не очень у меня на рэнди сейчас настроение есть, в плане выкладывания всяхих фоточек и т.д. но это я уже один раз теряла, так что пусть сразу будет тут, что б потом опять не искать)
tinyblondeone 2005-08-02
The Sunshine Years
I would pay money for someone to compile a Randy video of all his behind-the-scenes stuff, from Season 1 to Season 5, entitled Randy Harrison; A Journey From Sunshine Into Cynicism. (Possibly to the song I Sucked A Lot Of Cock To Get Where I Am, which has an appropriate "Fuck You World" ring to it.) Seriously, remember his early years? *sigh* With the singing and the dancing and the Gale-tickling and the big gorgeous smile. Now it's: "Goodbye QAF. Don't go far..OK go, JUST GO." What did we do to him. Well um, let's see. We harassed him with cameras and autographs, we made him spokesman for the absinthe industry in the US, we named his boyfriend the devil, we rabidly obsessed over him fucking his co-star, we searched for letters he'd sent to weird disguise-wearing almost-celebrities, we freeze-framed a certain scene in 402 in order to get a better view of his pubes... Honestly, just sitting here writing this, I'm realising that this whole fandom is pretty much a list of reasons why Randy hates us.=))
I'm glad he's doing so well outside QAF, I really am. He got much deserved praise for his work in Equus and it turns out his boyfriend isn't so heinous-looking after all. So you see Randy,it all worked out in the end.