сейчас случайно наткнулась, и поняла что тогда его почему-то не прочла, а там есть довольно интересный кусок про ужин с ренди)) (сам отчет в двух частях тут ancaangie.livejournal.com/tag/randy%20harrison)
Maybe it was the wine she drank...or...I don't know, and frankly I don't care but she ended the conversation by saying that Randy will always remain Justin for her. Try imagine Randy’s face at that!*
He said that after Paris he's going to Italy and he can’t wait to try the local cuisine. Rachel told us that she really loves Italian food and I agreed with her, because really! Italian food is delicious! and Randy was simply beaming when he heard that! *
хм, типа он (они) после парижа еще и в италию метнулись?
ну и под катом все длинное описание ужина by ancaangie
читать дальшеWhen that panel has ended it was also end for us, since other panels were going to be in french. I went with piksa in search for a dress but I had no luck. So I decided to go to the dinner in the outfit which I already had.
We were not told where the dinner will be held, so I agreed with one of the girls that I’ll go with her by car. It was fun because we had only the main directions and we were told to wait near the metro station.
So the three of us waited and Rachel appeared first, then David - one of the presenters. We started to talk about metro (Rachel came by metro) and a little about our lives. We were so involved in it that we hadn't seen when Randy and Marci came to us (they came by metro too).
He was wearing his well known grey coat and black beanie…and he looked utterly adorable! After a few minutes, others had joined us so we went to the restaurant, which was in a very modern building, on the 6th floor! When we took off our coats, I saw that Randy was wearing very elegant grey trousers and light blue shirt.
Note: (I will not use the names of other participants in the dinner, only the first letter of their names and I will write only about what concerned me)
Our tables were at the window, behind which was an amazing view of Paris by night. We could see Eiffel Tower and Notre-Dame. When our seats were taken I realized that I was sitting across from Randy with Rachel on my left side. Tables were quite small and if you leaned a little you could easily talk with the person in front of you. While waiting for the salad we talked a bit about the convention and mostly about the view behind the windows.
we were sitting at the table on the right (at the window)
During the dinner there were two weird / funny incidents.
First when A* tried the spicy curry sauce. I know that it was not pleasant for her ‘cause she turned red, and nothing else I could do except give her some water. Randy had tried the sauce and asked me if I tried it too. As it turned out it was not so spicy. LOL!
The second was when M* drank the wine and became all red and giggling. Randy’s face was priceless and I think I was sitting there with my mouth open. Seriously, what can you do when person on your side is a little drunk? We did only one thing we could, we were laughing with her!
I will try to describe the entire conversation at dinner, or at least what I remember.
After an accident with the spicy sauce, we started to talk about the dishes of various cuisines. I said that while I lived in Hungary I ate a "fish soup", which basically had nothing to do with the fish. There were mainly vegetables and meat but it was so spicy that if you didn't know about it, after trying it, you behaved almost like a fish and tried to catch some air with your mouth open. Then Rachel asked me about the traditional Polish dish, so I told her that there's a lot of them but primarily it will be pork with mashed potatoes and salad of sauerkraut.
I asked Randy whether he has any projects in plans and he told me that not at this moment, although he had one audition he didn't went to, because he came here. He also said that after returning to New York, he plans to go on a few auditions and he hopes he will be hired.*keeps my fingers crossed*. He said that after Paris he's going to Italy and he can’t wait to try the local cuisine. Rachel told us that she really loves Italian food and I agreed with her, because really! Italian food is delicious! and Randy was simply beaming when he heard that! I was almost sure that he blinded me with his smile. And no, I'm not exaggerating!
A* asked Randy about something but it was in French so I had no idea what it was, but from the look on Randy’s face it wasn’t good. As it turned out she was asking him about B/J...( come on! it was supposed to be nice dinner without anything like that). I looked at Randy and let me tell you he was not pleased.
Maybe it was the wine she drank...or...I don't know, and frankly I don't care but she ended the conversation by saying that Randy will always remain Justin for her. Try imagine Randy’s face at that!
After that I found myself asking Randy about his favourite color (question was a little childish but I thought it would help to reduce the tension, and I was right). Randy said „blue”!, so I asked him „why?” and he told me „because of the ocean and the sky”. He also told me that his favourite flower is (and I quote!) „lily…no…orchid, definately orchid”. Then he asked me about my favourite color and I said that it would be "green", to the question "why", I replied, "because of the grass and the spring". He smiled, and I smiled secretly thanking for ommision the question about flowers.
After a while Randy asked me, how I discovered QAF. I smiled and said, this was my brother's fault. He wanted me to buy him the series for his birthday, so I did that. We were supposed to watch it together, but after two or three episodes he fell asleep, so I watched it alone. Randy then asked me if it was difficult to get DVDs in Poland, told him that it wasn’t hard ... just a little bit expensive.
We talked about other series that we like and Randy said that he likes to watch The Wire and Glee, and he asked me what series I like to watch. I told him that I like Supernatural, Merlin and The Legend of the Seeker. I asked him about his favourite movie, although I don’t recall the title, I remember that movie had something to do with the lake. Then it was Randy’s turn to ask about my favourite movie and I told him that „Gone with the wind” is my all time favourite. He said that in Atlanta was the house, which burned during the Civil War and was rebuilt and used in the movie (it was a house, which was also burned in the movie). Since then, each time when the house is rebuilt someone sets the fire again.
