сейчас случайно наткнулась, и поняла что тогда его почему-то не прочла, а там есть довольно интересный кусок про ужин с ренди)) (сам отчет в двух частях тут ancaangie.livejournal.com/tag/randy%20harrison)

Maybe it was the wine she drank...or...I don't know, and frankly I don't care but she ended the conversation by saying that Randy will always remain Justin for her. Try imagine Randy’s face at that!*

He said that after Paris he's going to Italy and he can’t wait to try the local cuisine. Rachel told us that she really loves Italian food and I agreed with her, because really! Italian food is delicious! and Randy was simply beaming when he heard that! *

хм, типа он (они) после парижа еще и в италию метнулись?

ну и под катом все длинное описание ужина by ancaangie

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