says the crew is also special, because they "want" to be there - working on a gay themed show - when many others didn't want to. She shows us her whole wheat with peanut butter and banana slices...eeek. Saying she and Thea eat that all the time. One of "their sandwiches" - and they two start acting like realllly ancient old women asking for food as Michelle gums a kiss on Thea's cheek. ROFLMAO.
Pic Three - "Michelle chats with the 1st A.D. Kim MacLachlan between scenes."
Next - "Shooting continues in Melanie and Lindsay's attic with Gale Harold and Thea Gill."
Vid Four - As they wait for scene set up, we see more of Thea and Michelle fooling around. Michelle slaps Thea on the butt, saying she's tougher than Thea. More scene set up - a lot more. With measuring tapes and camera placements. After lunch - AWWWWW!!!! It's Gale. THUD. Okay, okay - I soooo need to calm down. This is the scene with him in the attic, as the two girls talk about why Lindz didn't want Leda's help. He's dressed in his work clothing, with Gus' spit towel over his shoulder. The moment they are giggling up to is when Lindz turns on the circular saw and scares the shit out of all involved....lol. Gale make a funny...hehe. Saying he's "so compelled to grab that saw. Self-destructive impulse." The director says please, "no hijacks with the saw." We then see Michelle with her hands raised high, as three men are working on her mike and sound wire. "This is worse than the airport." Shooting the scene - Mel and Lindz mesmerized to the Martha Steward-esque Video as Brian enters - and I crack UP when Gale says "who is that crazy bitch." We see more of that scene being shot.
Pic Four - "Michelle, Thea and Gale running through a scene in Lindsay and Melanie's attic."
Next - "5:45pm - Between takes Michelle elaborates on her average day on the set."
Vid Five - Michelle's kidding around about having filmed with the saw. Saying it's Showtime - No Limits. And how it was choreographed like a dance...not. She's practically punch-drunk with tiredness now. Saying they talk about scenes with the producers, then she and Thea will call and talk about it, then they'll talk to the director - and after all this talking - "they'll just come up with something" last second. Her 18 hour day is winding down - she's tired and her voice is going. Talks about having to be hyper-aware and present in the scenes - and how emotional it is. It's a build up - so on days where they work 18 hours all they want to do afterwards is shower and sleep - but if they only film one scene in a day "it's like sex without orgasm." She's actually 11 hours into her day and they are on the third scene. This scene could be frantic, so they saved it till last. Michelle goes to "graze" at the food table - avoiding the sugar so her energy levels won't drop. (((Funny, that Peter Paige admitting to eating candy all through out the day.))) We see the director praising her and her energy/preparedness. She says goodbye to us - breaking down into a giggle fit in the process....and is called back into the scene.
Pic Five - "Michelle and Thea hanging out."
That's it folks....
Рон и Дэн
вот тут видюшка из него www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0c8GW8LYWo
Showtime has added a "Day in the Life" section to their Behind the Scenes QAF Page.
Featured is a video / picture tour of one day in the life of the show's production. Each segment showcased has either a streaming video clip or a picture featured.
For those not able to view it, I'll give you a brief recap of what's featured:
читать дальше9 AM - "Dan arrives at Dufferin Gate Productions, and heads to editing." Dan Lipman is shown going into the production office - he speaks to a few staff members and then Hal Sparks comes over. Hal's pretending to cry saying Dan's being mean to him...that he promised they could have fun today. It's cute...Dan plays along saying they'd talked about this before the taping, and that Hal was supposed to be "happy" for the camera. After the play-crying is over, we see Hal and Dan talking. It's fun to watch since Hal says he's learned there can be sexual innuendo in practically anything. Course Dan and Hal emphasize " In U End O"....lol. Then Dan walks down and we see "Uncle Vic"- Jack W. - talking with a new director. Then Dan goes and talks to the show's editor. You can see footage from Ep 9 on her monitor as they talk.
Pic One - Dan, Producer Sheila Hockin and Editor Lisa Grootenboer edit a scene from Ep. 9.
10 AM - "Ron arrives and focuses on the writing process." Ron Cowen discusses the writing process. Takes about a week per episode. They have a writing team of five men ( including Ron ) and one woman. They tell three stories per show, each written on a dry-erase board in a different color.