I also said that I like Star Wars. He then asked me which Star Wars trilogy I prefer? I looked at him surprised and told him „of course the old one”. He told me that he also likes this trilogy, and we started talking about the special effects in the new trilogy, although, they are good they can not compare with the old ones. When we talked about filming the attack on the Death Star, about tiny structures prepared especially for this purpose and how amazing they were, he almost jumped up saying "Exactly!" and he gave me his "sunshine" smile!
He looked so genuine happy that I couldn’t surpress my smile. We talked more about some series and I found out that he also, just like me, believes that the first season of Fringe was good, and the second season is worse. He asked me what I think about Lost...so I told him the truth and only truth, „I watched a few episodes untill the one, where they were on the beach, and suddenly something was coming to them from the jungle (At this point, Randy was leaning over the table, smiling, nodding and saying "yeah, yeah" ) and I was so curious what it was, so I watched fascinated, and you know what... they never showed what it was in that jungle!” To my surprise, he said smiling "yeah, they never did".
Randy said that although he has a TV, he doesn't watch it often, he only records what he wants to watch later, before he goes to sleep.O.O! (weird coincidence, because I'm doing the same thing) I told him that, and he said that in this way we can watch what we want, and I told him, he’s right.
God! it's so easy to talk to him!
I have no idea how long we talked, but I suddenly noticed that M* and A* were not involved in the conversation, because they don't speak English too well. I felt weird with that, really. I don’t know how it happend but I asked M* ,in French, if she’s ok? and she answered that yes, she’s fine. Then David told us about his short movie „Fusion Man”.
Then we were talking about cities from which we came from. Rachel asked Randy about that, and he told he was born in Nashua but went to school in Atlanta and he finished Music Conservatory. Then I was asked about that, so I said that I live in the small village on the border between Poland and Belarus and I went to several schools (my father is a chef so we moved often). I ended by telling them that I went to the Academy of Physical Education. Randy asked me if this has anything to do with athletics? And I said yes. Then he asked me, what my favourite sport is, so I said that it's volleyball. And again it was Randy who asked me, if I still play. I said „yes, sometimes”. Then M* asked me what else I do for a living, so I replied that I’m a tour leader, because I like to travel. Randy (again!) asked where I’ve been so far. And I said that only in Europe: mostly Paris and Prague. Rachel said that she also was in Prague, and we started talking about traffic and the Old Town. I remember we were laughing because I said I really hate driving in this town, mainly because of the bridges, and Rachel said, that she also doesn’t like it. To my surprise, Randy said that he was in Prague a few times.
Rachel asked me about Hungarian cousine! (really!) so I said that I like it, and the corn bread is a thing which I miss the most, and she said she likes that kind of bread too. Meanwhile Randy was talking with M* and A* in french and I was genuinely surprised that I was able to understand a little of their conversation, it was not much but enough to understand the main thread. Randy looked at me and asked if I want a translation of what was said. I replied that it’s not necessary.
Some time later Rachel asked Randy where he lives now, and he told that he lives in NY, in Brooklyn. We had some fun while trying to enumerate all the districts of New York.
Later, Randy asked me if I was ever in the U.S. I said „no, because the Poles need a visa and the same applies to Canada”. He seemed to be really surprised and said he didn't knew about it.
He told me that in Williamsburg where he lives, there are many Poles. And it was my turn to be surprised. He said that there are many Polish bars and restaurants in the area and he likes to go there, because people are served by "nice old ladies". Then he said that he likes Polish beer, to which I replied that Polish beer is the best and he agreed with me. LOL! He said also that he really likes Polish pierogi. (my jaw dropped!) After hearing this I said something like "a man close to my heart" and Randy got up and shook my hand.
I forgot to add that we admired the views very often and we waited to see the flashing lights on the Eiffel Tower. It was amazing.
After the dinner finished we went outside to the terrace to take a commemorative photo.
один отчет с парижского кона 2010
сейчас случайно наткнулась, и поняла что тогда его почему-то не прочла, а там есть довольно интересный кусок про ужин с ренди)) (сам отчет в двух частях тут ancaangie.livejournal.com/tag/randy%20harrison)
Maybe it was the wine she drank...or...I don't know, and frankly I don't care but she ended the conversation by saying that Randy will always remain Justin for her. Try imagine Randy’s face at that!*
He said that after Paris he's going to Italy and he can’t wait to try the local cuisine. Rachel told us that she really loves Italian food and I agreed with her, because really! Italian food is delicious! and Randy was simply beaming when he heard that! *
хм, типа он (они) после парижа еще и в италию метнулись?
ну и под катом все длинное описание ужина by ancaangie
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Maybe it was the wine she drank...or...I don't know, and frankly I don't care but she ended the conversation by saying that Randy will always remain Justin for her. Try imagine Randy’s face at that!*
He said that after Paris he's going to Italy and he can’t wait to try the local cuisine. Rachel told us that she really loves Italian food and I agreed with her, because really! Italian food is delicious! and Randy was simply beaming when he heard that! *
хм, типа он (они) после парижа еще и в италию метнулись?
ну и под катом все длинное описание ужина by ancaangie
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