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gay-themed-movies.com/?p=1588читать дальше Well what can we say about Queer As Folk? It’s one of our all-time favorite TV show of all time. For five seasons the show touched so many relevant topics, such as drug and sex addiction, gay bashing, hate crimes, HIV/AIDS, gay adoption, pornography and homophobia. The show was always authentic and the dialogues of the show are some of the best we have ever seen.
Therefore we are more than thrilled to have Scott Lowell joining us for an interview. He may be best known for his role as Ted Schmidt in Queer As Folk but he has also continued to star in many other TV shows. Just this year he had guest roles on NCIS and Bones.
Gay-Themed-Movies.com: When you were offered the role as Ted Schmidt – what was your initial reaction? And did you ever hesitate to accept the role? After all, it could have become a huge flop – then you would have been the actor from that “unsuccessful gay television series”.
Scott: Well, when I first read the sсript I kind of wondered if this was ever going to make it on the air. Not because the characters were gay but because of the frankness and graphic nature of their sex lives. That aspect frightened me a little, to be honest. But I really loved “Ted” and felt that he was a universal character that everyone could relate to (I knew I certainly could). So, when the offer came my way I was absolutely thrilled … even more so when I found out that Showtime had already committed to a full season of the show. There was no hesitation on my part. The challenges and things that frightened me about the show are just the sort of things you want to conquer as an actor and I felt SO lucky to get the opportunity.
Gay-Themed-Movies.com: Did you already assume that the show would be so successful?
Scott: No, not at all. I had heard and read a little about the original British version of QAF and knew it was somewhat controversial but I didn’t realize that Showtime was planning on making it their
“Sopranos”. Up until that point in time Showtime wasn’t really known for their series at all so I thought I was going to work on a really cool show that probably not many people would see. I never imagined at the start that we’d end up in Time, Newsweek, Vanity Fair, the front page of the NY Times and on Larry King.
Gay-Themed-Movies.com: Did you have the chance to see some of the British episodes before you started shooting the American version?
Scott: No. I purposely didn’t watch it as I didn’t want any preconceptions. In fact, when I first got up to Toronto (where the British version had been quite popular) and people would ask me which
character I was playing and I would describe “Ted” to them they’d say: “Ohhhh, you’re the one that dies!” Because the British character “Phil” died of the O.D. that only sends “Ted” into a coma. Having only seen up through the 3rd episode sсript of our QAF I’d say: “But, but, I just signed this contract for 6 years … They can’t kill me off … Can they?!?”
Gay-Themed-Movies.com: The entire show was always very graphic. What was it like to shoot all these explicit sex scenes?
Scott: It was always challenging but rarely hot. Imagine having to get it on with someone while all your buddies (as our crew was to us) are standing around you with hot lights and microphones and their stomaches are grumbling ’cause lunch is in a half an hour and you can’t move your right leg TOOOO much ’cause you might show something the censors don’t want you to show and there’s a fly buzzing round your head, now move your face a little to the left, NO not THAT far and … make it sexy!
Gay-Themed-Movies.com: We know that people rely on our reviews and therefore we are always very critical. Whenever we recommend a movie, we want to make sure it
really is good and will appeal to as many people as possible. Having said that, we want everyone to know that we absolutely loved Queer As Folk. It has done so much for the gay community. What has been the feedback like that you got for the show and for your character?
Scott: Feedback has always been amazing. So many people in the gay community relate to “Ted”. I think there are a lot more “Teds” out there than there are “Brians”. I also get so many people who thank me for the attention we paid to Crystal Meth addiction long before anyone else did. It’s so gratifying to have been a part of a television show that people actually thank you for having been a part of.
Gay-Themed-Movies.com: The show explored so many different topics – drug abuse, gay bashing, hate crimes, HIV, homophobia and so much more. What was your personal favorite episode or scene from the entire show?
Scott: I’m terrible at picking out favorites as there is so much I’m proud of in what we were able to do on QAF especially in the 1st and 3rd season. I am definitely proud of how we handled “Ted’s” crystal Meth addiction.
Photo of Scott Lowell by Kevyn Major Howard
Gay-Themed-Movies.com: And what was your favorite “Ted-moment”?
Scott: His speech to “Emmett” when “Emmett” is trying to become straight. “Ted” tells him how we are exactly how God wants us to be. It
summarizes the whole series to me.
Gay-Themed-Movies.com: You know, it’s funny. Once in an interview you said that the producers of the show had many difficulties finding actors because most of the agencies wouldn’t send any of their actors. And now look at how successful the show and cast have become. Gale Herold for example starred in Desperate Housewives and you went on to guest star on Criminal Minds, American Dad, Navy CIS and Bones. How did your role on Queer As Folk influence your career?
Scott: It’s definitely given me a higher profile but in many ways I’ve also had to start over again out here in Los Angeles because we were away for 5 years and those in the industry who were aware of the show but didn’t watch it didn’t know who I was and those that did watch it only wanted me to be “Ted”. So it’s definitely a challenge but I am very grateful for the little leg up the show has given me.Gay-Themed-Movies.com: Do you think there is the possibility that the network or some producers will decide to continue with the show or at least produce a feature film? We know that the gay community would love to get a sequel. The show is still very successful worldwide, on TV and on DVD.
Scott: I think it’s not very likely. I had dinner with Ron Cowen, Dan Lipman and Peter Paige a couple of nights ago and we actually discussed it. Peter made a great point in saying that QAF really
wouldn’t be QAF if the guys aren’t hanging around at “Babylon” and “Woody’s” and if they are still hanging out at “Babylon” and “Woody’s” this many years after we last saw them … it would be pretty sad.
читать дальшеGay-Themed-Movies.com: Hearing you in different interviews, we must say, you seem to be so at ease talking about homosexuality and being around gay men. Unfortunately not many straight men are so comfortable. Why do you think do so many people have such a huge problem with homosexuality?
Scott: It’s always been ignorance and fear. I’d like to believe QAF helped eliminate some of that. I love that so many straight guys actually watched the show with their girlfriends … they probably
ended up having great sex afterwards!
Gay-Themed-Movies.com: How do women or dates react to when they find out that you starred in Queer As Folk?
Scott: Most have been very cool. Many are tittilated by it and want to know “what was it LIKE?” the only time it’s odd is when they’ve seen the show and therefore my naked butt before we even had a first date … That just doesn’t seem fair!
Gay-Themed-Movies.com: Scott, thank you so much for the interview. We absolutely hope to see you on screen soon!!
Photos of Scott Lowell by Kevyn Major Howard Вопрос - Как вы думаете, есть ли возможность продолжениея или фильма по кафу, гей-комьюнити было бы радо сиквелу.
Скотт - Нет, не думаю. Я пару дней назад ужинал с Питером Пейджем, Дэном Липманом и Роном Коуеном, и мы действительно обсуждали это. Питер очень резонно заметил, что QAF будет уже не QAF, если ребята перестанут зависать в Вуди и Вавилоне, а если они по-прежнему будут, после стольких лет, как мы в последний раз видели их... это будет довольно грустно.
мм... нет, я не жду ни шестого сезона не кина, но как-то приятно просто, даже в таком составе, что вот они встречаются, ужинают, вспоминают и обсуждают.)
зы поскольку фамилия Howard в этой статье уже занята фотографом, то Гейлу на этот раз пришлось довольствоваться варинтом Herold )))