Двух разных девушек
отчет sunshineandrage, у нее еще есть пара-тройка, но они вроде не такие интересные (а может я не все просто читала), но этот мне просто очень нравится)
кстати, я как-то восхищалась, как они угадывали по съемкам, что происходит... что-то они конечно угадывали, но вообще, у них у некоторых похоже просто сценарии были.. уж не знаю у скольких, и в каком объеме, но были.. насколько я понимаю (а понимаю я не очень точно всю картину), они просто не могли особо рассказывать, чего там, дабы не утрать допуск, только кусочками)) (и из-за этого на жж случались истерики и масштабные скандалы))...
Thu, Feb. 10th, 2005, 04:42 pm
Amy's adventures in QAFland
читать дальшеI'm still trying to wrap my head around the events of Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. I think if I had to describe it in two words, they would be "surreal" and "cold"! Let's see if I can start at the beginning and not skip anything.
We'd been planning this for a week, since we found out that QAF would be filming exterior stuff on Tuesday night. Chantal and Stacey's friend Donny picked me up around 5:00 pm in Kingston, and we headed out to Toronto. The trip was lots of fun, as we listened to a bunch of QAF music from the season 4 soundtrack and some of Chantal's mixed cds. Antonia and Stacey both got there before we did and were phoning to give us updates. I swear, my cell rang more times during that car ride than it has in six months! It made me feel very special. Then at one point when we were almost there, Stacey called and said "I have seen the face of God." Translation: Gale was there! When we were about 10 minutes away, the Republica song "Ready To Go" came on. That was rough. Chantal and I were having visions of Gale and Randy in their cute little black undies, combined with the knowledge that OMG-we're-10-minutes-away-from-Gale! We were like children pumped full of sugar on Christmas morning. I was shaking, and that was just in the car!
So we get to where we're going at around 7:30 and we pull into a parking lot. The attendant says we can park there, but adds "They're filming a movie" to explain why all the trailers were there. We're like, "Oh, really?" trying not to reveal our obsessed weirdo status. We go over to where they're filming, and we spot Antonia, Stacey and Lesley. Antonia comes over and hugs us, and whispers "Gale's in that black car to your left". Now, at that point, I was really having trouble figuring out left from right, so I was pretty much just looking around. Then I spotted him, and had a mini spaz. He was sitting in the back of a black town car, looking hotter in RL than on TV. *Melt*
So, um, yeah. Gale is beautiful. I'm not going to go into detail about most of the scenes, in part because I don't want to make this too spoilery for the virgins, and also because I've already whored the hell out of myself on the boards. There is one scene in particular that I must talk about, and also one character/actor, but I'll put an lj cut on those so true virgins don't have to read them. If anyone (ie Kevin) needs more details, email me.
Back to our regularly scheduled programming. They did the first scene about 50 bazillion times, and we watched for a while, but then we realized we were hungry, and went to the crepe place across from the ChumCity building. Yummy crepes! After that, we went back to the set and they were doing rehearsals for another scene. This was one of the scenes that made me pretty happy, in a perverse kind of way. I think they filmed that one about 90 bazillion times.
While they were filming this scene, Matt Battaglia (Drewsie) came over to talk to the fans who were gathered there watching. He is seriously the nicest guy in the world. He had been to the movie theatre around the corner, and was going to see Sideways, but realized that he might not be back on set in time, so he just bought the popcorn. He made a point of shaking each person's hand and making eye contact, as well as getting each of our names. I doubt he remembered them, but it's the thought that counts. He was there for a really long time, too. He chatted with us and told us stories about other actors in the Biz. Apparently Matt LeBlanc is a shithead. He also offered us his popcorn, and we passed it around (because who says no when they're offered Drewsie popcorn?) and Chantal ended up with it. She got him to autograph it, and she kept it, along with the rest of the popcorn that no one ate. Being the complete freak that I am, I took pictures of the popcorn.
They broke for "lunch" at 11 pm, and we decided to go to Zelda's for a drink. Lesley and her mom had already left, so it was just the five of us squished into Stacey's car, with Chantal driving. We had been teasing Donny about denying his inner gayness, so we decided it would be fun to take him there. Kevin called while we were in the car (we had called him earlier and left a message) so we got Donny to talk to him and let K play a little game of Gay or Nay. Kevin's verdict: raging homo! Zelda's was closing when we got there so we headed to Woody's and Chantal charmed the bartender into making us some Bitch Slaps. I don't know too many straight guys who go to Woody's and order a drink called a Bitch Slap. I'm just sayin'.
We got back (in one piece, but barely!) and they were still filming the above scene, so we just kind of hung out and chatted with various members of the crew, most of whom were really nice, but a few were being asswipes. They were on edge because of some Korean girls who had basically mobbed Gale (there were only three of them, so it was more like a mini-mob) when he first arrived on set. These girls were driving the security people nuts, and pissing Gale off. They apparently were taking pictures of him in the car, to the point where he put his hand up to shield himself. That's just disrespectful, and they pretty much ruined it for the rest of us. Gale didn't want pictures taken, and some of the crew members were really uptight, yelling at the fans when the only person who had a camera out was a crew member. On the whole, however, I thought the crew were pretty nice. Once they figured out that we're "normal", they treated us pretty well. One of them even went so far as to tell the guys who were just coming on shift that we were okay, and not to bother us. That was awesome!
