пока сама не очень поняла к чему, или просто формальность, но пусть... (www.scribd.com/doc/55452262/Letter-to-Randy-Har...)

May 14th, 2011

Dear Randy Harrison,
We are a group of Israeli citizens who support the human rights-based Palestinian Campaign for theAcademic and Cultural Boycott of Israel 1 (PACBI) and the BDS movement. Many of us are fans of yourwork, both artistically and politically.

As the international media tends to show only a partial picture of the situation in Israel/Palestine, we are concerned that you may not be entirely aware of how problematic your participation in Israeli government sponsored LGBTQ events can be.
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Therefore, until our government ends its criminal policies, respects human rights and adheres to the International Law we urge you not to perform in Israel.

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