пока сама не очень поняла к чему, или просто формальность, но пусть... (
May 14th, 2011
Dear Randy Harrison,
We are a group of Israeli citizens who support the human rights-based Palestinian Campaign for theAcademic and Cultural Boycott of Israel 1 (PACBI) and the BDS movement. Many of us are fans of yourwork, both artistically and politically.
As the international media tends to show only a partial picture of the situation in Israel/Palestine, we are concerned that you may not be entirely aware of how problematic your participation in Israeli government sponsored LGBTQ events can be.
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In recent years, racism and nationalism have actually been encouraged and promoted by theorganizations standing behind the conference you have been invited to. The National Association of LGBTin Israel, for example, has taken its members on a tour of the illegal settlement in the Palestinianneighborhood of Silwan in occupied East Jerusalem. The Jewish settlers of Silwan, supported by the Israeligovernment and the Jerusalem Municipality, have taken over Palestinian homes while protected by the Israeli police and armed guards who have been committing numerous violent acts in the neighborhood. Only yesterday a 17 year old teen has been shot dead during clashes in the neighborhood, by security guardsunlawfully using live ammunition on unarmed civilian population. The abduction of young children from theirbeds in the dead of night, carried out by the Israeli police who interrogate them in violation of internationallyrecognized conventions, is another widespread phenomena in the neighborhood.
For a long while, the Israeli establishment has been trying to use the LGBTQ community to Pink-wash its crimes, portraying a false image of a liberal democracy 2 . In reality, however, Israeli society is neither liberal nor democratic. Both society and regime are inherently ethnic-racist, segregating between Jews and non-Jews which is primarily aimed at maintaining Jewish privileges, by law and in practice. The so-called liberalism of Tel-Aviv is again only skin-deep, and applies solely to Jewish gays, cisgenders, who haveserved in the army and agree to play their part in the aforementioned pink-washing campaign (IGY activelypromotes a nationalistic agenda including the service in the Israeli army).
On the very night of the horrid murders at the LGBTQ Youth Bar in Tel-Aviv, the Israeli police evicted thefamilies of Al-Kurd and Ghawi from their homes in occupied East Jerusalem, only to be replaced by heavilyguarded Israeli settlers who took over their houses. One week later a memorial event for the slain youth was held in Tel-Aviv, where Issam Makhoul, a prominent former Member of Knesset who's a Palestinian citizenof Israel was prevented from speaking by the organizers on the grounds that he was not be fitting the occasion.
So whether you wish to make a political statement or not, your participation in a conference sponsored bythe Tel-Aviv Municipality and by the National Association of LGBT in Israel will send a green light, or rathera pink light, for the continuation of Israeli crimes. This effectively means supporting "business as usual" withthe Israeli establishment, in sustaining the illegal and inhumane siege of Gaza, in promoting racist anddiscriminatory legislation against non-Jews in Israel, in grabbing more lands and resources for illegalsettlements in the West Bank and in denying the Palestinian refugees around the world of their basic rightsTherefore, until our government ends its criminal policies, respects human rights and adheres to the International Law we urge you not to perform in Israel.
читать дальшеWe would like to stress that if you wish to communicate with people in Israel/Palestine, alternatives are available which do not endorse the current Israeli policies and we will gladly elaborate on that. If you choose to arrive at Israel/Palestine, our representatives would be happy to further explain the rights-based approachof the BDS campaign and elaborate on the situation on the ground.
Ronnie Barkan, heterosexual activist
Lilach Ben-David, transsexual and bisexual activist
Adi Dagan, heterosexual activist
Neta Golan
Iris Hefets, heterosexual activist
Shir Hever
Assaf Kintzer
Chen Misgav, queer activist
Dorothy Naor
Ofer Neiman
eehee Rothschild, bisexual activist
Renen Raz, genderqueer activist
Sonya Soloviov, lesbian activist
Michal Vexler, heterosexual activist
Karen Zack, bisexual activist