Фоточки наверное видели, их автор Cathy, они плохенькие совсем, и может от этого мне кажутся такими трогательными) (не Рэнди на них, а сами фоточки)), и даже не отчет, а несколько слов Cathy о Рэнди на этом мероприятии.
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Pictures of Randy from the Toronto Q&A
March 19, 2003
I never claimed to be a good photographer and I apologise for the less-than-spectacular quality of these photos. I've heard it said that Randy looked sulky and bratty at the Q&A and I couldn't disagree more. He was filming until 7:00pm and came to the theatre directly from the set. He looked tired, but so did everyone else. Every time I've seen Randy (and I've seen him 7 times now), it's obvious, to me, how ill at ease he is in front of large crowds and how incredibly shy he is. He could have very well gone home that evening, but he didn't. He showed up and he answered every question with candor and honesty. No, he didn't volunteer any answers, but he never does that. He lets others be the 'stars' and he prefers to remain in the background.If his quiet and polite nature is evidence that he's 'bratty and sulky', then I hope he never changes.
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маленькое сокровище, коротенькая видюшка, 28 секунд всего, с этих QA
кем снято я честно сказать не в курсе, то ли забыла, то ли и не знала) (upd ммм, kitkatbyte, f1renze... уточнить)
и фотка еще одна, она не с этого мероприятия, но из того времени и... такая смешная)
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