Pic Two - Dan goofs off with actor, Hal Sparks.
Noon - "Ron reunited with Dan and works further with writer Karen Walton." They are reviewing a first draft sсript. Discussing whether to keep an "E" reference in a future episode. And then there is a small spoiler about Michael and Justin. Not too big. They say they are both high and acting silly, that this is the beginning of their collaboration. It's great to see the scene being discussed. After lunch, Ron and Dan are kidding about all the Moose they have to eat in Toronto. Ron talking back with the writing team...wanting them to add in a scene of Michael acting as the messenger of Justin's unhappiness to Brian. (Oh my....) Ron's saying things get more .... nastier? ... then he says, "Frazzled."
Pic Three - Ron, Dan and Karen Walton in the office going over a sсript.
3 PM - "Key members of the staff and cast gather for a table read of Episode 212." Dan is saying that this is the time for any problems the cast may be having to be discussed because once they hit the set, everything is set in stone. We see Michelle Clunie arriving- Dan thought she wouldn't be there. Then Sherry Miller comes in and gets lots of hugs from Dan. We see that Dan's telling each person that they are his favorite actor...lol. Thea Gill, then Scott Lowell - who tells him he's his fav too since he signs all their paychecks. Peter Paige comes in and after Dan tells him he's his favorite actor...Peter starts to get all emotional and says that since Dan never says anything nice, it's great to hear. Dan's laughing. As Peter walks away, he finishes by telling Dan - "Now could you get your hand off my ass, thanks." Next up - Bobby Gant. He's told about being the fav....and he says thanks, that he paid Dan well to say that. Just then, we see Scott BEHIND Dan and Bobby - listening and looking all hurt for hearing he's been lied to...lol. Bobby sees him, and says okay it's nice being the second favorite on the show. Randy Harrison, food in hand as he tries to get out of the camera shot. Dan tells him about the fav... and Scott yells out, "I'm right here, Dan. I can hear you!!!" Then we see the cast reading sections of the sсript outloud. None of which we can make much sense out of. There is a brief scene of Michael and Deb at a grave. And then Michael and Brian in the steamroom at the Gym. As the producers recap the process, they show panning shots of the cast members all around the table. Gale, Peter, Sherry, Bobby, Scott, Hal, Ron, Dan, Thea, Michelle, Jack, Sharon, Randy with others mixed in. The reading takes around two hours. Next Dan says they will being doing some casting for ep 212 - which is the ep sсript we just saw them reading. Dan says the first person to read for them originally was Scott, then Peter - who read for Ted but they quickly ran after him and said read for Emmett, and the third was Hal. So both Dan and Ron thought this is so easy....course what followed was a bit of casting nightmare for most of the other parts.
Pic Four - Ron and Hal going over the sсript for episode 212.
Pic Five - Ron, Dan, Hal Sparks, Sherry Miller, Sharon Gless, and Sheila Hockin talk before the cast table read begins.
Pic Six - The cast table read.
7 PM - "Pete Paige shows off his diva side." Hilarious take of Peter acting the grand dame. He storms in demanding to speak to Ron. Then throws his sсript down. Ron says don't throw scripts at me and Peter says he'll throw whatever he wants when it's written like that. They start flipping through the poor beat up sсript discussing heatedly whether Peter can say his lines. Peter says, "I can't save every scene. I'm not even in that scene." Then they both crack up. Peter kisses Ron on the cheek and they hug. They go back into the play acting...with Ron saying Peter was "off" in the read through. Peter's calling him Mr. Cohan now...lol. Acting like he's gonna cry again. Then they kiss and hug again. And they kid around about who gets to have their face be towards the camera while they hug....it's an old stage trick to be the one everyone can see rather than the one that's obscured by the other person's head...lol.
8 PM - "Ron and Dan catch a second wind and visit the set." Mostly Dan's walking through all the sets...and we see a brief shot of Scott saying everything's going fine, "It's all in the sсript." A veryyy brief shot of Dan watching the scene being shot through the monitor...scene's set in Woody's, btw. They wrap photography for the night at 8:30 PM but Ron and Dan are going to be working with the writers to about 10:30 PM.
