было все немного по другому
до осени 2007, там были разделы с фотками из детства и юности, которых сейчас вроде нет, были ссылки на фанатские квировские ресурсы, и был журнал, который он вел с октября 2001 до ноября 2002
там не очень много о кафе, хотя я просматривала текст даже не по диагонали а вообще кусочками пока, и текста много, но я не буду делать выборку, а выложу все целиком, как было.

но сначала несколько фоток


Just two shots here. Both from when I attended Interlochen camp for the arts (in Michigan) when I was 12. One shot shows me in rehearsal for "Rip Van Winkle" my very first play. I played Rip after he woke up from his 20 year nap...already playing the "Old Guy." Doing this play is what made me decide to be an actor. The other shot shows me practicing my French Horn in one of Interlochen's bunkers...uh, I mean practice rooms.

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ну и ЖУРНАЛ СКОТТА (все не лезет, продолжение в каментах)


From October 2001 to November 2002, Scott kept an online journal. In June of 2003 after six months with no new entries, he decided to officially close it due to lack of time and a desire to focus his writing on plays and screenplays. After a year and a half, the archives of his old journal are again available for reading. Use the menu on the left to select the journal entries you would like to read. Entries have not been altered from their original content except to remove dead links. At this time, Scott does not intend to post new entries to his journal, although any messages he has for his website visitors will be archived here


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