я думаю, ее сольют в открытый доступ, но если нет, то мне все-таки хочется ее показать))
она хоть и из личного фейсбука, но достаточно публичной личности (хотя мы тут в сети все публичные, я считаю), с открытым фб, и с публичного мероприятия...
поэтому я в качестве исключения поступлюсь своим принципом не выносить фотки из личных альбомов фб и выложу ее, хоть и для списка ... пока...
и... пока ее не сольет буржуйский фандом, не выкладывайте ее пожалуйста, ага?)
вот какой)
The Gay Bash (23 марта 2011)
A benefit for hate crime victim Barie Shortell.
bariebenefit.com/default.aspx (upd сайт перестал работать, на нем были фотографии после избиения)
статья nydailynewswww.nydailynews.com/new-york/friends-rallying-w...
Friends are rallying around a Williamsburg man who was viciously beaten in an anti-gay hate crime - and is now facing massive medical expenses with no insurance.
Barie Shortell, 29, was walking home from the subway late last month when he was attacked by a group of teens who shouted anti-gay slurs.
"They said, 'Oh, what the f--k, is that a guy or a girl?' And then they attacked me," Shortell said. "My head was slammed against a wall. ... It was so violent that I was in shock."
The attackers broke his jaw and nose and other bones in his face - requiring 10 hours of surgery and five days in the hospital.
Shortell said he'll need more surgery and four months of followup care - and doesn't know how he'll pay bills that will add up to tens of thousands of dollars or more.
Friends are hosting a benefit tonight at a Greenpoint bar to help raise money - and denounce the bias against gays that led to the attack, which cops are investigating as a hate crime. They haven't yet made any arrests.
"I grew up in a really small town in Wisconsin where there was a lot of abuse," said Jack Ferver, 32. "I was shocked that it happened in Williamsburg, which is where I live and seemingly a really progressive and out-friendly community."
Chris Cerasi, 38, another friend who is helping organize the event, said he was devastated to learn of the Feb. 22 attack.
"It was just utter shock and anger and disgust. My heart broke, especially knowing Barie, who's such a sweet, sensitive, kind person," he said.
"He'll have astronomical medical and other bills," he said. "My immediate response was to turn that shock and anger and horror into something proactive."
Shortell said he's grateful for his friends' and family's support. "It's really been amazing," he said. "I don't have health insurance. I wasn't making a huge income before this happened, and I haven't been working since it happened."
He said he's still shaken by the attack - but hopes to get involved in anti-violence education for teens to prevent similar crimes, noting Hasidic residents have been victims of recent hate crimes in the same neighborhood.
"I had never really felt that sense of fear in that neighborhood or any other neighborhood that I've lived in in Brooklyn before," he said. "This could happen to anyone."
"Gay Bash: A Benefit for Barie Shortell" is at Blackout bar at 916 Manhattan Ave. Wednesday from 7-10 p.m. Admission is $35.
UPD: от 29 марта
поскольку фотка национализирована кинвад - тема открыта
и в каментах еще одна фотка с мероприятия, выложенная кинвад