And that's all folks.....
Pic Seven - Ron and Dan on the set of Woody's.
ну и это сюда сдублирую для удобства
и опять меня поражает, как фандом мог не сохранить этого?
ну выдрали же три видюшки из этих дней в свое время, но почему не все? из дня Скотта и дня Мишель не сохранилось вообще ничего, даже того кусочка, где был Гейл... удивительно просто.
Дни из жизни Мишель, Рона и Дэна, и Питера
попались мне в пересказе by xof (пока искала инфу о нательных микрофонах на съемках, которые оказывается использовались))
про эти дни "A Day in the Life" квировского каста, которые когда-то были на шоутаймовском сайте, частично сохранились и до сих пор, но в большей своей части сгинули, я писала и рассказывала тут: Питер Пейдж. За кадром 209. Видео. moveforever.diary.ru/p141457868.htm и туда же я добавила пересказ дня Питера, поскольку там же и видео
а тут выложу пересказ того, что было в дне Мишель, и в дне Рона с Дэном (из которого одна видюшка дожила до наших дней и ее все знают - cast reading)
(все на английском)
читать дальше
Showtime has added a "Day in the Life" section of their Behind the Scenes QAF Page.
Featured is a video / picture tour of one day in the life of the show's production. Each segment showcased has either a streaming video clip or a picture featured.
For those not able to view it, I'll give you a recap of what's featured:
"On Monday, February 11 we accompanied Michelle Clunie on location in Toronto. See as Michelle proceeds through her day on the set of Queer As Folk running the whole gamut from hair and make-up to the many aspects of shooting scenes to all the activities that go into the many hours spent on a set."
7:30am - "Michelle shows up for work and begins the process of becoming Melanie in Hair and Make-up."
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Рон и Дэн
вот тут видюшка из него www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0c8GW8LYWo
Showtime has added a "Day in the Life" section to their Behind the Scenes QAF Page.
Featured is a video / picture tour of one day in the life of the show's production. Each segment showcased has either a streaming video clip or a picture featured.
For those not able to view it, I'll give you a brief recap of what's featured:
читать дальше
и опять меня поражает, как фандом мог не сохранить этого?
ну выдрали же три видюшки из этих дней в свое время, но почему не все? из дня Скотта и дня Мишель не сохранилось вообще ничего, даже того кусочка, где был Гейл... удивительно просто.
про эти дни "A Day in the Life" квировского каста, которые когда-то были на шоутаймовском сайте, частично сохранились и до сих пор, но в большей своей части сгинули, я писала и рассказывала тут: Питер Пейдж. За кадром 209. Видео. moveforever.diary.ru/p141457868.htm и туда же я добавила пересказ дня Питера, поскольку там же и видео
а тут выложу пересказ того, что было в дне Мишель, и в дне Рона с Дэном (из которого одна видюшка дожила до наших дней и ее все знают - cast reading)
(все на английском)
читать дальше
Showtime has added a "Day in the Life" section of their Behind the Scenes QAF Page.
Featured is a video / picture tour of one day in the life of the show's production. Each segment showcased has either a streaming video clip or a picture featured.
For those not able to view it, I'll give you a recap of what's featured:
"On Monday, February 11 we accompanied Michelle Clunie on location in Toronto. See as Michelle proceeds through her day on the set of Queer As Folk running the whole gamut from hair and make-up to the many aspects of shooting scenes to all the activities that go into the many hours spent on a set."
7:30am - "Michelle shows up for work and begins the process of becoming Melanie in Hair and Make-up."
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Рон и Дэн
вот тут видюшка из него www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0c8GW8LYWo
Showtime has added a "Day in the Life" section to their Behind the Scenes QAF Page.
Featured is a video / picture tour of one day in the life of the show's production. Each segment showcased has either a streaming video clip or a picture featured.
For those not able to view it, I'll give you a brief recap of what's featured:
читать дальше
и опять меня поражает, как фандом мог не сохранить этого?
ну выдрали же три видюшки из этих дней в свое время, но почему не все? из дня Скотта и дня Мишель не сохранилось вообще ничего, даже того кусочка, где был Гейл... удивительно просто.