оооо) Скотт, Питер и Ренди!!) (и Мишель, которую некоторые просто умудрились не узнать))
ну какие молодцы! я не перестаю восхищаться ими всеми
*оглядывается по сторонам* а где Хэл? где Хэл? ))

by verybookish 3 hours ago (Fri Jun 3 2011 22:39:33)
Scott Lowell did attend tonight's production of the Young Playwrights Festival. My friend and I were in the lobby talking when we saw him at the desk getting his ticket. With him was Peter Paige. I waved at Peter and he gave a small wave back and smiled. A few minutes later the theater door was opened, and people started going in. My friend and I sat in the second row, and my friend noticed that they were joined by a couple other people. We recognized one of them. It was Randy Harrison.
We didn't try to talk to them. We thought if we saw Scott that we might try to talk to him, if he seemed receptive. Since they were all together, we didn't try to talk to them at all. But it was still neat to see them there supporting Gale. It's great that they are still friends.

отчет ryosato
(еще не успела прочитать даже)

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