мы его, кто помнит, смотрели в начале прошлого августа, после Ксюшиного легендарного расследования)
я его тогда не скачала (и посмотреть то толком не могла и помню смутно), а осенью оно исчезло с сайта, где было (не только часть с брайаном, а все три), я его пробовала зимой искать и гуглом, но искала с привязкой к имени и не нашла или просто протупила.
(и в фандомах иноземных запасливых его никто не перезагрузил никуда, остались только битые ссылки на тот сайт, статью, где оно сгинуло)
а вчера... вообще не помню к чему стала опять искать, но просто по названию серии и автору и вдруг нашлось)) но ни скачать ни даже посмотреть я его опять не могу))) дачные инеты мне этого не позволяют) и в эксплорере у меня оно вообще не отображается, только в мозилле, но не прогружается толком. (и ваще у меня ограничение по траффику 50 мб в час и все дико медленно и связь прерывистая, так что... вообще не уверена, что смогу скачать хоть откуда ни-будь, но
короче видюшка вот (это 2007-ой год съемка) и Саш, Sapfira23... может ты его как-нить э?)) пока и отсюда куда-нить не делось) (хотя мож оно и еще где лежит, но мне просто искать сейчас трудно)
upd: перезалито на vimeo, в каментах, спасибо Sapfira23!)
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транскрипт, за который огромное спасибо yennifaire!!
читать дальшеI'm currently living in... on the border of Williamsburg and Bushwick but quite firmly in Bushwick.
I first moved to NY for an extended amount of time in august of 2006.
Before that I have lived here briefly for months at a time throughout my life
I'm originally from New Jersey and I would come here quite often to visit
Later I was staying with my uncle in New York and lived? here but I only moved here to live relatively recently, in
august last year.
I had the opportunity to live with a group of people that I feel very strongly about and very closely to
So that was I think like five very close friends of mine from Florida
I've met them over the extent? of last five years gradually
Most of them are from Tampa and Sarasota
I'm from a town in Valrico but I'd go to larger towns and meet these wonderful people
I live with my friend Ben, my friend Gabriel, my friend Kim, my friend John and also two other friends of mine that
I don't know quite as well, but I do know.
Florida has really very little to offer to someone such as myself.
I am from particularly culturally desolate part of Florida, central Florida, which is little more than baptist churches
and, like, chain restaurants and wall-marts.
So, I mean, really, NY or any other larger city would offer me tremendously, just in the way... culturally, night life,
opportunitywise is just much more rich than where I'm from.
I mean, compared to he largest city in Florida, which I guess would be Miami, the closest thing... NY, has, I guess you
could say more of everything.
I mean NY is just, you know, more... more diversity, more... uh...
I would say that my really strong appreciation and love for the natural world originated more or less out of growing
up in environment that was pretty much free of any major human elevants?
We generally grew up without many friends and without much exposure to pop-music or pop-media. I mean I
basically was in a bubble.
And really all I had were box? pbs? and my back yard. So from there I developed really strong relationships with the
natural world.
It was like an area that I really understood and felt very passionate about.
Over time, having no social capabilities and not really being exposed to any pop-culture, it was my safe ground and I
guess it's just stayed with me, it's like my foundation.
So to go again to a place like museum of natural history, it's... it is the safest and most comfortable ground for me
and a ground that still is at my core.
I've always been looking for some avenue of expression, 'cause I'm not particularly good communicating as most
people do - verbally, face to face.
I've never really had that, and I've always sort of been more interested again in the natural world and in worlds
outside of contemporary... what ever... you know, what everyone is experiencing and feeling and dressing in.
So it has developed quite closely with me I guess.
I generally seek out day to day what I m feeling, so I accumulate a lot of things, and there's a sort of... I define myself
living in themes, I guess you could say, where for 6 to 8 months span I become this sort of a character, and I develop
all this metaphores within myself in my current situation, and somehow that will find its way within me.
And since I've been living in NY I would say that the majority of my clothing has been rather tattered and sort of has
like sort of nautical elements to it and that to me, I just feel these days as though I'm sort of some mysterical, you
know, cast-away stranded on a really bizarre island and that's how I feel most days and I try to express that with my
Kirby is my pup-dog. I would say he's my closest and most trusted friend.
Again, I've always had a strong relationship with animals and the natural world that I've never had with anyone
individual - hear? family, friends, etc.
I've always sort of been obsessed with the idea of having like an extraterrestrial, you know, best friend, you know.
And I feel like Kirby is very close to that. It is like having an extraterrestrial best friend.
He's a really wonderful creature, he is incredibly expressive and very in tune with other's emotions, which is
important to me, and really supplies immense amounts of entertainment for myself and anyone else who is around
at any given moment.
He is a wonderful little creature. I'm very grateful to have him with me in NY.