Where was I? Oh, yes. Filming. It was really hard to see at times, there were a lot of vehicles and extras around and we couldn't get very close. Plus, the damn "epilepsy lights" kept blinding us. Anyway, all of the principle cast members were there at one point or another, but none of them came over to talk to us. That was understandable, though.
Stacey, Donny and Antonia left at 5:00 am because Stacey needed to be home when her son went to school and Antonia had to sleep before work. Chantal and I hung around watching the filming and chatting with crew members. Chantal was wearing mittens made of beaver fur, which were very popular with the freezing crew. Actually, they were popular with me too, because I didn't have the presence of mind to bring a hat or gloves. I know, I'm an idiot. Anyway, Chantal and I were chatting with two of the crew members around 6 am, one of whom was wearing a radio walkie-talkie thing. We heard this voice from the radio say "I've got Gale" and then, moments later, "Randy's here." Oh. My. God. Randy. We were standing near a monitor, and we could see both of them on the screen. We asked the crew guys if we could get closer (so we could actually see them) and they said sure.
Is there anything more beautiful than Gale and Randy together? I don't think so. Particularly when Gale is wearing a leather jacket. And Randy's hair looks so great! It's about the same length as it was at the beginning of season 3. Just gorgeous! Anyway, let's get to the point, shall we?
This episode is 510, after the Big Bang at Babylon. Brian and Justin spot each other, walk towards each other, and hug in what I've described several times as a thought-I'd-lost-you-never-going-to-let-you-go hug. It was just gorgeous. There was a little kissing and some dialogue which we couldn't hear, but mostly it was that hug. As Chantal pointed out, it was so intimate, even considering the things we've seen those two do! We could *feel* the energy from where we were standing. It was funny watching Gale and Randy's stand-ins do the scene, because they were doing this straight guy hug, which basically consisted of them trying to see how far apart their pelvises could be while they had their arms around each other.
That was the final scene, and they finally wrapped filming at about 7:15 or so. Chantal and I had been there for twelve hours, and we were tired and cold as fuck! We went back to Antonia's for a few hours of sleep, and to contact our professors. If my French prof asks, my dad was sick, and that's why I was in TO. Once we got up, we picked up Antonia at work and went to the crepe place again for lunch or dinner or whatever that meal was. Then we dropped her off and headed back to Kingston and Ottawa.
So that's my story. Did I forget anything?
P.S. I dedicate my new icon to the KKK girls.
и фоточки японки
я однажды уже выкладывала ее фотку ренди со съемок
у нее есть еще, не со съемок и многое наверное виданое, но что б было известно, что это ее, надо б как-нить выложить.
ну а пока со съемок
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на cъемках 510 и немножко фоток со съемок
Двух разных девушек
отчет sunshineandrage, у нее еще есть пара-тройка, но они вроде не такие интересные (а может я не все просто читала), но этот мне просто очень нравится)
кстати, я как-то восхищалась, как они угадывали по съемкам, что происходит... что-то они конечно угадывали, но вообще, у них у некоторых похоже просто сценарии были.. уж не знаю у скольких, и в каком объеме, но были.. насколько я понимаю (а понимаю я не очень точно всю картину), они просто не могли особо рассказывать, чего там, дабы не утрать допуск, только кусочками)) (и из-за этого на жж случались истерики и масштабные скандалы))...
Thu, Feb. 10th, 2005, 04:42 pm
Amy's adventures in QAFland
читать дальше
и фоточки японки
я однажды уже выкладывала ее фотку ренди со съемок
у нее есть еще, не со съемок и многое наверное виданое, но что б было известно, что это ее, надо б как-нить выложить.
ну а пока со съемок
читать дальше
отчет sunshineandrage, у нее еще есть пара-тройка, но они вроде не такие интересные (а может я не все просто читала), но этот мне просто очень нравится)
кстати, я как-то восхищалась, как они угадывали по съемкам, что происходит... что-то они конечно угадывали, но вообще, у них у некоторых похоже просто сценарии были.. уж не знаю у скольких, и в каком объеме, но были.. насколько я понимаю (а понимаю я не очень точно всю картину), они просто не могли особо рассказывать, чего там, дабы не утрать допуск, только кусочками)) (и из-за этого на жж случались истерики и масштабные скандалы))...
Thu, Feb. 10th, 2005, 04:42 pm
Amy's adventures in QAFland
читать дальше
и фоточки японки
я однажды уже выкладывала ее фотку ренди со съемок
у нее есть еще, не со съемок и многое наверное виданое, но что б было известно, что это ее, надо б как-нить выложить.
ну а пока со съемок
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